Trump Lies About Endorsements That He Never Received


Comfortably Moderate
Oct 19, 2010
4th Cleanest City in the World-Minneapolis
That crazy pathological liar does it again, again, again and again.
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump frequently touts his support among law enforcement and military figures.
On Monday, he told News4Jax that the United States military "conceptually" endorsed him and that "virtually every police department" in the country backed his bid for the presidency. During last week's third debate, Trump said his hardline stance on immigration and pledge to build a border wall had earned him an endorsement from Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
But none of that is true.
Federal agencies are barred by law from endorsing candidates in political elections. Under the Hatch Act, only the president, vice president and high-ranking administration officials are allowed to dip their toe in partisan waters.
The Department of Defense, meanwhile, has its own set of guidelines that tightly restricts any active duty military or civilian personnel from publicly choosing political sides.
The same applies to Trump's repeated claims about ICE, the agency tasked with deporting undocumented immigrants. Trump has doubled down during campaign rallies and onstage at debates by saying that ICE endorsed him.
But the agency has not endorsed any candidate, nor is it able to. Instead the union representing ICE employees, National Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council, gave the Republican nominee its backing. And it represents just a quarter of the more than 20,000 employees that work at the agency.
Trump did receive an endorsement from more than 88 retired military figures last month. His list of supporters included top military brass and Medal of Honor recipients, including Maj. Gen. Sidney Shachnow, a former Army beret and Holocaust survivor, and Vietnam veteran Rear Admiral Charles Williams.
However, Trump's support from military quarters pales in comparison to what some Republican predecessors received when they ran for the Oval Office.
Mitt Romney, the Republican presidential nominee who lost in 2012, received a sweeping endorsement from 500 retired generals and admirals. The veterans banded together to release a full-page ad in the Washington Times highlighting their support.
Trump has also overstated his standing with local police departments. He has picked up endorsements from the federal police union, the Fraternal Order of Police.
But the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association in New York, the largest police union in the country with 23,000 members, has remained on the sidelines this election and has yet to back a candidate.
Police departments as a whole do not typically endorse candidates in elections. Though that has not stopped Trump from saying they do.
Trump Brags of Endorsements That Never Happened
Now we'll have Trumpsters crying about the rigged media for reporting facts. :party:
That crazy pathological liar does it again, again, again and again.
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump frequently touts his support among law enforcement and military figures.
On Monday, he told News4Jax that the United States military "conceptually" endorsed him and that "virtually every police department" in the country backed his bid for the presidency. During last week's third debate, Trump said his hardline stance on immigration and pledge to build a border wall had earned him an endorsement from Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
But none of that is true.
Federal agencies are barred by law from endorsing candidates in political elections. Under the Hatch Act, only the president, vice president and high-ranking administration officials are allowed to dip their toe in partisan waters.
The Department of Defense, meanwhile, has its own set of guidelines that tightly restricts any active duty military or civilian personnel from publicly choosing political sides.
The same applies to Trump's repeated claims about ICE, the agency tasked with deporting undocumented immigrants. Trump has doubled down during campaign rallies and onstage at debates by saying that ICE endorsed him.
But the agency has not endorsed any candidate, nor is it able to. Instead the union representing ICE employees, National Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council, gave the Republican nominee its backing. And it represents just a quarter of the more than 20,000 employees that work at the agency.
Trump did receive an endorsement from more than 88 retired military figures last month. His list of supporters included top military brass and Medal of Honor recipients, including Maj. Gen. Sidney Shachnow, a former Army beret and Holocaust survivor, and Vietnam veteran Rear Admiral Charles Williams.
However, Trump's support from military quarters pales in comparison to what some Republican predecessors received when they ran for the Oval Office.
Mitt Romney, the Republican presidential nominee who lost in 2012, received a sweeping endorsement from 500 retired generals and admirals. The veterans banded together to release a full-page ad in the Washington Times highlighting their support.
Trump has also overstated his standing with local police departments. He has picked up endorsements from the federal police union, the Fraternal Order of Police.
But the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association in New York, the largest police union in the country with 23,000 members, has remained on the sidelines this election and has yet to back a candidate.
Police departments as a whole do not typically endorse candidates in elections. Though that has not stopped Trump from saying they do.
Trump Brags of Endorsements That Never Happened
Now we'll have Trumpsters crying about the rigged media for reporting facts. :party:
Funny how the Hatch act can be used against a Republican Candidate, but totally allowed when Lois Lerner went after the conservative Tea Party. You can bet that 90% of the military is voting for Trump, and the rest are the plants that Obama put in there to make our military a bra and panty girl scouts. Border patrol is for Trump as their job would be much easier if a wall was put up, while the vagina candidate wants 550% more radical Muslims who want to kill US in our country along with MS-13 and other Latino gangs who will rape and murder then run back across the border. Police who are getting murdered by Black Lives Matters(unless they are black aborted babies) want Trump will use the constitution to put an end to the radical insurrection that HRC and Obama have declared on the men in blue. Sure the lickspittle lapdog liberal media will call Trump a Liar, but the concerned US citizens know better. Such stupid people who have a death wish and will vote HRC.

