Trump proposing 20 percent tax on Mexican good, could fund wall

Again, you're right we all knew that fucking up Mexico on trade was going to cost us a bit - we chose American jobs instead of lower prices. Higher price on Mexican imports are acceptable, hopefully the businesses tell them to fuck off and come home.

As for Europe, again the businesses are /not/ going to suffer because some foreign government tariffs their exports in a political pissing contest with one of their major profit providers, they don't give a shit about the egos of countries, not one shit. They want the money of the peoples of those countries - and if that means producing that shit in the US then that is exactly what they will do, it's why they left fucking America in the first place. So yes, let Europe drop the tariff bomb, they'll find out /real/ fast just how much "loyalty" a business has to any nation.
Damn how far has America fallen that Mexico's displeasure with us would cause all of Europe to abandon trade with us?

You people are idiots, seriously. No business on the planet gives a single fuck what Mexico blusters about, they want money and if America is buying, which we all know she is, I guarantee you they'll be selling to us.

Fuck yes, let the European governments start that trade war with the US, fucking pile on those tariffs over there, business will be back here in the US faster than you could believe - Trump's a god damned genius. He has the entire world by the balls and they all know it, it's fucking beautiful.
You are beyond insane, note to Nazi moron, the world could pass us up 2mar and do just fine...get off your pleasure boat of yesterday, times have changed, fool
Damn how far has America fallen that Mexico's displeasure with us would cause all of Europe to abandon trade with us?

You people are idiots, seriously. No business on the planet gives a single fuck what Mexico blusters about, they want money and if America is buying, which we all know she is, I guarantee you they'll be selling to us.

Fuck yes, let the European governments start that trade war with the US, fucking pile on those tariffs over there, business will be back here in the US faster than you could believe - Trump's a god damned genius. He has the entire world by the balls and they all know it, it's fucking beautiful.
You are beyond insane, note to Nazi moron, the world could pass us up 2mar and do just fine...get off your pleasure boat of yesterday, times have changed, fool

We are the world's largest market and fucking everyone has a surplus with US, because we have been fools.

They will not be doing fine. They have been living in fear of the day we wake the fuck up, and that day is here.
LOL No Tiger, the rules of money /never/ change - profit is profit no matter what alternate reality you were taught (or made up in your precious little head.)

Also, I note Godwin's law has been triggered without reason, I hear that means I won the argument \o/
Again, you're right we all knew that fucking up Mexico on trade was going to cost us a bit - we chose American jobs instead of lower prices. Higher price on Mexican imports are acceptable, hopefully the businesses tell them to fuck off and come home.

As for Europe, again the businesses are /not/ going to suffer because some foreign government tariffs their exports in a political pissing contest with one of their major profit providers, they don't give a shit about the egos of countries, not one shit. They want the money of the peoples of those countries - and if that means producing that shit in the US then that is exactly what they will do, it's why they left fucking America in the first place. So yes, let Europe drop the tariff bomb, they'll find out /real/ fast just how much "loyalty" a business has to any nation.
Remember that 40% of inports from Mexico contain parts exported to Mexico from America.

Plus, when prices in the US go up, we buy less stuff - again meaning less stuff nade in America.

On top of that, the ramifications concerning Mexico's cooperation on other issues as well as impact on other trade could well get expensive. Remember that China, Mexico, Canada, Japan, Chile, and a number of others will form TPP, and whether we are in it or not, our tariffs will not be seen as justified.
Again, businesses have just about zero loyalty to a country. If a government starts cutting into their profit margins they will talk with their feet. I have zero worries, even /if/ Mexico and the entire TPP group dumps a 50% tax on their shit, American companies will just buy from someone else - and if you think there isn't some other business selling widgets you're an idiot.
Again, you're right we all knew that fucking up Mexico on trade was going to cost us a bit - we chose American jobs instead of lower prices. Higher price on Mexican imports are acceptable, hopefully the businesses tell them to fuck off and come home.

