Trump Propaganda Machine Live Now - "63,000 murders by illegal immigrants"


Gold Member
Jul 24, 2016
New Orleans
Nope, sorry. The only real source for this statement is from
There is NO SOURCE to verify 63,000 Americans have been murdered by illegal aliens since 2001.
Go ahead and try to find it.
The number varies depends on what blog you go to or lie Trump tells.

The FBI refutes this, too.
From the Southern Poverty Law Center:

"""""THE CLAIM: Undocumented immigrants kill 25 Americans a day.
THE PURVEYORS: U.S. Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), in a May 5, 2006, column on his website, claimed that a day without immigrants would create a far safer America: "The lives of 12 U.S. citizens would be saved who otherwise die a violent death at the hands of murderous illegal aliens each day. Another 13 Americans would survive who are otherwise killed each day by uninsured drunk driving illegals." King's claim has been repeated hundreds of times, sometimes by extremist activists like Clyde Harkins of the American Constitution Party, and frequently by radio hosts like Peter Boyles of Denver's KHOW-AM. Boyles also suggested last year that illegal immigrants had murdered 45,000 American citizens since Sept. 11, 2001.

THE FACTS: King claimed he had "extrapolated" his numbers from a study by the General Accounting Office, Congress' nonpartisan investigative arm, that he said showed 28% of inmates in local jails and state and federal prisons were "criminal aliens." What the GAO study actually showed was that 28% of all federal prisoners (federal prisoners make up 12%-17% of the total incarcerated population in the U.S.) were either legal or illegal immigrants. The study did not distinguish between legal and illegal immigrants. It also stated that about 50% of those immigrants were only charged with being in the country illegally, a federal misdemeanor. Just 12% of the total in federal custody were there for murder, rape, robbery or other violent crimes.

Since most Trumpanzees DON'T read past the headline:

"""Regarding the claim of 45,000 Americans murdered by illegal immigrants, FBI statistics show some 85,000 murders from 9/11 to the end of 2006. If the claim by Boyles and others were true, that would mean undocumented immigrants, who make up under 4% of the U.S. population, were responsible for 53% of all murders.""""

Getting Immigration Facts Straight
I've said it before, I'll say it again.

The logo for the extinct Republican Party needs to be changed from an elephant to a parrot.
Too late. The 63,000 figure is already locked into the parroting rubes' minds. It will be over 200,000 murders before the end of next week.

Trump's favorite circular tactic:

TRUMP: There are eighty-five million illegals Mexicans on Pluto.


REPORTER: Mr. President, you don't really think there are eighty-five million Mexicans on Pluto, do you?

TRUMP: Well, a lot of people have been saying there is!
Dispute the numbers all you wish. What do you say to the permanently separated from their children parents who just told their stories?
Angel Mom Mary Ann Mendoza doesn't mince words: "There are hundreds of thousands of victims every year who are affected by illegal alien crime—rape, assault, identity theft... The mainstream media does not let you know what's really happening."
Angel Mom Mary Ann Mendoza doesn't mince words: "There are hundreds of thousands of victims every year who are affected by illegal alien crime—rape, assault, identity theft... The mainstream media does not let you know what's really happening."
That is because as you can see from the attitudes from thelibtards here they don’t give a shit about Americans children.
Trump tells the families that their loved ones didn't die in vain, and that event is over.
yeah it's like when the feminists complained 1 women killed every second during the superbowl......the left is getting a taste of it......and I fucking love it.........use their Nazi tactics against them.....
Angel Mom Mary Ann Mendoza doesn't mince words: "There are hundreds of thousands of victims every year who are affected by illegal alien crime—rape, assault, identity theft... The mainstream media does not let you know what's really happening."
That is because as you can see from the attitudes from thelibtards here they don’t give a shit about Americans children.
America's children are being replaced.
The number is a lie, and I doubt anyone can fact source 10% of that number.
63,000 in 17 years is too low. You might be thinking per year when the time period is from 2001 to the present day. That's a bit over 3000 a year which is too low. It barely makes inter gang killings. Factor in drunk and drugged driving, hit and run and it is obvious that the figure of 63,000 is too low.
Dispute the numbers all you wish. What do you say to the permanently separated from their children parents who just told their stories?