Pointing this out to USMB cons is pointless. They're just going to deflect to bitching about Hillary.
Pointing this out to USMB cons is pointless. They're just going to deflect to bitching about Hillary.
I notice you didn't refute anything I said, because you cant. But you will still go out of your sorry ass way to pull the lever for a failed vagina. You are a good little Eichmann, Seig Heil..
Pointing this out to USMB cons is pointless. They're just going to deflect to bitching about Hillary.
Because the OP is bullshit.

View attachment 95226
lol! Thank you for proving my point.
I didnt prove your fucking point, shit4brains.

That is like some 911 Truther claiming that he can predict that people are too afraid to accept his theories.

No, it is because the theories are bullshit.

Just like you rants on Trump being a liar when Hillary is a PROVEN LIAR AND PERJURER JUST LIKE HER HUSBAND are pathetic jokes.
Pointing this out to USMB cons is pointless. They're just going to deflect to bitching about Hillary.
Because the OP is bullshit.

View attachment 95226
lol! Thank you for proving my point.
I didnt prove your fucking point, shit4brains.

That is like some 911 Truther claiming that he can predict that people are too afraid to accept his theories.

No, it is because the theories are bullshit.

Just like you rants on Trump being a liar when Hillary is a PROVEN LIAR AND PERJURER JUST LIKE HER HUSBAND are pathetic jokes.
Yea actually. You're not at all addressing the content of the OP and are just pivoting to Hillary. I know she lies. However, statistically it's been shown Trump lies a lot more.
Yea actually. You're not at all addressing the content of the OP and are just pivoting to Hillary. I know she lies. However, statistically it's been shown Trump lies a lot more.

Lol, yeah, how many times has Trump lied under oath about anything involving national security?

How many millions has Trump teken for selling US critical national security resources like Hillary has?
Care to point out the bullshit?
Thank you.
Sure, no problem.

All the text in red.

