Trump is right we need more detention camps

It is interesting that all the shit that is going down in this country, is because you were one of the many voters for Joe Bribem. You just cant get more stupid than that.
The Dem bribes are flowing like a firehose. They know it's their only hope given the Biden disaster. Biden has spent over $138 billion on bribes thus far.
Nobody, but if anyone does again you can bet your ass it will be the democrats AGAIN.
It is something trump has suggested, like many other things, basically unpalatable to normal Americans, but sounds like a plank in the Republican Presidential run in 2024. It is not the Dems proposing it.
Sheriff Joe had it right. Lock them up in detention camps and then deport them. If they look like an illegal immigrant, they probably are.

---Trump Floats Migrant Detention Camps---

Yep, we need detention camps to house all the deranged NaziCons!
If it was up to me to design this detention complex it would have one wall on the Mexican border. I’d put it in the middle of the border somewhere in New Mexico maybe. It would have busses bringing illegals from everywhere, women children, men. Whatever. They get 10 minutes to state their case as a family or individual. That would include work skills. If you have no work skills or no urgent need of protection you leave out the South door immediately. The complex only has two exit doors. One to the US and the other is a five foot walk back into Mexico. Once they go out the Mexico door they are no longer our problem.
And if no translators are available? Not all Hispanics speak the same language.

What then?
It is something trump has suggested, like many other things, basically unpalatable to normal Americans, but sounds like a plank in the Republican Presidential run in 2024. It is not the Dems proposing it.
Obviously not
Fascism is as fascism does.
I believe I mentioned this once already, but did you read the OP?

Let this one sink in for a moment. This is one of their "thought" leaders:


But no Democrats claim to be Conservative
Not so. My own father was a Democrat, as his father before him, but they were both strictly conservative, having been raised that way, and raising us that way. I have met very few family farmers, you could describe as anything but conservative, but many are registered democrat in the south, just never changing party. I think my grown kids are most likely Independent, but they, also are conservative. You can broad brush it, all you like and yes, it is popular to do so, but it is far from accurate.

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