I just proved that the father who claimed 63,000 murders was given the wrong information.
What's your proof?
Did you Google it to see for yourself or are you just trying to kill the messenger since you can't dispute the message?
63,000 in 17 years is too low. You might be thinking per year when the time period is from 2001 to the present day. That's a bit over 3000 a year which is too low. It barely makes inter gang killings. Factor in drunk and drugged driving, hit and run and it is obvious that the figure of 63,000 is too low.

I just posted data from the FBI's records. It's not what I "might be thinking", idiot. And if you couldn't see the bold, 6 pt font showing the FBI's data for 85,000 murders then no wonder you voted for Trump.
Angel Mom Mary Ann Mendoza doesn't mince words: "There are hundreds of thousands of victims every year who are affected by illegal alien crime—rape, assault, identity theft... The mainstream media does not let you know what's really happening."
That is because as you can see from the attitudes from thelibtards here they don’t give a shit about Americans children.

Oh for god's sake, you're too fucking biased to breathe and type at the same time.
The number is a lie, and I doubt anyone can fact source 10% of that number.

I tried. As referred to in my O/P, it's a lie spread by Steve King in 2005:
Analysis | The original source for Trump’s claim of 63,000 immigrant murders? Bad data from Steve King in 2005.
Waahington post. Really?

Really. Oh but you're too fucking lazy to Google it yourself. Or maybe you're afraid of what you would learn. There's no source that is a viable source to corroborate the claim.

The original source for Trump's claim of 63,000 immigrant murders ...
20 mins ago - “Over 63,000 Americans have been killed since 9/11 by illegal aliens,” Mendoza said. “It's a crime spree that is being left unchecked, and these ...
63,000 Americans Murdered/Killed By Illegal Aliens Since 9/11
2 hours ago - 63,000 Americans Murdered/Killed By Illegal Aliens Since 9/11... for activist who says there's 'mass murder' by illegal immigrants: 'We're wi.
Remarks by President Trump at Law Enforcement Roundtable on ... not a news source. Propaganda only
Mar 20, 2018 - Sanctuary cities release thousands of criminal aliens out of our prisons .... Over 63,000 Americans have been killed since 9/11 by illegal aliens.
Over 63000 Americans have been killed... - The Daily Signal | Facebook
The Daily Signal
Over 63000 Americans have been killed since 9/11 by illegal aliens.”
63,000 Americans killed by illegal aliens since 9/11 - Politics Message ...
63,000 Americans killed by illegal aliens since 9/11 - Politics Message Board - GameFAQs
Apr 18, 2018 - 9 posts - ‎7 authors
Over 63,000 Americans have been killed since 9/11 by illegal aliens. It's a crime spree that is being left unchecked, and these sanctuary city ...
Trump: Sanctuary State Places 'Innocent Americans at the Mercy of ...
Trump: Sanctuary State Places ‘Innocent Americans at the Mercy of Hardened Criminals’
Mar 20, 2018 - “Over 63,000 Americans have been killed since 9/11 by illegal aliens,” Mendoza continued. “It's a crime spree being left unchecked and these ...

This source, SPLC, and WaPo got it right, based on FBI data:

Getting Immigration Facts Straight | Southern Poverty Law Center
Jan 29, 2010 - In May, the night after a CBS "60 Minutes" profile of Dobbs aired, Dobbs ... THE CLAIM: Undocumented immigrants kill 25 Americans a day. ... immigrants, FBI statistics show some 85,000 murders from 9/11 to the end of 2006.
You visited this page on 6/22/18.

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