Trump Says "Real" Unemployment Rate is 42%

:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

Even using the few figures he cites, I'm trying really hard to determine how he arrives at the idea that 134 million people are out of work.

Don’t forget in the meantime we have a real unemployment rate that’s probably 21%. It’s not 6. I’s not 5.2 and 5.5. Our real unemployment rate–in fact, I saw a chart the other day, our real unemployment–because you have ninety million people that aren’t working. Ninety-three million to be exact.

If you start adding it up, our real unemployment rate is 42%.

Donald Trump Explains All
:laugh: Holy crap.

Our dog isn't working, but she does have an application in at Bed Bath & Beyond.
Retirement does not affect the labor participation rate. Labor participation are those people who would like to participate, but can't.
Further proof that the Right are the NO-Information Voters.
Thank you.
Why do you leftist like shipping in immigrants to take American jobs? Sounds anti-American to me
it's not the jobs they care's about purposely skewing the demographics and keeping wages low so they will be dependent on gvt handouts. It's a method of grooming future dem voters so they can maintain their power a little longer

Corporations bringing in hundreds of thousands of h1b's certainly doens't help. Our educational system is in need of reform but your party wouldn't do that because it would prove that government schools work. Every single one of the top 10 educational systems in the world from Norway, Japan, South Korea, etc are public. Alot of these countries even have free college. This would go along ways in helping America compete, which would drive the growth of our middle class.
the urge to demean is strong in the leftists...
It should be strong in anyone that doesn't want the numbers fudged by someone that appears to be willing to say anything to get elected. Of course, what he thinks will get him elected and what actually will are two different things, IMO.
he was technically accurate.
Technically accurate? Sounds like a smoke screen to hide the fact that he was lying.
I felt the same way when Reagan was president. After 26 weeks of unemployment, you no longer existed.
And the labor participation rate did what under Reagan......................The official unemployment rate was high for a few years under Reagan for the actions of Carter and hyper inflation....................The jobs did turn around.............The participation rate may be a different matter on how the Gov't calculates the rates..............

Bottom line....................more go into poverty now..............the rate is much higher than reported now.............and companies are hauling ass to foreign lands under the trade deals................Medium wage drops added to the list..............As a result of the off shoring of jobs.
:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

Even using the few figures he cites, I'm trying really hard to determine how he arrives at the idea that 134 million people are out of work.
There are also many people working part time who'd like full time work..Glad I could help you:thup:

Record 93,770,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Remains at 38-Year Low

A record 93,770,000 Americans 16 or older did not participate in the nation’s labor force in July, and the labor force participation rate remained at 62.6 percent, a 38-year low, according to data released Friday from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

The 93,770,000 Americans not in the labor force are those individuals who did not have a job and did not actively seek one in the past four weeks. This measure increased by 144,000 individuals over the month.

The participation rate, the percent of the population who participated in the labor force by either having a job or actively seeking one in the past four weeks, remained unchanged from June to July at 62.6 percent. This metric hasn’t been this low since October 1977, when it was 62.4 percent—a span of 38 years.

Record 93,770,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Remains at 38-Year Low

The Labor Participation Rate and the unemployment rate are NOT the same thing. You know this. The labor participation rate is predictably declining as boomers retire. And peaked in about 2000.
Retirement does not affect the labor participation rate. Labor participation are those people who would like to participate, but can't.

Also part time work is counted as employed many people are under employed.

How do you plan to change this??? You do realize that in the 40's and 50's we had far more workers, far larger middle class and still taxed the top 5% around 60%+. We have to make it hard for them to outsource jobs to other countries.

The income gap is widening under Obama and his RINO cohorts. The rich are doing well because the stock market as been propped up by the fed pouring trillions into it, but small business and the middle class are being squeezed by to many regulations and unlimited, lawless, immigration
Retirement does not affect the labor participation rate. Labor participation are those people who would like to participate, but can't.
Further proof that the Right are the NO-Information Voters.
Thank you.
Why do you leftist like shipping in immigrants to take American jobs? Sounds anti-American to me
it's not the jobs they care's about purposely skewing the demographics and keeping wages low so they will be dependent on gvt handouts. It's a method of grooming future dem voters so they can maintain their power a little longer

Corporations bringing in hundreds of thousands of h1b's certainly doens't help. Our educational system is in need of reform but your party wouldn't do that because it would prove that government schools work. Every single one of the top 10 educational systems in the world from Norway, Japan, South Korea, etc are public. Alot of these countries even have free college. This would go along ways in helping America compete, which would drive the growth of our middle class.

apples to oranges...norway (mostly homogeneous until recently), japan (a 98% homogeneous country), south korea...(also essentially homogeneous) combined don't have near the population of the u.s.... they don't have the disproportionate numbers of racial crime, illegal immigration and dysfunction to deal with either.

and they don't have stupid, "common core" BS miseducating (indoctrinating) their children
Retirement does not affect the labor participation rate. Labor participation are those people who would like to participate, but can't.
Further proof that the Right are the NO-Information Voters.
Thank you.
Why do you leftist like shipping in immigrants to take American jobs? Sounds anti-American to me
it's not the jobs they care's about purposely skewing the demographics and keeping wages low so they will be dependent on gvt handouts. It's a method of grooming future dem voters so they can maintain their power a little longer

Corporations bringing in hundreds of thousands of h1b's certainly doens't help. Our educational system is in need of reform but your party wouldn't do that because it would prove that government schools work. Every single one of the top 10 educational systems in the world from Norway, Japan, South Korea, etc are public. Alot of these countries even have free college. This would go along ways in helping America compete, which would drive the growth of our middle class.

