Trump lets 11yr old cut grass at the WH *vid*

You are also a little short on declaring him an entrepreneur..Did the kid take on great financial risk to mow the grass? I don't think so..

Well, he had to go to the White House that must have cost something. Gas, mower, etc. all cost money. There was no guarantee he would make the news or meet Trump. He took the risk and will probably get a lot of work now. For a lot of kids, just getting of their ass is a cost.
I tell my kids to enjoy their time as kids, because after it's over they have 45-50 years of work in front of them...I had to work my childhood away to help support the family......No fun..

You asked if he took financial risk, that is what I was replying to......Your childhood and what you tell your kids is really beside the point.
He didn't take a financial risk on running business by mowing a lawn..Sorry, try again..

How do you know? I just suggested a couple of ways it cost the kid. What's wrong with you beating up on a kid? You want him to buy insurance too.
When is my child old enough to mow the lawn?
Before learning how to mow the lawn, your child should show the maturity, good judgment, strength and coordination that the job requires. In general, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children should be at least

  • 12 years of age to operate a walk-behind power mower or hand mower safely
  • 16 years of age to operate a riding lawn mower safely
“Even though I’m only 10, I would like to show the nation what young people like me are ready for,” Frank wrote.

I hope that kid was given something in return. He deserves it because no one was asking him to do such a thing.

God bless you and the kid and our leader always!!!


P.S. By the way, is the boy 10 or 11?

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