Trump Knocks Dow Down 2500 Pts Since January 1

I guess if he is going to claim credit for the rise he has to own the fall.
What happened to "It is George Bush's fault" for the whole time Obama was in office? When President Trump was touting his success on raising the DOW, you claimed it was Obama's policies. So with this correction, is it still Obama's?

Sweet Jesus, you Trumpanzees are so stupid.
Have you forgotten this?
Gary Cohn, Trump’s top economic adviser, is resigning over tariffs
He was one of Trump's BEST PEOPLE.
Remember, dumbassssss?
It is well understood, your kind have no idea of what the market is about. But if flourishes under a republican, BOW before the god.
But if it is from a Democrat, their is something wrong.

Anyone with enough money to invest in the stock market had plenty to celebrate under the outgoing president: U.S. stocks rose an average of 12% a year during Obama’s two terms, according to S&P Global.
That ranks Obama 3rd among the 12 men who have served as president since World War II, based on the performance of the S&P 500. Only Bill Clinton (under whom stocks rose 14.9% a year over 8 years) and the late Gerald Ford (18.6% annualized during his 29 months in office) presided over better markets.
Overall, the market rose 166.3% between Obama’s first day in office and the close of trading Thursday, his last day.
Seems very productive under the Obama Administration.
Or is this, real tangible statistics, fake news?
View attachment 186582
Damn, that is ever better than the god himself, ronnie.
What a guy. Rick Wilson, Republican strategist is right: Everything Trump touches does die.
Dow down 2500 points just in the last 2.5 months.
Trump has gotten bored with playing games and ruining lives in the White House and now wants to ruin lives in the country.

Dow Was Closing in on 27,000 When It Corrected
Considering that the down was at 17,000 when President Trump took over, a correction of 2,500 is just healthy.
Yeah, nothing like printing 4.5 trillion FAUX dollars that the FED did with QE forever. When I borrowed that free money at zero percent like Apple Inc did and bought more shares of Apple inc thus driving up the stock at 5% it was a pretty good deal.. Oh you forgot about Quantitative Easing and the FREE MONEY?
So the Quantitative Easing of the 4.5 trillion FAUX dollars had NOTHING to do with Obama's economic recovery?
QE has been successful in some ways. It has kept interest rates artificially low, allowed people to refinance homes at great rates and helped financial institutions earn an outsized profits without taking much risk.

It has also allowed Washington to pay less for the money it borrows. US government debt, already more than $17.7 trillion, would be substantially higher if the Treasury had been forced to pay normal interest rates to lenders over the past six years.
Because liberals have no clue how to run a country, even less a business, they have no clue what drives an economy. HIGH TAXES, stifles economic growth. HIGH REGULATIONS, stifles economic growth. Cronie Capitalism through FREE MONEY, makes a stock market go up.
Xi Jinping was smart in targeting Trump's stupid fans in fly-over country: soy and pork farmers. Trump thinks he's smarter than this guy. He's so wrong.

Xi is desperate hence his lashing out. They're in dire straits.

China is in dire straits? Are you fucking kidding me?
How China's Economy Grows Even as Credit Tightens
There are more Chinese millionaires and billionaires made every day than a year in the U.S.
There are thousands of Chinese coming to the U.S. and investing him real estate and other ventures to hide all their damn money!

China has now found cheaper labor in other countries. Yes, China is in dire straits. Obviously, you weren't paying attention.
You mean you suddenly support big earnings for corporations? Geeesh. You’re never happy! Lol
What a guy. Rick Wilson, Republican strategist is right: Everything Trump touches does die.
Dow down 2500 points just in the last 2.5 months.
Trump has gotten bored with playing games and ruining lives in the White House and now wants to ruin lives in the country.

Dow Was Closing in on 27,000 When It Corrected
Considering that the down was at 17,000 when President Trump took over, a correction of 2,500 is just healthy.

It was at 7900 when Obama took office and just went up from there.
See for yourself: Where was the Dow Jones when Obama took office?
The markets didn't see Obama as business-friendly but it still went from 7900 to 18,000, not 17,000.
Now Trump is going to drive it back down again into the ground, because it doesn't affect him.
When will you stupid idiots realize this?
Wait until he publicizes that Facebook, Amazon and Google were harvesting data and handing to the Obama Regime.

Will hurt stock prices, but that's small price for Freedom

Fox is wasting your time obsessing over Obama. Mueller isn't remotely interested in interviewing him.
Talk about a nothing there, there.
What a guy. Rick Wilson, Republican strategist is right: Everything Trump touches does die.
Dow down 2500 points just in the last 2.5 months.
Trump has gotten bored with playing games and ruining lives in the White House and now wants to ruin lives in the country.

Dow Was Closing in on 27,000 When It Corrected
Considering that the down was at 17,000 when President Trump took over, a correction of 2,500 is just healthy.

