Hillary Clinton continues to cry


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Hillary kinda reminds me of "fearless girl" of Wall Street. It's monument to the suicidal hubris of modern women and their inability to discern their actual abilities versus their inflated egos.

She's toast, rightly so, one party down, one to go.

Why do you guys run around after her?
Hillary kinda reminds me of "fearless girl" of Wall Street. It's monument to the suicidal hubris of modern women and their inability to discern their actual abilities versus their inflated egos.

We have a male in the shite house with the same condition.
Well, the Democratic party...

... is her party...

... an' she can cry if she wants to...

... cry if she wants to...

... cry if she wants to...

... you would cry too...

... if it happened to you.
She's toast, rightly so, one party down, one to go.

Why do you guys run around after her?
Wait..."one party down"? You think saying goodbye to Hitlery Clinton magically cleans up the cesspool that is the Dumbocrat Party?

You still have the Obamas, Debbie Wasserman Shultz, Elizabeth "Pocohantos" Warren, Nancy Pelosi, and a shit-ton more. About the only honest, decent person you have is a full-feldged, self-admitted socialist.
There has never been a candidate more obsessed with power and control (that realization alone is proof of just how much the U.S. dodged a bullet with her run for presidency). Her inability to stop crying about her defeat is amusing. Her inability to stop finding people to blame is a frightening reminder of who she is at her core.

Watch: Journo grills Clinton for ‘still blaming others more than yourself’ — her response speaks volumes

no one has seen her cry, troll boy... though we all know your pathologic need to diminish women in order to make yourself feel like a man.

explains why uneducated angry white losers are trumptards. :thup:

and I've never seen anyone blame others for his failings like the orange sociopathic f******g moron
She's toast, rightly so, one party down, one to go.

Why do you guys run around after her?
Wait..."one party down"? You think saying goodbye to Hitlery Clinton magically cleans up the cesspool that is the Dumbocrat Party?

You still have the Obamas, Debbie Wasserman Shultz, Elizabeth "Pocohantos" Warren, Nancy Pelosi, and a shit-ton more. About the only honest, decent person you have is a full-feldged, self-admitted socialist.
I said down, not cleaned up, exposed, as utterly corrupt and a tool of the donor/"job creator" class and Wall Street alone with no regard for the people. You know, just like the "other" party.
There has never been a candidate more obsessed with power and control (that realization alone is proof of just how much the U.S. dodged a bullet with her run for presidency). Her inability to stop crying about her defeat is amusing. Her inability to stop finding people to blame is a frightening reminder of who she is at her core.

Watch: Journo grills Clinton for ‘still blaming others more than yourself’ — her response speaks volumes

no one has seen her cry, troll boy... though we all know your pathologic need to diminish women in order to make yourself feel like a man.

explains why uneducated angry white losers are trumptards. :thup:

and I've never seen anyone blame others for his failings like the orange sociopathic f******g moron
Hilly doesn't need to shed one tear in order to diminish herself. Every time she opens her mouth she reminds anyone with two brain cells to rub together what a pitiful (and poor) loser she is. Every syllable dropping from her lips, every letter printed by her or in her behalf diminish her in ways previously inconceivable to thinking people.
Her Career...which consisted of riding the coat-tails of a Pussy-Lovin Southern Boy, who happened to be a political genius...is over.

Now, she is just making an Ass of herself.

The Republicans who are making such an issue of the nonsense she is now spouting....hope she keeps talking.

The Democrats who are defending any nonsense she comes up with like good tin-hat soldiers....wish she would shut up and crawl into her Vodka Bottle and never be seen or heard from again.

I would let her off the hook for her e-mail crimes....as she has already paid a high price for that and we don't want to give the appearance of punishing defeated political adversaries like Banana Republics do.

But, I would lock her up and throw away the key, if, as it now appears, she is guilty of Treason in COLLUDING with the RUSSIANS in her trusted capacity of Secretary of State in exchange for bribes sent to the Clinton Foundation.

And there is now enough evidence of the crime of Treason to conduct a full and complete investigation by people who are not part of the Obama Deep State and protected by the New York Media.

There has never been a candidate more obsessed with power and control (that realization alone is proof of just how much the U.S. dodged a bullet with her run for presidency). Her inability to stop crying about her defeat is amusing. Her inability to stop finding people to blame is a frightening reminder of who she is at her core.

Watch: Journo grills Clinton for ‘still blaming others more than yourself’ — her response speaks volumes
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What else has Clinton blamed?

From a list I compled last month:
Russian interference through either a disinformation campaign via WikiLeaks or Trump-Russia collusion.
She’s also pointed blame at Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Former FBI Director James Comey’s criminal investigation of her use of a private email server while secretary of state
Poor voter data from the Democratic National Committee. Clinton has described it as “mediocre, “poor,” “nonexistent” and “wrong.”
Voter suppression and voter ID laws.
Barack Obama
Bernie Sanders and his supporters
Jill Stein
The mainstream media, specifically the New York Times for aggressively covering her email scandal.
The Electoral College.
Bad pollingPeople who assumed she would win.
“Gullible Americans”Fake News.
White males.
The South, the North, the weather.
The machines. Different rules in different states.
Central Park curbs. Old lazy women. Twitter.
Matt Lauer. Blacks. Lynch. BJ. Brazille. Weiners. Huma.
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There has never been a candidate more obsessed with power and control (that realization alone is proof of just how much the U.S. dodged a bullet with her run for presidency). Her inability to stop crying about her defeat is amusing. Her inability to stop finding people to blame is a frightening reminder of who she is at her core.

Watch: Journo grills Clinton for ‘still blaming others more than yourself’ — her response speaks volumes

Your daily Hillary Clinton thread. Every day you go on and on about Hillary. Why?

She lost. She's not going to run again. She's moving on with her life.

This obsession of yours is not healthy. And it has no value.
There has never been a candidate more obsessed with power and control (that realization alone is proof of just how much the U.S. dodged a bullet with her run for presidency). Her inability to stop crying about her defeat is amusing. Her inability to stop finding people to blame is a frightening reminder of who she is at her core.

Watch: Journo grills Clinton for ‘still blaming others more than yourself’ — her response speaks volumes

Your daily Hillary Clinton thread. Every day you go on and on about Hillary. Why?

She lost. She's not going to run again. She's moving on with her life.

This obsession of yours is not healthy. And it has no value.
Here's a clue, she has certainly not moved on. She needs to STFU, go home, and then get on with her life. Doesn't she have some grandchildren to bake cookies for?

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