Trump is Doing a Lousy Job Showing the Election 2020 Was Stolen. Fulton County and Swing State Signature Matching

You fucking 75 million window lickers are still a minority. So, do something you worthless sacks of human protoplasm, or shut your pie holes forever.

We already know the outcome.
You don't know squat. You're just another retarded lemming with a bad case of TDS.
No matter how many recounts you have it shows nothing if the recounts are of the same old fraudulent ballots. Trump came closest when he pressed for a full signature matching audit for Fulton County, GA, but then just kind of seemed to forget about it. That's why I wonder if he isn't all staged. If I were a former president I would make damn sure every GOP mouth was on the same page, but he seems content to be getting jerked around.

Any ballot that was counted after midnight on election day should be examined and signature matched if it is a mail-in. It's that simple.


(Below source: Baltimore Post Examiner.) (Click for larger below image)

Thing is, the Republicans will be going toe to toe with the Democrats on any fraudulent ballots. The system sucks, the electoral system is there for the taking, and no one seems to give a damn.
All Republicans want is to win at any cost, and they'll say anything to get that. What they don't want is a system where there isn't any fraud, because then what would they moan about?
"What they don't want is a system where there isn't any fraud,..."

Well, far be it from me to opine on Republican yearning for a fraudulent system; however, I would posit that viewing the United States as a whole, and any national or even statewide election, there will be some incidents of fraud. Duh!

It's like this: (and let's use a national election. An election for a president.) America has something like 168 million voters, utilizing 6 different voting systems, with about 177,000 voting precincts, employing over 600,000 poll workers. And all of that under a time-sensitive mandate for execution, tallying and reporting.

Could there be some 'retail' level fraud? You bet. Humans act like humans and in some precinct there may be someone who puts their thumb on the scale in the belief they can get away with it.

But, it is my firm belief, it is nickel-dime small-potatoes fraud, ala' what we saw down in Florida's Villages retirement community where some knuckleheaded MAGA's voted several times. But it was 'retail' fraud. Never rising to the level of swinging the results of a national election...even in the precincts of The Villages.

In my opinion, our election system....controlled at state level ..... is too fragmented and diverse to be very vulnerable to widespread 'national' election-altering fraud.
You don't know squat. You're just another retarded lemming with a bad case of TDS.

Thing is, the Republicans will be going toe to toe with the Democrats on any fraudulent ballots. The system sucks, the electoral system is there for the taking, and no one seems to give a damn.
All Republicans want is to win at any cost, and they'll say anything to get that. What they don't want is a system where there isn't any fraud, because then what would they moan about?
No Democrats paly as dirty as possible.

Two Key Michigan Officials Retracted Their Votes to Certify 2020 Election, Say They Certified Under Threats and Duress

Detroit News:

“Two Republican Wayne County canvassers have signed affidavits saying they regret their votes Tuesday to certify the Nov. 3 election, arguing that “intense bullying and coercion” plus bad legal advice forced them to agree to certify the election after they had voted no.

Canvassers Monica Palmer and William Hartmann have claimed the promises made to them of a “comprehensive audit” of the Nov. 3 election should they certify “will not be fulfilled.” Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson announced Thursday her office would conduct some local performance audits, but did not say in which jurisdictions.

“I rescind my prior vote to certify Wayne County elections,” Palmer said in an affidavit signed Wednesday night. “I fully believe the Wayne County vote should not be certified.””

Woman accused of threatening Wayne County Board of Canvassers chairwoman

ABC 12 News Detroit:

“The text messages also included images of a bloody, naked and mutilated woman’s body lying on the ground — immediately followed by a photo of Palmer’s young daughter and a message reading, “I’d just like you to imagine that’s…your beautiful daughter,” according to Schneider.”
There was no audit of the election. Nobody seemed to give a shit that the Democrats stole a Presidency from the American people. Without a Congressional audit then nothing was ever going to change.

Pence was a traitor to his country by not insisting on a Congressional audit, like was done in 1876. That makes him just as much a villain as the Democrat filth that stole the election.
Think Trump will ever take some of the $200 million he's collected & do some investigating? Gee, Trump doesn't seem to think top highly of the office of the Presidency if he lets this slide, now does he?,

He hasen't spend a dime of his own money either.
No Democrats paly as dirty as possible.

