Trump is coming! Run for your lives!!!


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Oh man is the left really playing up the Trump fear mongering propaganda.
  • Trump is going to force homosexuals into "conversion therapy"
  • Trump is going to murder anyone who is a muslim
  • Trump is going to build a wall to keep Americans in
  • Trump is going to shut down education in America
  • Trump is going to steal your wife
  • Trump is going to hurl the planet into World War III
The "panic" and "hysteria" are fall-down hilarious. The left is soooooo desperate to win the next election that they are trying to invoke hysteria among Americans. It's a poor tactic because it makes them look like wackos.
The left has already lost the next election.
I know this much - as this moment they are in a world of hurt. While the right has half a dozen top notch candidates lined up (Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Ben Carson, Marco Rubio, etc.), the left has nobody. Literally nobody.

The 80 year old communist probably won't be alive by the next election and even if he is - America is not going to elect a socialist. Joe Biden is a joke - even in Dumbocrat circles. He says the most bizarre things (some believe because he is drunk off his ass).

Their best chance is Elizabeth "I'm a Native American" Warren. She's very much like Hitlery Clinton so I don't think she would fair much better. Their only hope is another Barack Obama - some nobody who comes out of nowhere and dupes the American people with a truck load of lies.
Trump is coming! Run for your lives!!!

The leftist fanatics are actually trying to get people to believe this sort of thing.

And not just the usual anonymous internet trolls like the ones on this board. You always get such scum.

This is ELECTED DEMOCRAT OFFICIALS who are reciting this tripe. The rot has spread into the top levels of the Democrat party. People who have the power to make laws, are spewing this stuff. And normal Americans are rejecting them out of hand.

It could be the end of the Democrat party as a coherent political force.
Oh man is the left really playing up the Trump fear mongering propaganda.
  • Trump is going to force homosexuals into "conversion therapy"
  • Trump is going to murder anyone who is a muslim
  • Trump is going to build a wall to keep Americans in
  • Trump is going to shut down education in America
  • Trump is going to steal your wife
  • Trump is going to hurl the planet into World War III
The "panic" and "hysteria" are fall-down hilarious. The left is soooooo desperate to win the next election that they are trying to invoke hysteria among Americans. It's a poor tactic because it makes them look like wackos.
America should move quickly to enact all the gun control regulations the left have desired now that Trumphitler is in office.
Oh man is the left really playing up the Trump fear mongering propaganda.
  • Trump is going to force homosexuals into "conversion therapy"
  • Trump is going to murder anyone who is a muslim
  • Trump is going to build a wall to keep Americans in
  • Trump is going to shut down education in America
  • Trump is going to steal your wife
  • Trump is going to hurl the planet into World War III
The "panic" and "hysteria" are fall-down hilarious. The left is soooooo desperate to win the next election that they are trying to invoke hysteria among Americans. It's a poor tactic because it makes them look like wackos.
America should move quickly to enact all the gun control regulations the left have desired now that Trumphitler is in office.
Have you seen how progressives are now preaching about "arming up" to take on the government? :lmao:
Trump is coming! Run for your lives!!!

The leftist fanatics are actually trying to get people to believe this sort of thing.

And not just the usual anonymous internet trolls like the ones on this board. You always get such scum.

This is ELECTED DEMOCRAT OFFICIALS who are reciting this tripe. The rot has spread into the top levels of the Democrat party. People who have the power to make laws, are spewing this stuff. And normal Americans are rejecting them out of hand.

It could be the end of the Democrat party as a coherent political force.
Yeah...I wasn't being sarcastic. The top brass of the party is actually doing this. They think they can convince the American people that Trump is actually going to steal their wives and shut down public schooling.
Why would we run? After all, we know conservatives always squeal and run when we show up.

Your problem is that you try to play the poor little victim and tough guy at the same time. It just doesn't work. After seeing conservatives act like crybaby snowflakes for years, everyone now knows that they're wimps. It's in their DNA.

And the Democrats have romped in the few special elections since this started. I think that's what scares the Republicans. Democrats developing a spine has always been their worst nightmare, because Democrats with a spine win.
Why would we run? After all, we know conservatives always squeal and run when we show up.

Your problem is that you try to play the poor little victim and tough guy at the same time. It just doesn't work. After seeing conservatives act like crybaby snowflakes for years, everyone now knows that they're wimps. It's in their DNA.

And the Democrats have romped in the few special elections since this started. I think that's what scares the Republicans. Democrats developing a spine has always been their worst nightmare, because Democrats with a spine win.
You Democrats have shown the world you are nothing but pathetic fascists who hate free speech.
Why would we run? After all, we know conservatives always squeal and run when we show up.

Your problem is that you try to play the poor little victim and tough guy at the same time. It just doesn't work. After seeing conservatives act like crybaby snowflakes for years, everyone now knows that they're wimps. It's in their DNA.

And the Democrats have romped in the few special elections since this started. I think that's what scares the Republicans. Democrats developing a spine has always been their worst nightmare, because Democrats with a spine win.
Wow...mammy just admitted that Dumbocrats don't have a spine. :lmao:

I've always criticized many Democrats for lacking a spine.

I know it shocks you, that someone can criticize their own party. You can't imagine not obeying party orders without question. You can't imagine criticizing your own party in any way. Hence, you can't imagine how we free men could do such things.
Wow...mammy just admitted that Dumbocrats don't have a spine. :lmao:

I've always criticized many Democrats for lacking a spine.
Then you admit that they shouldn't be in leadership positions. Leadership requires a spine. So now you prove you're despicable and anti-American. Because you vote for people who you openly admit aren't qualified to hold the positions which you vote for them to hold.

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