That crazy pathological liar does it again, again, again and again.
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump frequently touts his support among law enforcement and military figures.
On Monday, he told News4Jax that the United States military "conceptually" endorsed him and that "virtually every police department" in the country backed his bid for the presidency. During last week's third debate, Trump said his hardline stance on immigration and pledge to build a border wall had earned him an endorsement from Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
But none of that is true.
Federal agencies are barred by law from endorsing candidates in political elections. Under the Hatch Act, only the president, vice president and high-ranking administration officials are allowed to dip their toe in partisan waters.
The Department of Defense, meanwhile, has its own set of guidelines that tightly restricts any active duty military or civilian personnel from publicly choosing political sides.
The same applies to Trump's repeated claims about ICE, the agency tasked with deporting undocumented immigrants. Trump has doubled down during campaign rallies and onstage at debates by saying that ICE endorsed him.
But the agency has not endorsed any candidate, nor is it able to. Instead the union representing ICE employees, National Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council, gave the Republican nominee its backing. And it represents just a quarter of the more than 20,000 employees that work at the agency.
Trump did receive an endorsement from more than 88 retired military figures last month. His list of supporters included top military brass and Medal of Honor recipients, including Maj. Gen. Sidney Shachnow, a former Army beret and Holocaust survivor, and Vietnam veteran Rear Admiral Charles Williams.
However, Trump's support from military quarters pales in comparison to what some Republican predecessors received when they ran for the Oval Office.
Mitt Romney, the Republican presidential nominee who lost in 2012, received a sweeping endorsement from 500 retired generals and admirals. The veterans banded together to release a full-page ad in the Washington Times highlighting their support.
Trump has also overstated his standing with local police departments. He has picked up endorsements from the federal police union, the Fraternal Order of Police.
But the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association in New York, the largest police union in the country with 23,000 members, has remained on the sidelines this election and has yet to back a candidate.
Police departments as a whole do not typically endorse candidates in elections. Though that has not stopped Trump from saying they do.

Trump Brags of Endorsements That Never Happened
Now we'll have Trumpsters crying about the rigged media for reporting facts. :party:
That crazy pathological liar does it again, again, again and again.
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump frequently touts his support among law enforcement and military figures.
On Monday, he told News4Jax that the United States military "conceptually" endorsed him and that "virtually every police department" in the country backed his bid for the presidency. During last week's third debate, Trump said his hardline stance on immigration and pledge to build a border wall had earned him an endorsement from Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
But none of that is true.
Federal agencies are barred by law from endorsing candidates in political elections. Under the Hatch Act, only the president, vice president and high-ranking administration officials are allowed to dip their toe in partisan waters.
The Department of Defense, meanwhile, has its own set of guidelines that tightly restricts any active duty military or civilian personnel from publicly choosing political sides.
The same applies to Trump's repeated claims about ICE, the agency tasked with deporting undocumented immigrants. Trump has doubled down during campaign rallies and onstage at debates by saying that ICE endorsed him.
But the agency has not endorsed any candidate, nor is it able to. Instead the union representing ICE employees, National Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council, gave the Republican nominee its backing. And it represents just a quarter of the more than 20,000 employees that work at the agency.
Trump did receive an endorsement from more than 88 retired military figures last month. His list of supporters included top military brass and Medal of Honor recipients, including Maj. Gen. Sidney Shachnow, a former Army beret and Holocaust survivor, and Vietnam veteran Rear Admiral Charles Williams.
However, Trump's support from military quarters pales in comparison to what some Republican predecessors received when they ran for the Oval Office.
Mitt Romney, the Republican presidential nominee who lost in 2012, received a sweeping endorsement from 500 retired generals and admirals. The veterans banded together to release a full-page ad in the Washington Times highlighting their support.
Trump has also overstated his standing with local police departments. He has picked up endorsements from the federal police union, the Fraternal Order of Police.
But the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association in New York, the largest police union in the country with 23,000 members, has remained on the sidelines this election and has yet to back a candidate.
Police departments as a whole do not typically endorse candidates in elections. Though that has not stopped Trump from saying they do.
Trump Brags of Endorsements That Never Happened
Now we'll have Trumpsters crying about the rigged media for reporting facts. :party:
First you say it didn't happen then reverse and show that the very people DID endorse him. So its a YAWN thread of nothingness.
Care to point out the bullshit?
Thank you.
Sure, no problem.

All the text in red.