Two Key Michigan Officials Retracted Their Votes to Certify 2020 Election, Say They Certified Under Threats and Duress

Detroit News:

“Two Republican Wayne County canvassers have signed affidavits saying they regret their votes Tuesday to certify the Nov. 3 election, arguing that “intense bullying and coercion” plus bad legal advice forced them to agree to certify the election after they had voted no.

Canvassers Monica Palmer and William Hartmann have claimed the promises made to them of a “comprehensive audit” of the Nov. 3 election should they certify “will not be fulfilled.” Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson announced Thursday her office would conduct some local performance audits, but did not say in which jurisdictions.

“I rescind my prior vote to certify Wayne County elections,” Palmer said in an affidavit signed Wednesday night. “I fully believe the Wayne County vote should not be certified.””

Woman accused of threatening Wayne County Board of Canvassers chairwoman

ABC 12 News Detroit:

“The text messages also included images of a bloody, naked and mutilated woman’s body lying on the ground — immediately followed by a photo of Palmer’s young daughter and a message reading, “I’d just like you to imagine that’s…your beautiful daughter,” according to Schneider.”

Is that supposed to be "No, Democrats play dirty" or "No Democrats play dirty"?
He is an idiot for listening to the people around him and putting some of them in positions at the white house in the first place.... but who would have thought that the entire elected class would turn on him and deceive him... I blame those people for that not Trump....

Who didn't see that coming? Really. This is why Trump needs to ride off into the sunset. If we ever have another Republican President and I don't think that's possible, we'd need to fire and replace maybe 500,000 people in government
There was no audit of the election. Nobody seemed to give a shit that the Democrats stole a Presidency from the American people. Without a Congressional audit then nothing was ever going to change.

Pence was a traitor to his country by not insisting on a Congressional audit, like was done in 1876. That makes him just as much a villain as the Democrat filth that stole the election.

Pence, McConnell and McCarthy all bought or bribed

Fauxi belongs in Gitmo
"....we'd need to fire and replace maybe 500,000 people in government..."
Hold on a minute there.
If poster CrusaderFrank is gonna be in charge of handing out pink-slips, well, I'd like some input.

First, I think the world of our Township Clerk. We are so lucky to have such a selfless, dedicated woman running that office and overseeing our elections. She and the Township Treasurer are treasures. So hold off on firing them, Crusader.

And then, our Postmaster (actually a 'Postmistress', I suppose) Another treasure that we rural folk out here are lucky to have working for us. My RR mail-carrier is a really good guy too. I'd hate to see Frank pink-slip him.

And as long as I'm trying to save those who I think are 'value-added' to my family's well-being....lemme add some of the County folks who I know and have worked with for years: theRecorder of Deeds is another fixture in our governance, and she is a sharp, aware, and a skilled administrator. She runs a tight ship, and I like that. After all, out here in rural America where we farmers are frequently buying acreage near and not so near....well, knowing that Recorder has a tight trail on deeds and ownership and easements, well, that is damn useful. Damn useful.

I like the District Judge ...a lot. I admire that guy and his family. I know the Sheriff personally and he is absolutely the right man for that job and for those of us in the County. The community that is the County seat has a really smart Mayor. Public Administration degree from a Big 10 university, a Masters. He's good. Don't fire him, Frank.

And then widening our local Congressional Rep for my District is a solid gal. Former DOJ lawyer....but humble, caring, and I like her attention to detail. We have met three times....once for lunch, just 3 of us, once on a follow-up project I was working on. I like the cut of her jib. She is good. So don't fire her, Crusader.

If I had a little more time this morning, I'd give CrusaderFrank a bigger list of our local 'governance-administrators' that I think are competent, caring, and serving my family well. Think of it, Frank, as sort of my personal farm-country Schindler's List.

In short, be very very judicious. We have a lot of really good and dedicated public servants out here in rural America. I'd hate to see some uninformed rascal in thrall to Gateway Pundit or Alex Jones or even QAnon to come in and fire those folks who do me and my family good. K?
Hold on a minute there.
If poster CrusaderFrank is gonna be in charge of handing out pink-slips, well, I'd like some input.