As for Europe, again the businesses are /not/ going to suffer because some foreign government tariffs their exports in a political pissing contest with one of their major profit providers, they don't give a shit about the egos of countries, not one shit. They want the money of the peoples of those countries - and if that means producing that shit in the US then that is exactly what they will do, it's why they left fucking America in the first place. So yes, let Europe drop the tariff bomb, they'll find out /real/ fast just how much "loyalty" a business has to any nation.
Remember that 40% of inports from Mexico contain parts exported to Mexico from America.

Plus, when prices in the US go up, we buy less stuff - again meaning less stuff nade in America.

On top of that, the ramifications concerning Mexico's cooperation on other issues as well as impact on other trade could well get expensive. Remember that China, Mexico, Canada, Japan, Chile, and a number of others will form TPP, and whether we are in it or not, our tariffs will not be seen as justified.

Our overall trade deficit is over 500 billion a year.

And growing.
Clueless and Clueless both who have no idea how the economy works. Only what MSM tells them. bhahahah
For someone who posts and links to endtime christian kook web site as a source, I would talk about others not being smart
View attachment 108916

Trump proposing 20-percent tax on Mexican goods, Could fund wall

Guess that is one way to pay for it, do or die Trump is going to find a way for that wall.
And then Mexico imposes a 20% tax on our goods and takes the money right back.

Face it, American tax payers, and not Mexico, will be paying for that wall.
Do a little research on the US - Mexico trade imbalance and you'll discover how really stupid you are.

You were saying...?

Replace your old car now. When Trump is finished, it will be about 10% more expensive, even if they are assembled in the US, unless they can figure out how to assemble a car without most of the components that are built in Mexico. Forget about fresh fruits and veggies in the Winter.

Meantime, Mexico, which is already building a deep water port in Baja to handle the new generation of mega ships in the Pacific, will simply make China their main trading partner, rather than the US. That will be OK with China, because they have WalMart locked in, anyway. In fact, China ships more products to Walmart in the US than all the rest of the US combined. Since Mexico makes most of the components for our final products, like appliances and computers, the companies that will be hurt the most are American companies that buy that stuff. And those companies are owned by American investors, for the most part, so, the losers are the American investor, the American manufacturer, and the American consumer. Nice going, Trump.
View attachment 108916

Trump proposing 20-percent tax on Mexican goods, Could fund wall

Guess that is one way to pay for it, do or die Trump is going to find a way for that wall.
And then Mexico imposes a 20% tax on our goods and takes the money right back.

Face it, American tax payers, and not Mexico, will be paying for that wall.
Do a little research on the US - Mexico trade imbalance and you'll discover how really stupid you are.

You were saying...?

Replace your old car now. When Trump is finished, it will be about 10% more expensive, even if they are assembled in the US, unless they can figure out how to assemble a car without most of the components that are built in Mexico. Forget about fresh fruits and veggies in the Winter.

Meantime, Mexico, which is already building a deep water port in Baja to handle the new generation of mega ships in the Pacific, will simply make China their main trading partner, rather than the US. That will be OK with China, because they have WalMart locked in, anyway. In fact, China ships more products to Walmart in the US than all the rest of the US combined. Since Mexico makes most of the components for our final products, like appliances and computers, the companies that will be hurt the most are American companies that buy that stuff. And those companies are owned by American investors, for the most part, so, the losers are the American investor, the American manufacturer, and the American consumer. Nice going, Trump.

China and mexico have both been benefiting screwing the shit out of US. Neither of them is going to be able to make that up from each other.

No way, no how.
View attachment 108916

Trump proposing 20-percent tax on Mexican goods, Could fund wall

Guess that is one way to pay for it, do or die Trump is going to find a way for that wall.
And then Mexico imposes a 20% tax on our goods and takes the money right back.

Face it, American tax payers, and not Mexico, will be paying for that wall.
Do a little research on the US - Mexico trade imbalance and you'll discover how really stupid you are.

You were saying...?

Replace your old car now. When Trump is finished, it will be about 10% more expensive, even if they are assembled in the US, unless they can figure out how to assemble a car without most of the components that are built in Mexico. Forget about fresh fruits and veggies in the Winter.