No it wouldn't, government schools are part of the problem ...Most secondary Schools in Detroit are terrible. How about school choice? Under performing schools should be reformed or put out of business.:thup:
There are also many people working part time who'd like full time work..Glad I could help you:thup:

Record 93,770,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Remains at 38-Year Low

That doesn't equal 42%. Please don't try and "help" me anymore.

Economist Says The Real Unemployment Rate Is 42%
Economist Says The Real Unemployment Rate Is 42%
by Robert G. Yetman, Jr., Managing Editor, The James L. Paris Report

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, from which we all receive the “official” number each month, unemployment in America is at 5.3 percent (as of May), which is a relatively decisive drop from the 6.1 percent mark at which the BLS declared the level to sit in May of 2014. However, the unemployment rate has become very much a function of the eye of the beholder…and it all depends, it seems, on just what prism through which the beholder is looking.

For example, let’s talk briefly about the difference between U-3 and U-6 unemployment rates.
The U-3 unemployment rate is the one you hear about most regularly, the one that is at 5.3 percent right now.
Basically, that refers to those people who are fully unemployed but “officially” seeking to get back to work.
That number, however, is misleading to many, because it doesn’t take into account the involuntary part-time worker
(the person who would like to be working full time but cannot due to economic constraints), as well as the person who is unemployed but not looking for work; according to the BLS, that figure…U-6 unemployment…is at 10.4 percent.
However, others see things much differently; entrepreneur and declared presidential candidate Donald Trump believes the current real unemployment rate to be at 18 percent, while David Stockman, who was the Director of the Office of Management and Budget under Ronald Reagan, sees the actual unemployment rate at an astronomical 43 percent, based on a calculation predicated on reported labor hours per year.
According to Stockman, if all adult Americans were working full-time, they would generate 420 million labor hours per year;
however, only 240 million labor hours is what’s currently being generated, according to the BLS.
This means, per Stockman, that with the “missing” other 180 million labor hours representing roughly 43 percent of the 420 million labor hour “whole,” that the real unemployment rate is at that figure, 43 percent.

IN Other words!!!
Reported hours of labor shows 240 million labor hours reported. YET the potential is 420 million. Divided by 240 that is 43% of all ADULTS are
not working!
The real question is why the Gov't likes to give us unemployment numbers that are BS.................The posted rates are BS and another reason not to trust the gov't.

How "true"......Armstrong really took those small steps in Arizona; Kennedy was assassinated by Mormons; Aliens have been running New Mexico since the 1950s; and 9-11 was really perpetuated by Austrians.
Wait a second, Democrat tell us that Food Stamps and unemployment are signs of a healthy growing economy, it might be bad if people came off unemployment
:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

Even using the few figures he cites, I'm trying really hard to determine how he arrives at the idea that 134 million people are out of work.

Don’t forget in the meantime we have a real unemployment rate that’s probably 21%. It’s not 6. I’s not 5.2 and 5.5. Our real unemployment rate–in fact, I saw a chart the other day, our real unemployment–because you have ninety million people that aren’t working. Ninety-three million to be exact.

If you start adding it up, our real unemployment rate is 42%.

Donald Trump Explains All

Just because he often sounds like he has Asperger's doesn't mean that he is good at math.
The real question is why the Gov't likes to give us unemployment numbers that are BS.................The posted rates are BS and another reason not to trust the gov't.

How "true"......Armstrong really took those small steps in Arizona; Kennedy was assassinated by Mormons; Aliens have been running New Mexico since the 1950s; and 9-11 was really perpetuated by Austrians.
Yep just like the conspiracy that 93 million Americans of the working age are sitting idle because they choose to do so...............
Most of us with a working brain and who doesn't fall at the feet of this Obama administration KNOWS it's damn sure not 5.4 %.

Obama won LIE OF YEAR for his OSCAMinsuranceCare, so who the hell belives anything from them anymore. VERY few that I know of

I've hear 24% and I wouldn't bet it isn't higher
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There are lies, there are damn lies, and there are statistics. There is so much fog and smoke around all of these numbers that no one really knows what they mean. Inflation and GDP growth rate are other examples.
Retirement does not affect the labor participation rate. Labor participation are those people who would like to participate, but can't.
Further proof that the Right are the NO-Information Voters.
Thank you.
Why do you leftist like shipping in immigrants to take American jobs? Sounds anti-American to me
What exactly does that have to do with your fellow wing-nut traveller lying about retirees having no effect on the LPR, other than deflecting from their lie, of course?
Most of us with a working brain and who doesn't fall at the feet of this Obama administration KNOWS it's damn sure not 5.4 %.