January 20, 2017

  • Dow: 19,827.25, +94.85, (+0.48%)
  • S&P 500: 2,271.31, +7.62, (+0.34%)
  • Nasdaq: 5,555.33, +15.25, (+0.28%)
  • US 10-year yield: 2.467%, +0.008
  • WTI Crude: $53.18, +1.06, (+2.03%)
You mean you suddenly support big earnings for corporations? Geeesh. You’re never happy! Lol
What a guy. Rick Wilson, Republican strategist is right: Everything Trump touches does die.
Dow down 2500 points just in the last 2.5 months.
Trump has gotten bored with playing games and ruining lives in the White House and now wants to ruin lives in the country.

Dow Was Closing in on 27,000 When It Corrected
Considering that the down was at 17,000 when President Trump took over, a correction of 2,500 is just healthy.

It was at 7900 when Obama took office and just went up from there.
See for yourself: Where was the Dow Jones when Obama took office?
The markets didn't see Obama as business-friendly but it still went from 7900 to 18,000, not 17,000.
Now Trump is going to drive it back down again into the ground, because it doesn't affect him.
When will you stupid idiots realize this?

It's not about me.
That's where Trump idiots went wrong.
They actually believed it was about them.
They even bought red hats and attended rallies to hear about how it was all about them.
Now the farmers in the heartland are pissed.
You should be too, idiot.
Even Ben Sasse, ultra-conservative Republican senator from Nebraska knows this.
Ben Sasse reacts to Trump's new $100 billion tariff proposal: 'This is the dumbest way to do this'
What a guy. Rick Wilson, Republican strategist is right: Everything Trump touches does die.
Dow down 2500 points just in the last 2.5 months.
Trump has gotten bored with playing games and ruining lives in the White House and now wants to ruin lives in the country.

Dow Was Closing in on 27,000 When It Corrected
Considering that the down was at 17,000 when President Trump took over, a correction of 2,500 is just healthy.

January 20, 2017

  • Dow: 19,827.25, +94.85, (+0.48%)
  • S&P 500: 2,271.31, +7.62, (+0.34%)
  • Nasdaq: 5,555.33, +15.25, (+0.28%)
  • US 10-year yield: 2.467%, +0.008
  • WTI Crude: $53.18, +1.06, (+2.03%)

Since January OF THIS YEAR. Not last year. LMAO!
I come here for entertainment and you stupid fucking idiots never fail.
Xi Jinping was smart in targeting Trump's stupid fans in fly-over country: soy and pork farmers. Trump thinks he's smarter than this guy. He's so wrong.

Xi is desperate hence his lashing out. They're in dire straits.

China is in dire straits? Are you fucking kidding me?
How China's Economy Grows Even as Credit Tightens
There are more Chinese millionaires and billionaires made every day than a year in the U.S.
There are thousands of Chinese coming to the U.S. and investing him real estate and other ventures to hide all their damn money!

China has now found cheaper labor in other countries. Yes, China is in dire straits. Obviously, you weren't paying attention.

China will huff and puff but at the end of the day, it's better to play nicely together.

China will also bring NoKO to heel
It is well understood, your kind have no idea of what the market is about. But if flourishes under a republican, BOW before the god.
But if it is from a Democrat, their is something wrong.

Anyone with enough money to invest in the stock market had plenty to celebrate under the outgoing president: U.S. stocks rose an average of 12% a year during Obama’s two terms, according to S&P Global.
That ranks Obama 3rd among the 12 men who have served as president since World War II, based on the performance of the S&P 500. Only Bill Clinton (under whom stocks rose 14.9% a year over 8 years) and the late Gerald Ford (18.6% annualized during his 29 months in office) presided over better markets.
Overall, the market rose 166.3% between Obama’s first day in office and the close of trading Thursday, his last day.
Seems very productive under the Obama Administration.
Or is this, real tangible statistics, fake news?
View attachment 186582
Damn, that is ever better than the god himself, ronnie.
What a guy. Rick Wilson, Republican strategist is right: Everything Trump touches does die.
Dow down 2500 points just in the last 2.5 months.
Trump has gotten bored with playing games and ruining lives in the White House and now wants to ruin lives in the country.

Dow Was Closing in on 27,000 When It Corrected
Considering that the down was at 17,000 when President Trump took over, a correction of 2,500 is just healthy.
Yeah, nothing like printing 4.5 trillion FAUX dollars that the FED did with QE forever. When I borrowed that free money at zero percent like Apple Inc did and bought more shares of Apple inc thus driving up the stock at 5% it was a pretty good deal.. Oh you forgot about Quantitative Easing and the FREE MONEY?
So the Quantitative Easing of the 4.5 trillion FAUX dollars had NOTHING to do with Obama's economic recovery?
QE has been successful in some ways. It has kept interest rates artificially low, allowed people to refinance homes at great rates and helped financial institutions earn an outsized profits without taking much risk.

It has also allowed Washington to pay less for the money it borrows. US government debt, already more than $17.7 trillion, would be substantially higher if the Treasury had been forced to pay normal interest rates to lenders over the past six years.
Because liberals have no clue how to run a country, even less a business, they have no clue what drives an economy. HIGH TAXES, stifles economic growth. HIGH REGULATIONS, stifles economic growth. Cronie Capitalism through FREE MONEY, makes a stock market go up.

