Trump Plays Golf While Soldiers Bodies Are Brought Home


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Trump golfed as American soldiers’ bodies returned home from deadly ambush
By Alison R. Parker |OCTOBER 15, 2017

Claims of patriotism ring especially hollow when the supposed commander in chief is silent after American soldiers are murdered in an ambush overseas.


(AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

Donald Trump talks a lot about patriotism. But his complete silence — including on his favorite communication medium, Twitter — on the four American soldiers who were killed in an ambush in Niger puts the lie to those lofty claims.

And the fact that he was too busy golfing to say a word publicly about the loss of American lives makes it even more galling.

As CNN reported, as the body of Army Sgt. La David Johnson was brought home following the October 4th attack on a 12-member team of U.S. troops by an ISIS-affiliated group near the border between Niger and Mali, Trump was on one of his many, many golf outings.

11 days later, and there is still no mention from Trump of the attack or the American soldiers who lost their lives.

He has plenty of time to tweet repeatedly about “fake news” and to call the media “frankly disgusting;” to brag about the stock market; to lash out at late night talk show hosts; to whine about wanting more time on TV; and of course, to continue attacking the NFL and athletes who take a knee during the national anthem.

But about four American soldiers murdered by terrorists overseas? And about the massive wildfires currently wreaking havoc across cities in northern California?

Trump has nothing to tweet on those topics.

At the so-called “Values Voters Summit” Friday, Trump insisted that his administration has “made great strides against ISIS, tremendous strides.” Yet even then, he could not bring himself to utter a word about the American troops whose bodies were brought home to their families while Trump was on the back nine.

When asked during a recent press briefing about possible retaliation for the ambush, all press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders had to offer was the usual thoughts and prayers, and to say, “We’re continuing to review and look into this.”

And Defense Secretary James Mattis took until October 11 to address the topicpublicly, saying, “We will look at this and say was there something we have to adapt to now, should we have been in a better stance.”

“We’re not complacent, we’re going to do better,” Mattis insisted.

“Doing better” could start with the supposed commander in chief taking a break from tweeting tantrums about the media and football players, and instead directing his attention to American soldiers who gave their lives for the country.

When he has a break on the golf course, that is.

I wonder if Mike Pence walked off the back nine in protest?
Look, this is just business and we’ve turn our political and economic systems over to Wall Street and the donor/”job creator” class, then we put a “businessman” in the white house. That's now america uses its military nowadays, to occupy the lands of others for Wall Street and the donor/”job creator” class to have access to the resources and markets of others so that they can carry out their colonial wealth extraction processes abroad as they do at home. Human beings are commodities to be leveraged in the further redistribution and concentration of wealth.
They're not heroes.
He likes soldiers who weren't killed.
You guys probably should not have peed, slept, watched football or ate lunch then huh?
The incident is under investigation. It is prudent that no one should comment until the investigation is completed.
Only fair you bring this up...

considering how often the Right brought up Obama being on the links when he should have been taking care of business.

Hopefully, the next president is not a golfer
The incident is under investigation. It is prudent that no one should comment until the investigation is completed.
When did we start needing investigations to be done before paying honor to our foreign soldiers?
The incident is under investigation. It is prudent that no one should comment until the investigation is completed.

It was a 12 man Green Beret Direct Action Team.

The same ones we first put into Afghanistan after 9-11.

Their missions are highly classified.

There won't be any formal investigation that you will get any info about.

Those guys are hired killers. That's what we use them for.

My guess is they were there to kill Al Qaeda or ISIS commanders after there whereabouts became known.

They were with locals that should have known where the enemy was.

It smells like a set up.

But that's beside the point. Their Commander in Chief should have been at Andrews to meet the caskets.

I notice he seems to know where Andrews is when it's time for a golf outing.
The incident is under investigation. It is prudent that no one should comment until the investigation is completed.

It was a 12 man Green Beret Direct Action Team.

The same ones we first put into Afghanistan after 9-11.

Their missions are highly classified.

There won't be any formal investigation that you will get any info about.

Those guys are hired killers. That's what we use them for.

My guess is they were there to kill Al Qaeda or ISIS commanders after there whereabouts became known.

They were with locals that should have known where the enemy was.

It smells like a set up.

But that's beside the point. Their Commander in Chief should have been at Andrews to meet the caskets.

I notice he seems to know where Andrews is when it's time for a golf outing.

We all know how much Trump hates the troops and how much the troops hate Trump.

Not like Hillary. That was a slobbering love affair between the troops and Hillary when she was SoS.
The incident is under investigation. It is prudent that no one should comment until the investigation is completed.
When did we start needing investigations to be done before paying honor to our foreign soldiers?

I look at politicians like I would any one else I repped in the music biz. The furor of Trump attending as a photo op vs not attending. I would have run with the latter.
If Trump had of flagged the return, the question would need to be asked WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU IN NIGER?

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