Trump more popular than that guy with the funny sounding name who was President before him...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
2,290 the same time in his Presidency what's his know, the guy with the funny sounding name who screwed up everything he did as President, who was President before Trump.... had a lower approval rating than Trump...

And that guy with the funny sounding name....what was his name again? He had nothing but ass kissing press coverage his entire time in the office....Trump has had the exact opposite coverage....and he is still beating the other guy...

And Trump is beating out the other world leaders too.....Winning!!!

Despite All The Negative Mueller News, Trump Leads Obama In Polls At Same Point In Presidency

Rasmussen reported Tuesday that its daily tracking poll — the only one left of its kind after Gallup discontinued its tracking poll — currently shows Trump holding 49% approval among Likely U.S. Voters. The same percentage, 49%, disapprove of him.

So how does that compare to his now-popular predecessor? Trump is beating Obama by 3% in approval and 4% in disapproval at the same point in this presidency, with Rasmussen's index showing that Obama earned a 46% approval and 53% disapproval on December 11, 2010.
Trump = common sense policies/laws/rules/etc
  1. 1.
    occurring, found, or done often; prevalent.
that's why so many people like him and/or his policies/etc
not the jackass radicals
..definitely not the jackass criminal sympathizers-lovers [blacks/libs ]...the people who sympathize with criminals are lawless/idiots/etc
...not the deviant LGTBQ [ which have mental problems/are a very tiny part of the population
Mueller the deep state and the media seemingly are having no affect on Trump's poll numbers....:113:
Trump is absolutely kicking butt, yet the media only talks about the false Russia, Russia, Russia that more and more people realize is a big a hoax as man made climate change.
Tuesday is the day when polls are legit. Tomorrow they'll be fake news.
I remember back in 2007 when I first heard the name "Barack Obama." Without even know that he was a half black/half white liberal Marxist, my first thought was "What the f*ck kind of a name is that?????"

"WTF country is he from?"
I remember back in 2007 when I first heard the name "Barack Obama." Without even know that he was a half black/half white liberal Marxist, my first thought was "What the f*ck kind of a name is that?????"

"WTF country is he from?"

we all know what country the name 'drumpf' originates from.
I remember back in 2007 when I first heard the name "Barack Obama." Without even know that he was a half black/half white liberal Marxist, my first thought was "What the f*ck kind of a name is that?????"

"WTF country is he from?"

we all know what country the name 'drumpf' originates from.

"We"? No, actually I never heard the term "drumf" until the resident leftards on here started parroting the word. Is that the modern-day equivalent to the name "Shrub" that the Great Unwashed Rabble called GW? I seem to remember the same burned-out individuals calling Ronald Reagan "Ronald Ray-Gun" or some stupid shit like that.

How "cute."
I remember back in 2007 when I first heard the name "Barack Obama." Without even know that he was a half black/half white liberal Marxist, my first thought was "What the f*ck kind of a name is that?????"

"WTF country is he from?"

we all know what country the name 'drumpf' originates from.

"We"? No, actually I never heard the term "drumf" until the resident leftards on here started parroting the word. Is that the modern-day equivalent to the name "Shrub" that the Great Unwashed Rabble called GW? I seem to remember the same burned-out individuals calling Ronald Reagan "Ronald Ray-Gun" or some stupid shit like that.

How "cute."
Ronnie is saint Ray Goon.
I remember back in 2007 when I first heard the name "Barack Obama." Without even know that he was a half black/half white liberal Marxist, my first thought was "What the f*ck kind of a name is that?????"

"WTF country is he from?"

we all know what country the name 'drumpf' originates from.

"We"? No, actually I never heard the term "drumf" until the resident leftards on here started parroting the word. Is that the modern-day equivalent to the name "Shrub" that the Great Unwashed Rabble called GW? I seem to remember the same burned-out individuals calling Ronald Reagan "Ronald Ray-Gun" or some stupid shit like that.

How "cute."

lol... it's spelled d-r-u-m-p-f. & what's really 'cute' is your ignorance. by 'we' i mean those who aren't the poorly educated that drumpf loves long time.

that was his family's name b4 his granddaddy... friedrich drumpf.... who was born in germany.... changed it to trump.

try educating yourself.
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I remember back in 2007 when I first heard the name "Barack Obama." Without even know that he was a half black/half white liberal Marxist, my first thought was "What the f*ck kind of a name is that?????"

"WTF country is he from?"

we all know what country the name 'drumpf' originates from.

"We"? No, actually I never heard the term "drumf" until the resident leftards on here started parroting the word. Is that the modern-day equivalent to the name "Shrub" that the Great Unwashed Rabble called GW? I seem to remember the same burned-out individuals calling Ronald Reagan "Ronald Ray-Gun" or some stupid shit like that.

How "cute."

lol... it's spelled d-r-u-m-p-f. & what's really 'cute' is your ignorance. by 'we' i mean those who aren't the poorly educated that drumpf loves long time.

that was his family's name b4 his granddaddy... friedrich drumpf.... who was born in germany.... changed it to trump.

try educating yourself.

What kind of an "educated" person doesn't know the proper use of capitalization, punctuation, and sentence structure?

Union teachers, eh?

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