First, I think the world of our Township Clerk. We are so lucky to have such a selfless, dedicated woman running that office and overseeing our elections. She and the Township Treasurer are treasures. So hold off on firing them, Crusader.

And then, our Postmaster (actually a 'Postmistress', I suppose) Another treasure that we rural folk out here are lucky to have working for us. My RR mail-carrier is a really good guy too. I'd hate to see Frank pink-slip him.

And as long as I'm trying to save those who I think are 'value-added' to my family's well-being....lemme add some of the County folks who I know and have worked with for years: theRecorder of Deeds is another fixture in our governance, and she is a sharp, aware, and a skilled administrator. She runs a tight ship, and I like that. After all, out here in rural America where we farmers are frequently buying acreage near and not so near....well, knowing that Recorder has a tight trail on deeds and ownership and easements, well, that is damn useful. Damn useful.

I like the District Judge ...a lot. I admire that guy and his family. I know the Sheriff personally and he is absolutely the right man for that job and for those of us in the County. The community that is the County seat has a really smart Mayor. Public Administration degree from a Big 10 university, a Masters. He's good. Don't fire him, Frank.

And then widening our local Congressional Rep for my District is a solid gal. Former DOJ lawyer....but humble, caring, and I like her attention to detail. We have met three times....once for lunch, just 3 of us, once on a follow-up project I was working on. I like the cut of her jib. She is good. So don't fire her, Crusader.

If I had a little more time this morning, I'd give CrusaderFrank a bigger list of our local 'governance-administrators' that I think are competent, caring, and serving my family well. Think of it, Frank, as sort of my personal farm-country Schindler's List.

In short, be very very judicious. We have a lot of really good and dedicated public servants out here in rural America. I'd hate to see some uninformed rascal in thrall to Gateway Pundit or Alex Jones or even QAnon to come in and fire those folks who do me and my family good. K?

Every Federal government employee hired or promoted by Bush, Clinton or Obama should be fired
"Every Federal government employee hired or promoted by Bush, Clinton or Obama should be fired"
Oh, merde' !!!

There goes goes our much treasured Postmaster (I tease her with the 'postmistress' gag).
And there goes our local rural route mail carrier. I really hate to see Frank fire that guy. He is a good guy. I've known him and his brothers for years and years and years. I know most of their kids too. We will miss him. (I wonder if Frank is proposing to replace him? Or do we all just drive into town and pick-up our mail?) I wonder what city folks will do if Frank fires all of the Post Office in their city?

I'm not exactly sure CrusaderFrank can be right on his decisions to downsize people like that.
I'm not exactly sure CrusaderFrank knows whatdahell he is talking about.
No disrespect intended towards CrusaderFrank, but........
.............but QAnon works in mysterious ways and they and Frank know things we country-folk cannot know.
So, maybe we should just go to town daily and pick up our fertilizer bills at the PO lobby?

So, in the end, should we trust that Frank is making the right decision in firing our local post office chief?
Firing the rural mail carrier who services his route dependably, with care, and attention to the farm-folk he delivers the American Farmer and Farm Bureau invoices to?

I wonder if the Department of Agriculture, or the state Ag Dpt, or the University Extension office is in on Frank's crusade to put our postal people on the bread line? How will those departments communicate to the people they serve?

Frank, and Alex Jones, and Jim Hoft......maybe should get together and make a plan and communicate it to us all.
But hurry up about it.....because.....well, because soon they won't be able to use the mail.

Just sayin'.
No matter how many recounts you have it shows nothing if the recounts are of the same old fraudulent ballots. Trump came closest when he pressed for a full signature matching audit for Fulton County, GA, but then just kind of seemed to forget about it. That's why I wonder if he isn't all staged. If I were a former president I would make damn sure every GOP mouth was on the same page, but he seems content to be getting jerked around.

Any ballot that was counted after midnight on election day should be examined and signature matched if it is a mail-in. It's that simple.


(Below source: Baltimore Post Examiner.) (Click for larger below image)


I'm still waiting for what his 'investigators in Hawaii' found about Obama's birth certificate. Trump promised that we wouldn't believe what his investigators found.

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