Meantime, Mexico, which is already building a deep water port in Baja to handle the new generation of mega ships in the Pacific, will simply make China their main trading partner, rather than the US. That will be OK with China, because they have WalMart locked in, anyway. In fact, China ships more products to Walmart in the US than all the rest of the US combined. Since Mexico makes most of the components for our final products, like appliances and computers, the companies that will be hurt the most are American companies that buy that stuff. And those companies are owned by American investors, for the most part, so, the losers are the American investor, the American manufacturer, and the American consumer. Nice going, Trump.

China and mexico have both been benefiting screwing the shit out of US. Neither of them is going to be able to make that up from each other.

No way, no how.

Correll, you are going to find out, over the next 4 years, that China is no longer a 3rd world agricultural country growing rice to feed their starving peasants. Within 25 years, they will be equal to us in the world market. Trump seems determined to make that happen with 10 years, instead of 25.
And then Mexico imposes a 20% tax on our goods and takes the money right back.

Face it, American tax payers, and not Mexico, will be paying for that wall.
Do a little research on the US - Mexico trade imbalance and you'll discover how really stupid you are.

You were saying...?

Replace your old car now. When Trump is finished, it will be about 10% more expensive, even if they are assembled in the US, unless they can figure out how to assemble a car without most of the components that are built in Mexico. Forget about fresh fruits and veggies in the Winter.

Meantime, Mexico, which is already building a deep water port in Baja to handle the new generation of mega ships in the Pacific, will simply make China their main trading partner, rather than the US. That will be OK with China, because they have WalMart locked in, anyway. In fact, China ships more products to Walmart in the US than all the rest of the US combined. Since Mexico makes most of the components for our final products, like appliances and computers, the companies that will be hurt the most are American companies that buy that stuff. And those companies are owned by American investors, for the most part, so, the losers are the American investor, the American manufacturer, and the American consumer. Nice going, Trump.

China and mexico have both been benefiting screwing the shit out of US. Neither of them is going to be able to make that up from each other.

No way, no how.

Correll, you are going to find out, over the next 4 years, that China is no longer a 3rd world agricultural country growing rice to feed their starving peasants. Within 25 years, they will be equal to us in the world market. Trump seems determined to make that happen with 10 years, instead of 25.

I'm well aware of the vast amounts of industry that has been grown in China, at our expense, primarily.

That's the point.
Do a little research on the US - Mexico trade imbalance and you'll discover how really stupid you are.

You were saying...?

Replace your old car now. When Trump is finished, it will be about 10% more expensive, even if they are assembled in the US, unless they can figure out how to assemble a car without most of the components that are built in Mexico. Forget about fresh fruits and veggies in the Winter.

Meantime, Mexico, which is already building a deep water port in Baja to handle the new generation of mega ships in the Pacific, will simply make China their main trading partner, rather than the US. That will be OK with China, because they have WalMart locked in, anyway. In fact, China ships more products to Walmart in the US than all the rest of the US combined. Since Mexico makes most of the components for our final products, like appliances and computers, the companies that will be hurt the most are American companies that buy that stuff. And those companies are owned by American investors, for the most part, so, the losers are the American investor, the American manufacturer, and the American consumer. Nice going, Trump.

China and mexico have both been benefiting screwing the shit out of US. Neither of them is going to be able to make that up from each other.

No way, no how.

Correll, you are going to find out, over the next 4 years, that China is no longer a 3rd world agricultural country growing rice to feed their starving peasants. Within 25 years, they will be equal to us in the world market. Trump seems determined to make that happen with 10 years, instead of 25.

I'm well aware of the vast amounts of industry that has been grown in China, at our expense, primarily.

That's the point.

Oh, I forgot. Trumpettes think that trade wars are GOOD for our economy, just like it was in 1928, and 1929.

How Trump's wall could beckon a global trade war
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You were saying...?

Replace your old car now. When Trump is finished, it will be about 10% more expensive, even if they are assembled in the US, unless they can figure out how to assemble a car without most of the components that are built in Mexico. Forget about fresh fruits and veggies in the Winter.