Obama won LIE OF YEAR for his OSCAMinsuranceCare, so who the hell belives anything from them anymore. VERY few that I know of

I've hear 24% and I wouldn't bet it isn't higher
Well I heard that is a lot better than the 59% Bush passed on to him.
Donald Trump Explains All

You’re talking about 10% of California’s workforce, maybe 13% …

Don’t forget in the meantime we have a real unemployment rate that’s probably 21%. It’s not 6. I’s not 5.2 and 5.5. Our real unemployment rate–in fact, I saw a chart the other day, our real unemployment–because you have ninety million people that aren’t working. Ninety-three million to be exact.

If you start adding it up, our real unemployment rate is 42%. We have a lot of room. We have a lot of people who want to work. But the good people I want them to come back. And I also want people of great talent to come to this country, to Silicon Valley for engineers. If you go to Harvard and you graduate number one in your class, and you’re from China, they send you home, you can’t get back into the country.

So you end up working for companies in China and fighting us. And they’re competitors of us. They’re trained in our schools. I want people like that to come into this country. And if they want, I want that path to citizenship for these people. So they go to our best schools, they’re fabulous students, they do well, they’re going to be great and we throw them out of the country. It’s ridiculous.

I would probably say he just screwed up on the number in red at he had just stated the rate is probably 21%.

Happens all the the middle of a conversation.............dual numbers in the same answer............Bottom line...........the rates given by the gov't are BS as normal...............and the rate is easily 4 times the number they post and brag about.
No, the DittoTard was just parroting his MessiahRushie.

June 30, 2015
I mean, just the simple math, 92, 93 million Americans, and from there I said, "How many adult Americans are there in our country?" To put that 93 million in proper perspective, 93 million Americans not working. And my always added caveat, they are all eating...the actual unemployment rate in the United States of America is not 5.5%, and it's not 12.5% or 13%. It is 42.9%.
I don't agree............In the same answer he gave half the number............I see it as a miss speak and nothing more. But I do agree real unemployment is around 20% or so....................

Bottom line............our country needs jobs.............not more added to the 92 million idle for various reasons. All of those are not idle is a way to get a better since of what is really going on.
Well you are dead wrong. Drumpf Truck is an admitted DittoTard. He said 42% and the moron meant 42.9% if you want to say he miss spoke.

Donald J. TrumpVerified account‏@realDonaldTrump
Listening to @rushlimbaugh on way back to Jury Duty. Fantastic show, terrific guy!

"drumpf truck"
juvenile and pathetic.

Later in his comment he said the correct numbers..It was a simple mistake...nothing like 57 states/the constitution is 2000 years old obama claimed...a mistake is one thing..not knowing how many states there are or when the constituion was signed is entirely different.
get over yourself..
At no point did the pathological liar Drumpf Truck acknowledge the real U-3 number as correct.
The official unemployment rate was high for a few years under Reagan for the actions of Carter
No, the UE rate was in the middle 7% range and steady when St Ronnie took over. Reagan's policies then jacked it to 10.8%.
David Stockman, who was the Director of the Office of Management and Budget under Ronald Reagan, sees the actual unemployment rate at an astronomical 43 percent, based on a calculation predicated on reported labor hours per year.
According to Stockman, if all adult Americans were working full-time, they would generate 420 million labor hours per year;
however, only 240 million labor hours is what’s currently being generated, according to the BLS.
This means, per Stockman, that with the “missing” other 180 million labor hours representing roughly 43 percent of the 420 million labor hour “whole,” that the real unemployment rate is at that figure, 43 percent.

IN Other words!!!
Reported hours of labor shows 240 million labor hours reported. YET the potential is 420 million. Divided by 240 that is 43% of all ADULTS are
not working!
IN Other words!!!
Stockman makes the moronic assumption in his calculation, which he even acknowledges in his own article is false and needs to be allowed for even though he doesn't, that all men, women, and children over the age of 16, house wives, students, retired people etc., are working full time to get his moronic base of 420 million hours. :cuckoo:

Here is the part from Stockman's article that you and your dishonest source left out:

At the present time, there are 210 million adult Americans between the ages of 16 and 68—to take a plausible measure of the potential work force. That amounts to 420 billion potential labor hours, if we accept the convention that all adults are at least theoretically capable of holding a full-time job (2,000 hours/year) and pulling their share of society’s need for production and work effort.

By contrast, during 2014 only 240 billion hours were actually supplied to the US economy, according to the BLS estimates. Technically, therefore, there were 180 billion unemployed labor hours, meaning that the real unemployment rate was 42.9%, not 5.5%!

Yes, we have to allow for non-working wives, students, the disabled, early retirees and coupon clippers.

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