Trump is right: The nation that liberated Jews from the concentration camps can no longer...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
...tolerate the evil of abortion.

Abortion, which has now killed more than 58 million unborn children, is the greatest evil of our age.

We liberated Europe from the evil of the Nazis because America is good.

We liberated most of the world from Communism because America is good.

We can't stand by, comfortable in our lives, and allow the murder of innocents to happen in our own neighborhoods.

The recent passage of a law in New York, making abortion legal all the way to birth, proves that the pro-aborts are only getting started. They want more abortions, more babies killed, to satisfy whatever crazy agenda they are following.

We need to stand united as a people behind the notion that ALL LIFE IS SACRED, from conception to natural death.

Otherwise, the evils of the Death Culture will continue to advance, until no one is safe.
...tolerate the evil of abortion.

Abortion, which has now killed more than 58 million unborn children, is the greatest evil of our age.

We liberated Europe from the evil of the Nazis because America is good.

We liberated most of the world from Communism because America is good.

We can't stand by, comfortable in our lives, and allow the murder of innocents to happen in our own neighborhoods.

The recent passage of a law in New York, making abortion legal all the way to birth, proves that the pro-aborts are only getting started. They want more abortions, more babies killed, to satisfy whatever crazy agenda they are following.

We need to stand united as a people behind the notion that ALL LIFE IS SACRED, from conception to natural death.

Otherwise, the evils of the Death Culture will continue to advance, until no one is safe.

Let's all get this straight . If a woman Has a baby and kills it a day late or allows it to starve to death for instance, she would be Prosecuted for Murder. Another woman has an equally healthy viable baby and decides to kill it just prior to birth that's okay. WTF are you people thinking. Maybe we should allow for convenience killing of children until pruberty. That way we can have the joy of children without the expense of actually raising them to adulthood and producing more unwanted children that need to be killed.
I may be a sap, but I was crying through this part of Trump's speech. I am proud to be a citizen of the nation that went to war to destroy the evil represented by the Nazis. I am proud that Jews welcomed American soldiers as liberators. I am proud that America stands by Israel, the one nation that Jews can call their own in a world that is overwhelmingly hostile to Jews.

But the stain of abortion pulls me in the opposite direction. How can our nation, which sees so clearly the need to stand by human life when it comes to the Jews, be so blind when it comes to the human life of unborn children. It frustrates me no end that even many Christians do not see this issue with clarity. If the Christian churches were united against abortion, it would never have become legal in the first place. And even now, after 58 million abortions, most of the Christian churches are still idle, or worse, are pro-abortion.
...tolerate the evil of abortion.

Abortion, which has now killed more than 58 million unborn children, is the greatest evil of our age.

We liberated Europe from the evil of the Nazis because America is good.

We liberated most of the world from Communism because America is good.

We can't stand by, comfortable in our lives, and allow the murder of innocents to happen in our own neighborhoods.

The recent passage of a law in New York, making abortion legal all the way to birth, proves that the pro-aborts are only getting started. They want more abortions, more babies killed, to satisfy whatever crazy agenda they are following.

We need to stand united as a people behind the notion that ALL LIFE IS SACRED, from conception to natural death.

Otherwise, the evils of the Death Culture will continue to advance, until no one is safe.
Trump is wrong, as are you.

The ‘evil’ isn’t abortion.

The evil is the authoritarian right, you and other reprehensible conservatives who seek to compel conformity and punish dissent, hostile to the right privacy, and eager to have more government interfere in the personal lives of the American people.

The authoritarian right is the bane of the American Nation, and poses the greatest threat to our rights and protected liberties.
neither party is going to do a damn thing about abortion...the gop controlled the 3 branches and did what? do tell me again what they did about abortion? o nothing.....just a straw man that yall continue to follow who will do nothing about the big ass business of abortion
and really you boo hooed cause of this? really ...did you boo hoo over kids dying at the border somehow i dont think your false bs for someone who might buy it Blackrook
do you cry for the children left orphaned by opoids? do you cry for the children of rape?
the list goes tell us about your crying for the children ?
“I’m very pro-choice,” Trump says. “I hate the concept of abortion. I hate it. I hate everything it stands for. I cringe when I listen to people debating the subject. But you still — I just believe in choice.”

Russert clarifies his original point: Would you ban partial-birth abortion? “No,” Trump replies

from the link above....trump just tells yall what he hopes you will fall for
[Trump is right: The nation that liberated Jews from the concentration camps can no longer...] ...tolerate the evil of abortion.

Trump probably has as much of a clue as you have - read: none, zero, zilch - as to the number of abortions in Russia (or the states of the former USSR, to be precise).

But yeah, "Trump is right" - in case you live in UpIsDownistan.
I do not support abortion but i am pro choice.
I am sure you statists cant understand that.
...tolerate the evil of abortion.

Abortion, which has now killed more than 58 million unborn children, is the greatest evil of our age.

We liberated Europe from the evil of the Nazis because America is good.

We liberated most of the world from Communism because America is good.

We can't stand by, comfortable in our lives, and allow the murder of innocents to happen in our own neighborhoods.

The recent passage of a law in New York, making abortion legal all the way to birth, proves that the pro-aborts are only getting started. They want more abortions, more babies killed, to satisfy whatever crazy agenda they are following.

We need to stand united as a people behind the notion that ALL LIFE IS SACRED, from conception to natural death.

Otherwise, the evils of the Death Culture will continue to advance, until no one is safe.

Its a small vs big government thing if that makes you feel any better. Just like the gun rights fellows don't want to register guns because thier AR-15's are symbolic small government folks don't wanna give up abortion rights.

Its a somewhat flowed point but outlawing abortiona won't stop it anyways. The rich will just go wherever they need to. The poor just won't see a doctor until they get some home madr concotion to end it.

Far as making legal headway, go after 3rd tri-mester abortions and the like first. Join a party which wants ro register guns and bank tansactions. That type of thing.

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