Meantime, Mexico, which is already building a deep water port in Baja to handle the new generation of mega ships in the Pacific, will simply make China their main trading partner, rather than the US. That will be OK with China, because they have WalMart locked in, anyway. In fact, China ships more products to Walmart in the US than all the rest of the US combined. Since Mexico makes most of the components for our final products, like appliances and computers, the companies that will be hurt the most are American companies that buy that stuff. And those companies are owned by American investors, for the most part, so, the losers are the American investor, the American manufacturer, and the American consumer. Nice going, Trump.

China and mexico have both been benefiting screwing the shit out of US. Neither of them is going to be able to make that up from each other.

No way, no how.

Correll, you are going to find out, over the next 4 years, that China is no longer a 3rd world agricultural country growing rice to feed their starving peasants. Within 25 years, they will be equal to us in the world market. Trump seems determined to make that happen with 10 years, instead of 25.

I'm well aware of the vast amounts of industry that has been grown in China, at our expense, primarily.

That's the point.

Oh, I forgot. Trumpettes think that trade wars are GOOD for our economy, just like it was in 1928, and 1929.

How Trump's wall could beckon a global trade war

In 1928 we were a vast exporter. NOw we are a vast importer.

Everyone that exports TO us, has a vested interest in NOT starting a trade war.

If they DO start a Trade War, it will fuck them up, vastly more than it does US.
LOL All that will fund is a trade war that will eventually extend to people in Europe that disagree with the orange clown. And then, we get to see the Dirty Thirties all over again.
Every hard drug seizure at the Mexican border should be weighed and the current US 'street value' calculated. Then send the 100% corrupt Mexican President a bill for that amount. 'El President' then calls the La Zetas cartel leader and forwards him the bill.
A note from President Trump: "Failure to pay this bill within ten banking days WILL result in the amount of the bill subtracted from the financial aid the US sends Mexico. This deduction happens on the eleventh day".
Every penny the corrupt mexican President send President Trump is used to build the wall.
Damn how far has America fallen that Mexico's displeasure with us would cause all of Europe to abandon trade with us?

You people are idiots, seriously. No business on the planet gives a single fuck what Mexico blusters about, they want money and if America is buying, which we all know she is, I guarantee you they'll be selling to us.

Fuck yes, let the European governments start that trade war with the US, fucking pile on those tariffs over there, business will be back here in the US faster than you could believe - Trump's a god damned genius. He has the entire world by the balls and they all know it, it's fucking beautiful.

Trade wars spread. Europe has every reason to oppose this method of applying political pressure.

As for the US, Trump's direction has Americans paying higher retail prices to support the wall. Is that what you call brilliant?

Also, this move could change Mexico's work on illegal immigration, drug trafficing to the US, US directed terrorism, etc, and probably makes Mexico more in favor of a TPP led by China.
The FACT is IF Americans paid 100% for the WALL the cost savings to the US by not having to fucking pay for EVERYTHING MILLIONS of 'illegals' are sucking from the American taxpayer teat would be HUGE!!!!
So it costs every taxpayer fifty cents a year to build and maintain the WALL and the WALL saves each taxpayer four dollars a year not having to take care of millions of illiterates entering the country illegally".
Last night On Tucker Carlson (MUST WATCH!!!!) some LIB politician from Kentucky with the WORST heroin epidemic in his state in the US was asked by Tucker:'So you claim a WALL won't work. Explain why that is". The fucking moron said: "Because where the WALL has already been built the illegals just go around where there isn't a WALL". That's right. That's what the LIB moron said.
Do a little research on the US - Mexico trade imbalance and you'll discover how really stupid you are.

You were saying...?

Replace your old car now. When Trump is finished, it will be about 10% more expensive, even if they are assembled in the US, unless they can figure out how to assemble a car without most of the components that are built in Mexico. Forget about fresh fruits and veggies in the Winter.

Meantime, Mexico, which is already building a deep water port in Baja to handle the new generation of mega ships in the Pacific, will simply make China their main trading partner, rather than the US. That will be OK with China, because they have WalMart locked in, anyway. In fact, China ships more products to Walmart in the US than all the rest of the US combined. Since Mexico makes most of the components for our final products, like appliances and computers, the companies that will be hurt the most are American companies that buy that stuff. And those companies are owned by American investors, for the most part, so, the losers are the American investor, the American manufacturer, and the American consumer. Nice going, Trump.