This thread isn't about Obama.
If you want to bitch about Obama go tune into Fox and find the last fucking people on the planet who care to indulge your ignorant ass.
Xi Jinping was smart in targeting Trump's stupid fans in fly-over country: soy and pork farmers. Trump thinks he's smarter than this guy. He's so wrong.

Xi is desperate hence his lashing out. They're in dire straits.

China is in dire straits? Are you fucking kidding me?
How China's Economy Grows Even as Credit Tightens
There are more Chinese millionaires and billionaires made every day than a year in the U.S.
There are thousands of Chinese coming to the U.S. and investing him real estate and other ventures to hide all their damn money!

China has now found cheaper labor in other countries. Yes, China is in dire straits. Obviously, you weren't paying attention.

China will huff and puff but at the end of the day, it's better to play nicely together.

China will also bring NoKO to heel

Really, why don't you call Trump and tell him that? Seems he's missing the China chip in his myopic brain.
Xi Jinping was smart in targeting Trump's stupid fans in fly-over country: soy and pork farmers. Trump thinks he's smarter than this guy. He's so wrong.

Xi is desperate hence his lashing out. They're in dire straits.

China is in dire straits? Are you fucking kidding me?
How China's Economy Grows Even as Credit Tightens
There are more Chinese millionaires and billionaires made every day than a year in the U.S.
There are thousands of Chinese coming to the U.S. and investing him real estate and other ventures to hide all their damn money!

China has now found cheaper labor in other countries. Yes, China is in dire straits. Obviously, you weren't paying attention.

Thanks for your OPINION, void of any facts.
Facts really scare conservatives.
How fortunate that you voted for someone who doesn't have any. Water seeks its own level.
What a guy. Rick Wilson, Republican strategist is right: Everything Trump touches does die.
Dow down 2500 points just in the last 2.5 months.
Trump has gotten bored with playing games and ruining lives in the White House and now wants to ruin lives in the country.

Dow Was Closing in on 27,000 When It Corrected
Considering that the down was at 17,000 when President Trump took over, a correction of 2,500 is just healthy.

January 20, 2017

  • Dow: 19,827.25, +94.85, (+0.48%)
  • S&P 500: 2,271.31, +7.62, (+0.34%)
  • Nasdaq: 5,555.33, +15.25, (+0.28%)
  • US 10-year yield: 2.467%, +0.008
  • WTI Crude: $53.18, +1.06, (+2.03%)

Since January OF THIS YEAR. Not last year. LMAO!
I come here for entertainment and you stupid fucking idiots never fail.

If you're talking to me this is from the day Trump took his oath in 2017. Taken from business insider.
Xi Jinping was smart in targeting Trump's stupid fans in fly-over country: soy and pork farmers. Trump thinks he's smarter than this guy. He's so wrong.

Xi is desperate hence his lashing out. They're in dire straits.
View image on Twitter


BREAKING: Dow falls more than 600 points

2:07 PM - Apr 6, 2018

672 680 679 682 684 687 686 LOL 691 703 661 670
Xi Jinping was smart in targeting Trump's stupid fans in fly-over country: soy and pork farmers. Trump thinks he's smarter than this guy. He's so wrong.

Xi is desperate hence his lashing out. They're in dire straits.

China is in dire straits? Are you fucking kidding me?
How China's Economy Grows Even as Credit Tightens
There are more Chinese millionaires and billionaires made every day than a year in the U.S.
There are thousands of Chinese coming to the U.S. and investing him real estate and other ventures to hide all their damn money!

China has now found cheaper labor in other countries. Yes, China is in dire straits. Obviously, you weren't paying attention.

Thanks for your OPINION, void of any facts.
Facts really scare conservatives.
How fortunate that you voted for someone who doesn't have any. Water seeks its own level.

I trade and travel to China quite frequently .
What happened to "It is George Bush's fault" for the whole time Obama was in office?

Are you that stupid to ask such a stupid question? The Great Bush Recession of 2008 and massive job losses was in fact Bush's fault. Obama took office in 2009 and had nearly seven years of positive job growth exceeding the pace of what Trumpo has done so far.

No one says Obama's steady job growth and reductions in unemployment is Bush's fault.
Xi Jinping was smart in targeting Trump's stupid fans in fly-over country: soy and pork farmers. Trump thinks he's smarter than this guy. He's so wrong.

Xi is desperate hence his lashing out. They're in dire straits.

China is in dire straits? Are you fucking kidding me?
How China's Economy Grows Even as Credit Tightens
There are more Chinese millionaires and billionaires made every day than a year in the U.S.
There are thousands of Chinese coming to the U.S. and investing him real estate and other ventures to hide all their damn money!

China has now found cheaper labor in other countries. Yes, China is in dire straits. Obviously, you weren't paying attention.

Thanks for your OPINION, void of any facts.
Facts really scare conservatives.
How fortunate that you voted for someone who doesn't have any. Water seeks its own level.

I trade and travel to China quite frequently .

And I do business with Chinese companies on behalf of my clients.
You're still running a deficit when it comes to facts.
Looks like the Dow is going to close at 3000 points down.
Thanks, Duhnald.
Don't hold any rallies in Iowa, asshole. It will end up badly.

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