Trump returns to campaign promise: We have to end common core


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
At his CEO Business Town Hall Tuesday, President Donald Trump returned to his campaign promise to end the highly unpopular Common Core standards and once again make education policy the domain of local governments.

“Common Core, I mean, we have to bring education more local,” Trump said at the White House. “We can’t be managing education from Washington.”

The president continued:

When I go out to Iowa, when I go out to the different states and I talk, they want to run their school programs locally and they’ll do a much better job… And I like the fact of getting rid of Common Core. You know, Common Core, to me, we have to end it. We have to bring education local, to me. I’ve always said it, I’ve been saying it during the campaign, and we’re doing it.

This month, concerns had arisen about Trump’s commitment to his oft-

We have to bring education more local, says President

Trump Returns to Campaign Promise: ‘We Have to End Common Core’

Trump at CEO Business Town Hall: ‘Common Core… We Have to End It’ - Breitbart



the deliberate dumbing down of america

Common core was a method used to dumb down the kids and indoctrinated them. It goes deeper than most brain dead zombies can even begin to believe. But there is always hope once someone learns how the psychological warfare works, an social warfare works there can be hope to actually seeing the light.

It's all been a game plan to brainwash your kids into everything that is wrong becomes right.

All I can say is WAKE THE HELL UP and stop using sources as your gawd damn excuse to deny it all.
Your kids future is at stake via your stupidity.

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