Trump Savages weak AG Jeff Sessions for ignoring Hillary crimes


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
President Donald Trump lashed out at Attorney General Jeff Sessions Tuesday, slamming him for failing to investigate alleged crimes committed by the DNC and Hillary Clinton.
Trump Savages ‘Weak’ AG Jeff Sessions for Ignoring Hillary Crimes

Poor little Sessions getting caught covering up for the skank H. Clinton. It makes you wonder why the Trump haters constantly want Criminals running their Country. Oh yah they hate America that's why . They want to be part of this Nations' take down. Problem is they're so fkn stupid they don't realize that's what they're supporting.
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President Donald Trump lashed out at Attorney General Jeff Sessions Tuesday, slamming him for failing to investigate alleged crimes committed by the DNC and Hillary Clinton.
Trump Savages ‘Weak’ AG Jeff Sessions for Ignoring Hillary Crimes

Poor little Sessions getting caught covering up for the skank H. Clinton. It makes you wonder why the Trump haters constantly want Criminals running their Country. Oh yah they hate America that's why . They want to be part of this Nations' take down. Problem is they're so fkn stupid they don't realize that's what they're supporting.

Didnt donald himself back off after he won? Pretty sure he did because he pissed off ALOT of people.
Dude is like a fucking kid
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Why isn't Sessions providing the distraction of a Hillary investigation? Why are Trump mpeteers so easily distracted?

Why do you think Trump is telling him to get lost.


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Why isn't Sessions providing the distraction of a Hillary investigation? Why are Trump mpeteers so easily distracted?

President Donald Trump lashed out at Attorney General Jeff Sessions Tuesday, slamming him for failing to investigate alleged crimes committed by the DNC and Hillary Clinton.

In an early morning tweet storm, the president laid in on Sessions over his “very weak position on Hillary Clinton crimes.”

Donald J. Trump


Attorney General Jeff Sessions has taken a VERY weak position on Hillary Clinton crimes (where are E-mails & DNC server) & Intel leakers!

3:12 AM - 25 Jul 2017

“Attorney General Jeff Sessions has taken a VERY weak position on Hillary Clinton crimes (where are E-mails & DNC server) & Intel leakers!” Trump wrote.

Donald J. Trump


Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump campaign - "quietly working to boost Clinton." So where is the investigation A.G. @seanhannity

3:03 AM - 25 Jul 2017

“Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump campaign – “quietly working to boost Clinton.” So where is the investigation A.G. @seanhannity,” the president also said.

Trump’s public discontent with the attorney general follows a Saturday tweet which also spoke of the Justice Department’s lack of investigation into Clinton’s deleted emails.

Donald J. Trump


So many people are asking why isn't the A.G. or Special Council looking at the many Hillary Clinton or Comey crimes. 33,000 e-mails deleted?

4:44 AM - 22 Jul 2017

Trump Savages ‘Weak’ AG Jeff Sessions for Ignoring Hillary Crimes

President Donald Trump lashed out at Attorney General Jeff Sessions Tuesday, slamming him for failing to investigate alleged crimes committed by the DNC and Hillary Clinton.
Trump Savages ‘Weak’ AG Jeff Sessions for Ignoring Hillary Crimes

Poor little Sessions getting caught covering up for the skank H. Clinton. It makes you wonder why the Trump haters constantly want Criminals running their Country. Oh yah they hate America that's why . They want to be part of this Nations' take down. Problem is they're so fkn stupid they don't realize that's what they're supporting.
Put Lipstick on a RINO; It Still Belongs to a Herd

If the Right doesn't get someone loyal to their side, like Janet Reno was to the Left, then a lot of what must be done won't get done. Sessions has been in Washington too long to be immune from swamp fever.
Why isn't Sessions providing the distraction of a Hillary investigation? Why are Trump mpeteers so easily distracted?

President Donald Trump lashed out at Attorney General Jeff Sessions Tuesday, slamming him for failing to investigate alleged crimes committed by the DNC and Hillary Clinton.

In an early morning tweet storm, the president laid in on Sessions over his “very weak position on Hillary Clinton crimes.”

Donald J. Trump


Attorney General Jeff Sessions has taken a VERY weak position on Hillary Clinton crimes (where are E-mails & DNC server) & Intel leakers!

3:12 AM - 25 Jul 2017

“Attorney General Jeff Sessions has taken a VERY weak position on Hillary Clinton crimes (where are E-mails & DNC server) & Intel leakers!” Trump wrote.

Donald J. Trump


Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump campaign - "quietly working to boost Clinton." So where is the investigation A.G. @seanhannity

3:03 AM - 25 Jul 2017

“Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump campaign – “quietly working to boost Clinton.” So where is the investigation A.G. @seanhannity,” the president also said.

Trump’s public discontent with the attorney general follows a Saturday tweet which also spoke of the Justice Department’s lack of investigation into Clinton’s deleted emails.

Donald J. Trump


So many people are asking why isn't the A.G. or Special Council looking at the many Hillary Clinton or Comey crimes. 33,000 e-mails deleted?

4:44 AM - 22 Jul 2017

Trump Savages ‘Weak’ AG Jeff Sessions for Ignoring Hillary Crimes

"Consider Yourself Served"

That Congressman from Utah, Jason Chavetz, would make a loyal AG.
Why isn't Sessions providing the distraction of a Hillary investigation? Why are Trump mpeteers so easily distracted?

Why do you think Trump is telling him to get lost.
So Trump can name Rudy Giuliani and then stop all investigations into the Russia affair.

A new broom sweeps clean.

Giuliani has already said that he agrees with Sessions' decision to recuse himself. Giuliani would be forced to recuse himself as well since he endorsed Trump and worked with his campaign.
I don't like seeing a criminal go un punished, I and Trump thought Mr. Sessions felt the same way....

Maybe the crime is what you are proposing. Launch a political prosecution of your opponent. No wonder Trump likes Putin so much. That is what Putin does and Trump wishes he could do the same thing. This is not a banana republic.

With more bodies to come......................
Why isn't Sessions providing the distraction of a Hillary investigation? Why are Trump mpeteers so easily distracted?

Why do you think Trump is telling him to get lost.
So Trump can name Rudy Giuliani and then stop all investigations into the Russia affair.

A new broom sweeps clean.

Giuliani has already said that he agrees with Sessions' decision to recuse himself. Giuliani would be forced to recuse himself as well since he endorsed Trump and worked with his campaign.
Didn't Rudy ever meet the Russians? If not, why recuse himself as Sessions did?

Rudy is the New Yorker's New Yorker. That fits with the trend in the West Wing these days. Giuliani fits Scaramuci and Scaramuci fits Giuliani. An Italian version of the old Irish classic.

Rudy worked his tail off carrying water during the campaign, so his loyalty is unquestioned. He served as U.S. Attorney for Soith Manhattan so his confirmation would sail through the Senate judiciary committee.

I think Rudy is in play.
Some more information being pieced together

Jaw-Dropping Revelations And A Massive False Flag May Await Us As The 'Russia Narrative' Falls Apart
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

According to top NSA whistleblower Bill Binney in this new story from Zero Hedge via Washington's Blog, forensic evidence proves that DNC emails had to have been leaked, definitely not hacked, by a person with direct, physical access to DNC computers. Much more on this bombshell info tied directly to the death of Seth Rich detailed in the first video below.

Warning us that forensic evidence ..................................

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