Trump Refuses to Disclose Number of Lobbyists in Agencies


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2017
The Office of Government Ethics sent a letter to federal agencies asking for copies of any federal waivers that have been issued to allow former lobbyists to serve in the Trump Administration to determine whether there are any ethics violations. The Trump Administration is trying to block it.

Supposedly Trump was supposed to be draining the swamp. Why is he afraid to make a disclosure? Could it be that he has hired former lobbyists and is violating ethics laws? What is he afraid to hide?

Barack Obama issued waivers but he also made them public.

White House Moves to Block Ethics Inquiry Into Ex-Lobbyists on Payroll
Just because you are tired of being investigated and need to put a stop to it for the good of the nation does not mean you have done anything wrong. Everyone in the nation should be asking for the dems to put up or shut up for the good of the nation. Another investigation is uncalled for unwarranted and just plain political piling on.
If our government hits a speed bump just remember you are riding in the car as well. The economy is going quite well, why would even a libtard want to risk squelching that with yet another bullshit waste of money and time investigation?

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