Trump-Pence logo draws laughs on social media.

Dirty rotten minds. Nothing positive from the left in America.

It will be so great when you the door hits Obama's ass on the way out and Hillary is retired for good.

I think the logo is perfect for Donnie.

-Married Three Times
-Proud admitted Adulterer
-Author who boasted about affairs
-Accused of sex with underaged girls

I could go on, but the Logo fits Donnie perfectly!
I don't care what logo they picked the left would be picking it apart.
The fact they want to make it dirty goes along with their style of politics.
Is that a P being violated? I thought it was a J. You know Donnie J Trump...
Sex sells. It's a known fact. There's a reason why Trump has closed the gap between himself and Hillary. I'm sure the Democrats are starting to become desperate to the point all they have left is ridicule.

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It's as much of a joke as the Trump "campaign."
If true, why are the Clintonites, Democrats and other LWers so worried?

Head to Head: Here's Who's Winning Battleground States
Two Unpopular Candidates
Despite Clinton's leads, she and Trump are both unpopular in these battlegrounds, although Trump is slightly more unpopular.

  • Colorado: Clinton 34 percent favorable, 62 percent unfavorable (-28); Trump 27 percent favorable, 67 percent unfavorable (-40).
  • Florida: Clinton 37 percent favorable, 58 percent unfavorable (-21); Trump 34 percent favorable, 61 percent unfavorable (-27).
  • North Carolina: Clinton 37 percent favorable, 58 percent unfavorable (-21); Trump 31 percent favorable, 61 percent unfavorable (-30).
  • Virginia: Clinton 37 percent favorable, 58 percent unfavorable (-21); Trump 29 percent favorable, 65 percent unfavorable (-36).
"The driving force behind voters' choices is the negative impressions they have of both Trump and Clinton. Clinton's single-digit lead in each of these states is due to her slight advantage in how voters perceive the two candidates," Miringoff adds.
Donnie us an expert on sex. He now represents the Party of Morals. PROUD, ARE YOU?
And the morals/ethics of the Clinton's are, what, squeeky clean?
Someone pick me up off the floor!! :rofl:
Donnie us an expert on sex. He now represents the Party of Morals. PROUD, ARE YOU?
FOOLISH Thread , a thread that a millenial , hip hopper :afro:or similar ilk would start .
Please don't lampoon politicans. It hurts their and their supporters' feelings. :(
Dirty rotten minds. Nothing positive from the left in America.

It will be so great when the door hits Obama's ass on the way out and Hillary is retired for good.

You're hardly in a position to lecture others about having a dirty rotten mind.

Hillary: 'I'm just like you wittle people...except RICH, Powerful

Sister of dead Benghazi ambassador defends Hillary Clinton

Trumps problem with women......doesn't look good


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