That crazy pathological liar does it again, again, again and again.
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump frequently touts his support among law enforcement and military figures.
On Monday, he told News4Jax that the United States military "conceptually" endorsed him and that "virtually every police department" in the country backed his bid for the presidency. During last week's third debate, Trump said his hardline stance on immigration and pledge to build a border wall had earned him an endorsement from Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
But none of that is true.
Federal agencies are barred by law from endorsing candidates in political elections. Under the Hatch Act, only the president, vice president and high-ranking administration officials are allowed to dip their toe in partisan waters.
The Department of Defense, meanwhile, has its own set of guidelines that tightly restricts any active duty military or civilian personnel from publicly choosing political sides.
The same applies to Trump's repeated claims about ICE, the agency tasked with deporting undocumented immigrants. Trump has doubled down during campaign rallies and onstage at debates by saying that ICE endorsed him.
But the agency has not endorsed any candidate, nor is it able to. Instead the union representing ICE employees, National Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council, gave the Republican nominee its backing. And it represents just a quarter of the more than 20,000 employees that work at the agency.
Trump did receive an endorsement from more than 88 retired military figures last month. His list of supporters included top military brass and Medal of Honor recipients, including Maj. Gen. Sidney Shachnow, a former Army beret and Holocaust survivor, and Vietnam veteran Rear Admiral Charles Williams.
However, Trump's support from military quarters pales in comparison to what some Republican predecessors received when they ran for the Oval Office.
Mitt Romney, the Republican presidential nominee who lost in 2012, received a sweeping endorsement from 500 retired generals and admirals. The veterans banded together to release a full-page ad in the Washington Times highlighting their support.
Trump has also overstated his standing with local police departments. He has picked up endorsements from the federal police union, the Fraternal Order of Police.
But the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association in New York, the largest police union in the country with 23,000 members, has remained on the sidelines this election and has yet to back a candidate.
Police departments as a whole do not typically endorse candidates in elections. Though that has not stopped Trump from saying they do.

Trump Brags of Endorsements That Never Happened
Now we'll have Trumpsters crying about the rigged media for reporting facts. :party:

You have a serious problem Jim.
The article used actual Trump quotes and actual facts. And you have a problem with that. But we can talk all day about Clinton's lies, no problem for you. They both lie and I have a huge problem with that. Partisan affiliation should make no difference, they both are pathological liars. Neither one deserves to be president of your and my country. Are you really so weak minded that you willingly want someone so dishonest to lead this country?
You have a serious problem Jim.
The article used actual Trump quotes and actual facts. And you have a problem with that.
No, I really do not.

99% of the lies told about Trump this year are demonstrably false but his supporters waste a lot of time debunking them.

I'm not doing it any more.

You post it, it is probably a fucking lie.
You have a serious problem Jim.
The article used actual Trump quotes and actual facts. And you have a problem with that.
No, I really do not.

99% of the lies told about Trump this year are demonstrably false but his supporters waste a lot of time debunking them.

I'm not doing it any more.

You post it, it is probably a fucking lie.
Infowars/Fox/Brietbart do nothing to help the truth in case you didn't know.
That crazy pathological liar does it again, again, again and again.
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump frequently touts his support among law enforcement and military figures.
On Monday, he told News4Jax that the United States military "conceptually" endorsed him and that "virtually every police department" in the country backed his bid for the presidency. During last week's third debate, Trump said his hardline stance on immigration and pledge to build a border wall had earned him an endorsement from Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
But none of that is true.
Federal agencies are barred by law from endorsing candidates in political elections. Under the Hatch Act, only the president, vice president and high-ranking administration officials are allowed to dip their toe in partisan waters.
The Department of Defense, meanwhile, has its own set of guidelines that tightly restricts any active duty military or civilian personnel from publicly choosing political sides.
The same applies to Trump's repeated claims about ICE, the agency tasked with deporting undocumented immigrants. Trump has doubled down during campaign rallies and onstage at debates by saying that ICE endorsed him.
But the agency has not endorsed any candidate, nor is it able to. Instead the union representing ICE employees, National Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council, gave the Republican nominee its backing. And it represents just a quarter of the more than 20,000 employees that work at the agency.
Trump did receive an endorsement from more than 88 retired military figures last month. His list of supporters included top military brass and Medal of Honor recipients, including Maj. Gen. Sidney Shachnow, a former Army beret and Holocaust survivor, and Vietnam veteran Rear Admiral Charles Williams.
However, Trump's support from military quarters pales in comparison to what some Republican predecessors received when they ran for the Oval Office.
Mitt Romney, the Republican presidential nominee who lost in 2012, received a sweeping endorsement from 500 retired generals and admirals. The veterans banded together to release a full-page ad in the Washington Times highlighting their support.
Trump has also overstated his standing with local police departments. He has picked up endorsements from the federal police union, the Fraternal Order of Police.
But the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association in New York, the largest police union in the country with 23,000 members, has remained on the sidelines this election and has yet to back a candidate.
Police departments as a whole do not typically endorse candidates in elections. Though that has not stopped Trump from saying they do.
Trump Brags of Endorsements That Never Happened
Now we'll have Trumpsters crying about the rigged media for reporting facts. :party:

Now--now don't confuse the Trumpet's with FACTS--remember they're all about conspiracy theories.
All Along I Thought Trump Wasn’t a Conservative/Republican, But Now I Realize I’m Not
You have a serious problem Jim.
The article used actual Trump quotes and actual facts. And you have a problem with that.
No, I really do not.

99% of the lies told about Trump this year are demonstrably false but his supporters waste a lot of time debunking them.

I'm not doing it any more.

You post it, it is probably a fucking lie.

I have had a pretty good reputation here at USMB for 6 years. I am not a partisan hack, I'm an Independent. And I'm honest and when I'm wrong, I admit it.
Go ahead, find any lie that I have posted and prove that it's a lie with real facts, none of your hyper-partisan bullshit.
I challenge you. You find a lie, I'll leave USMB forever but if you don't, you leave USMB forever.. Are you man enough to take the challenge?
Pointing this out to USMB cons is pointless. They're just going to deflect to bitching about Hillary.
Because the OP is bullshit.

View attachment 95226
lol! Thank you for proving my point.
I didnt prove your fucking point, shit4brains.

That is like some 911 Truther claiming that he can predict that people are too afraid to accept his theories.

No, it is because the theories are bullshit.

Just like you rants on Trump being a liar when Hillary is a PROVEN LIAR AND PERJURER JUST LIKE HER HUSBAND are pathetic jokes.
Yea actually. You're not at all addressing the content of the OP and are just pivoting to Hillary. I know she lies. However, statistically it's been shown Trump lies a lot more.
Because the establishment has made themselves RULERS over the US of A, this is the reason why Trump is going to be the next president. Dumbasses like you who voted for Obama twice(only once means you woke the fuck up) have caused the RICH to get RICHER, and the most in poverty ever. When everyone is poor and miserable, then everyone is equal(unless you are like Hillary and Bill who have millions) that is called FAIRNESS. Trump wont let that happen, he has too much to lose, like those concerned enough to vote for him. The rest of you dumbass left wing nutters, have a death wish, for 550% more radical Muslims coming to this country to kill you, which Hillary wants.
You have a serious problem Jim.
The article used actual Trump quotes and actual facts. And you have a problem with that.
No, I really do not.

99% of the lies told about Trump this year are demonstrably false but his supporters waste a lot of time debunking them.

I'm not doing it any more.

You post it, it is probably a fucking lie.

I have had a pretty good reputation here at USMB for 6 years. I am not a partisan hack, I'm an Independent. And I'm honest and when I'm wrong, I admit it.
Go ahead, find any lie that I have posted and prove that it's a lie with real facts, none of your hyper-partisan bullshit.
I challenge you. You find a lie, I'll leave USMB forever but if you don't, you leave USMB forever.. Are you man enough to take the challenge?
Notice that you didn't deny what I posted either. Trump is not a smooth established politician, he is a rough and tough businessman, so makes lots of mistakes, that he accepts and apologizes for. When was the last time Hillary said she was sorry? At this point what difference does it make? He has the support of 10s of Millions of concerned US citizens, HRC has the support of welfare queens, illegal Latino's and radical Muslims. Which one are you to support HRC?
Notice that you didn't deny what I posted either. Trump is not a smooth established politician, he is a rough and tough businessman, so makes lots of mistakes, that he accepts and apologizes for.
Which is why he is going to be our next President.

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