Trump proven right again on Sweden...No Go zones and grenades stop ambulances..


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yep....Trump was right....Sweden is suffering from their immigration policies.......

Sweden Ambulance Boss: Paramedics Banned From 'No Go Zones', Need Military Equipment

Responding to whether he was really “justified” in using the emotive phrase “no go zone”, the ambulance driver said: “I know it’s sensitive and controversial, but for us it’s really a no go because we have directives not to go into dangerous situations. We are also clear about that but sometimes you end up there anyway. In that case, it feels good if you have adequate protection. We are supposed to get personal protection from the police when we enter ‘no-go zones’.”

The union head explained what constitutes a no go zone in Sweden, saying they were “absolutely” majority immigrant neighbourhoods which were highly “segregated”. Despite claims by prominent Swedish politicians in recent days that crime is decreasing and that newly arrived migrants are integrating, the representative of the ambulance service, which sees the front line in Sweden’s housing estates and immigrant neighbourhoods, said: “We see this type of area increasing in number… We receive reports from members, media and other parties. We [have definitely seen] an increase.”

Mr. Grattidge also spoke of the riots ongoing in Rinkeby, the infamous migrant neighbourhood where recently a journalist was attacked. He remarked the riots put his members at greater risk, and described how driving an ambulance to the area can go. He said:

“It’s too dangerous to enter. We can be prevented from entering. We may be blocked from getting out. Vehicles can be sabotaged at the site. We can be exposed to physical violence. In seconds it can turn to attacks on our vehicles or against us personally… It can be stone throwing and even worse. Hand grenades have been thrown at police so that is a great concern.”

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