China and mexico have both been benefiting screwing the shit out of US. Neither of them is going to be able to make that up from each other.

No way, no how.

Correll, you are going to find out, over the next 4 years, that China is no longer a 3rd world agricultural country growing rice to feed their starving peasants. Within 25 years, they will be equal to us in the world market. Trump seems determined to make that happen with 10 years, instead of 25.

I'm well aware of the vast amounts of industry that has been grown in China, at our expense, primarily.

That's the point.
I can't WAIT for China to basically purchase every seaside town in Mexico for a few fucking pesos. Just like China 'purchased' every fucking ounce of mineral rights from African 'chiefs' for a handful of broken mirror.
IF Mexico had fuck all in the way of anything of value besides possible resort properties the Chinese would already own it all.
The ONLY reason Chinese businessmen haven't bought up the resort towns is because they know as long as the drug cartels are causing massive numbers of people from around the world to stay away from Mexican resorts there is no profit in doing so.
When, not if President Trump (GOD I LIKE TYPING THOSE WORDS!!) literally stops the hard drugs from entering the US from Mexico by building an 'Israel' type wall the cartels are going to have to find other markets.
Let the Socialist governments in the EU deal with the cartels!!!!
Replace your old car now. When Trump is finished, it will be about 10% more expensive, even if they are assembled in the US, unless they can figure out how to assemble a car without most of the components that are built in Mexico. Forget about fresh fruits and veggies in the Winter.

Meantime, Mexico, which is already building a deep water port in Baja to handle the new generation of mega ships in the Pacific, will simply make China their main trading partner, rather than the US. That will be OK with China, because they have WalMart locked in, anyway. In fact, China ships more products to Walmart in the US than all the rest of the US combined. Since Mexico makes most of the components for our final products, like appliances and computers, the companies that will be hurt the most are American companies that buy that stuff. And those companies are owned by American investors, for the most part, so, the losers are the American investor, the American manufacturer, and the American consumer. Nice going, Trump.

China and mexico have both been benefiting screwing the shit out of US. Neither of them is going to be able to make that up from each other.

No way, no how.

Correll, you are going to find out, over the next 4 years, that China is no longer a 3rd world agricultural country growing rice to feed their starving peasants. Within 25 years, they will be equal to us in the world market. Trump seems determined to make that happen with 10 years, instead of 25.

I'm well aware of the vast amounts of industry that has been grown in China, at our expense, primarily.

That's the point.

Oh, I forgot. Trumpettes think that trade wars are GOOD for our economy, just like it was in 1928, and 1929.

How Trump's wall could beckon a global trade war

In 1928 we were a vast exporter. NOw we are a vast importer.

Everyone that exports TO us, has a vested interest in NOT starting a trade war.

If they DO start a Trade War, it will fuck them up, vastly more than it does US.

It is pretty obvious that you don't have a whole lot of personal skin in this game Correll.
China and mexico have both been benefiting screwing the shit out of US. Neither of them is going to be able to make that up from each other.

No way, no how.

Correll, you are going to find out, over the next 4 years, that China is no longer a 3rd world agricultural country growing rice to feed their starving peasants. Within 25 years, they will be equal to us in the world market. Trump seems determined to make that happen with 10 years, instead of 25.

I'm well aware of the vast amounts of industry that has been grown in China, at our expense, primarily.

That's the point.

Oh, I forgot. Trumpettes think that trade wars are GOOD for our economy, just like it was in 1928, and 1929.

How Trump's wall could beckon a global trade war

In 1928 we were a vast exporter. NOw we are a vast importer.

Everyone that exports TO us, has a vested interest in NOT starting a trade war.

If they DO start a Trade War, it will fuck them up, vastly more than it does US.

It is pretty obvious that you don't have a whole lot of personal skin in this game Correll.

I see by your attempt to make it personal that you have no real challenge to my point.

Thus, your post is invalid, and my points stands.

In 1928 we were a vast exporter. NOw we are a vast importer.

Everyone that exports TO us, has a vested interest in NOT starting a trade war.

If they DO start a Trade War, it will fuck them up, vastly more than it does US.

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