Trump lost me, most insensitive ahole Covid remark

Johnson was better than Trump or Hillary. That isn't saying much. A chimp was better than Trump or Hillary.

Stein was the only candidate willing to actually stand up for her beliefs when she went and protested with the Standing Rock protester. If that is a Russian asset, so be it.
That one singular incident isn’t what makes her a Russian asset.

If you have irrational hatred toward Hillary I can’t help you.

Holy shit, the stupidity on this forum.
LOL. This from one of the dumbest posters ever.

There's no reason to "irrationally" hate Hillary? Why be irrational when there are so many good reasons to do so?
There are plenty of made-up reasons. And plenty of superficial reasons. But nothing that you haven’t given a male politician a pass for and you haven’t developed vehement, irrational hatred toward any of them. It’s your misogyny, not Hillary’s qualifications.

So you think a woman can't handle being treated like a man? Chuck Schumer, Harry Reid, John Kerry, Bill Clinton, Obama, Nadler, Al Gore ...

So why do you think women need to be treated easier than men? You worried they're going to cry?
None of those men have had to deal with the raging hatred that Hillary has.

OK, that's true. Hillary has all the hatred you say she does
Yes. Syndi would vote for any Democrat.
And you will not vote for any Democrat. So what’s your point, fake libertarian?
That's true, Syndi. I don't know any Democrat currently in the party I would vote for. Your point?

And you think a real libertarian would vote Democrat? OMG, there is so much air between your ears
Then what’s your point about me voting for Democrats in every election, fake libertarian?

You just said you vote for every Democrat, fake human being
Synthia is a party animal. <giggle>
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You said that in 2016 cupcake
Saved! The mods aren’t going to be able to scrub everything after November. :lol:

Look at the polling from July 2016 and today.

an example, in Florida:

View attachment 366742

Yes, it's over. You won. You can relax now. I already tossed in the towel
Well, to be fair, me winning was a foregone conclusion.

Yes, just like 2016. How'd that work out for ya????

You remember the apology tour. When you ask for links you know exist and could easily find yourself, you're obviously just planning to go into another round of no it isn't, no it isn't, no it isn't ...
There are no links because hannity made it up.

If you say so
If not you would have been able to come up with at least one example from a reliable source.

Instead, you fall back on the failed “look for it yourself” dodge, knowing it’s all a hannity talking point, just like him saying from 2008-2012 that Obama was the most liberal senator. Ludicrous, yet you wingnuts recited it as gospel.

It's not a look for yourself dodge so much as you've long proven that you're not a man and won't man up to links no matter how clear they are. When you do that, fine, but stop whining for links that we both know you won't acknowledge.

This is a no whining zone, put your tissues back in your purse
I guess in that tiny, empty head of yours that makes sense somehow, but there were no libertarians nominated to run for President in 2016 by any party. Pretty sad when there is a party called the "Libertarian" Party, huh?

I love the avatar for you BTW. She's as empty headed as you are, but a whole lot prettier
Rand Paul ran for president in 2016, only to be dismissed by trump over his hair. The irony. But that was enough for you folks.

No idea what you're talking about, but then you don't either
Did you forget Obammy's world apology tour?

View attachment 366465
No such thing.

You don't remember Obama's global apology tour? You're so lost in being partisan you have no physical body left, you're just a hovering mist of Democrat party politics
Still no link?

maybe it’s because you can’t link to a hannity fantasy. :lol:

Here sugar.

ask if you need more help and try to keep up
Are you a retard? I’m asking because you seem like a retard.

The first link is from the ultra-Rightwing Heritage.

The second link is an opinion piece written by....wait for it....a little longer...KARL ROVE.

Holy shit, you’re stupid. And I am still undefeated!

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

I'd ask if you're a retard, but you obviously are. It doesn't matter who wrote those articles since they contain Obama QUOTES. Dumb ass.

Note I just chastised you I'm not giving you links because you'll never acknowledge them. Sawissshhhhh. Nothing but net ....

Syndi, sheesh. Pathetic. Did you used to have balls?
“Older people, vulnerable people are going to die from this virus. That is going to happen despite whatever you do. Because with all our progress as a society, we can’t keep everyone alive.”

Unreal, what a heartless fuck. Why not just reopen everything now?
Well, you’re now supporting the heartless fuck 24/7.

Shocking right? Nope!
Well, you’re now supporting the heartless fuck 24/7.

Shocking right? Nope!
That's exactly what happened. The CDC confirmed there were no excess deaths from COVID. Most of those that died would have died from flu or pneumonia in that same time period. Those are just facts.

The heartless fuck is the governor of NY who sent COVID infected patients into nursing homes where it spread death like wildfire.
“Older people, vulnerable people are going to die from this virus. That is going to happen despite whatever you do. Because with all our progress as a society, we can’t keep everyone alive.”

Unreal, what a heartless fuck. Why not just reopen everything now?

I know your post is old as hell, and I have no idea how it got necroed back up the list and I'm not sure if you still feel the same today but I disagree.

He didn't curse, he wasn't overly mean or looked down on them.

Trump simply was being truthful and very direct. In today's society people have been trained that everything has to be soft and nice and not offensive at all, so when someone is direct and honest they can't take it and get offended. I appreciate when bad news is delivered in a direct and frank manner, I don't want someone to beat around the bush and soften the blow. I want honesty and I want blunt, especially in a president.

Our society is quickly becoming soft and weak. Americans weathered the great depression, world war 2, the founding of our nation, cuban missle crisis and so on. They were tough time with a whole lot of bad news but Americans had no disillusions about what was going on because they were tougher people that could handle the truth. Now? People get upset if you call an illegal an illegal and their feelings get hurt left and right because they are becoming immature and weak pussies.

Trump was telling the truth at the time he said that and if someone can't handle the truth then they need to grow up and be a mature adult because the truth isn't always pleasant, but it's always best to get the truth, especially when it's bad.

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