Trump Is President, And Now The Left Justifies Political Violence


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
When Hillary and the Democrats believed they were going to win the election Hillary declared that 'to challenge the election results would be to undermine the pillars on which our democracy stands'... that they have lost the election, Democrats/Liberals/snowflakes defend and justify political violence:

"During Trump’s inauguration Friday, anarchists ran wild in downtown D.C., smashing store front windows and setting trashcans and a limo on fire. These actions were roundly condemned by several liberals and most of the Left was in agreement that the destruction was not to be tolerated. But there was one violent act of the black bloc anarchists liberals were ecstatic over

White nationalist and alt-right coiner Richard Spencer was giving a TV interview right near the chaos unfolding in D.C. on Friday. Right in the middle of it, an anarchist punched him in the face, and the the video of it became a viral sensation.

The euphoria over Spencer’s punch prompted The New York Times to publish an article entitled, “
Attack on Alt-Right Leader Has Internet Asking: Is It O.K. to Punch a Nazi?” The piece admitted “[t]here was little substantive debate online about the ethics of punching Mr. Spencer,” because it all occurred on Twitter. People, of course, answered in the affirmative on Twitter that it is perfectly right to punch a Nazi in response to the article."

In a separate thread the article was posted showing where Experts and historians all agree the comparison of Trump to Hitler is completely unfounded, that it is just the 're-awakening' of the same un-original GOP-to-Nazi' comparisons made of both Reagan and Bush. It is part of their delusion, their partisan hatred and sickness. AND NOW THEY ARE USING IT TO DEFEND AND JUSTIFY THEIR INTOLERANCE AND POLITICAL VIOLENCE ON ANY AND ALL WHO DO NOT AGREE WITH THEM.

If any comparison with Hitler should be made, it is beginning to look like it should be between the Democratic Party / Liberals and Hitler.

Trump Is President, And Now The Left Justifies Political Violence

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