Trump in Helsinki, FDR in Yalta


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
If President Trump being hospitable to Uncle Pooty is "treason", even though The Donald didn't cede an inch of territory or grant the Russian Federation a solitary concession, how much worse in Roosevelt's perfidy?

FDR signed over half of Europe to Uncle Joe, condemning millions to death or a living death surviving in tyranny. He started a Cold War which would last more than 40 years.

If Trump is treasonous, FDR is uber-treasonous. Roosevelt's memorial needs destroyed, his corpse exhumed and put on trial like the Catholic Church did with Pope Formosus. And if found guilty, dump his remains into the Potomac.
All President Trump did at Helsinki was to troll the Media as well as the Mule.

Mueller released a dozen phony indictments the previous Friday for 12 Russian nationals who will never be tried or extradited, a pure Political move. This was an absurd move, that the media pretended was serious.

Trump played along with them, mocking them by getting Uncle Pooty's cooperation for Mueller to question the 12 men to gather evidence and work out plea bargains. Of course he was trolling them, and with Pooty's cooperation. Mueller's move was designed to put a damper on this tremendous summit, and 2 leaders mocking the media was a good way to put Pooty at ease.
Trump and Putin send a message to Soros and the Deep State: sovereignty trumps the New World Order.

Both leaders love the nation they lead and only want the best for them.

Why defend Germany from Russia when Benito Merkel just sign a deal to import their energy FROM Russia?
No matter what he said or did the left were going to push pure hysterical outrage. You can be assured that they anticipated Trump would give an olive branch to Putin at their first Summit. The left wing traitors have been rehearsing this since November 8th, 2016.

Much like how the democrats were caught protesting their fake outrage over Kavanaugh, when it was shown that they protested the wrong judge on their official site.


LOL, that was on their official site, and that is NOT Judge Kavanaugh. That is Judge Hardiman. Which shows no matter who Trump nominated they were going to be hysterical.

Now, they have been pushing the fake collusion that their black marxist messiah said was impossible, since November of 2016. Do we think they were not going to be rehearsing a response from their anticipated first Summit?

Their followers believe them every time. Cannot use logic with them, so do not waste your time.
Well, since FDR was a marxist, that makes sense.

Do you know the left teach us that he saved us from the great depression?

Just to give an idea how long we have been brainwashed by left wing education and propaganda.

No, it was the free market that pulled this country out. Not failed government programs designed to capture Americans dependance.

One myth that is very popular and believed by a majority of Americans is the notion that the market crash of 29 led directly to the great depression. False and a myth. I believed that for years. Then I got educated.

We have been brainwashed and slowly influenced by this propaganda......since before the 1930s.

McCarthy was right and the Venona Papers vindicated him. Ex KGB agents testified to this fact after the marxist paradise fell. Could not survive 100 years.

Think about how we have all been brainwashed by marxists and their propaganda.
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One myth that is very popular and believed by a majority of Americans is the notion that the market crash of 29 led directly to the great depression. False and a myth. I believed that for years. Then I got educated.
Gosh, I have always believed the bankruptcy and closing of 800 banks following the crash of 1929, the closing of all of those businesses and the lack of loan availability due to the bank closings had something to do with the beginning of the Great Depression. Of course the first Dust Bowl disaster of 1930 and all the ones that followed contributed, but hey, let's not get picky.
So, maybe you could provide some info on your theory.
What I'd like to know is why didn't President Roosevelt rake Stalin over the coals when he had a chance in Yalta?

He could have, and should have, demanded Free Elections, tell Stalin to get rid of his Gulag Archipelago, instructed Stalin to admit transexual officers into the Red Army and open up the ladies' rooms in the Kremlin to men in dresses.

But instead he ignored all of that, and kissed Stalin's behind.
FDR was a dying man. The media knew it and ranking democrats knew it. The future of Europe was at stake and FDR capitulated to "Uncle Joe" Stalin despite objections by Churchill. Tell me again what was at stake in Helsinki and how it could possibly impact the future of the world? One thing lefties need to learn is never to post an argument while you are incoherent and angry except lefties are angry almost all the time
If President Trump being hospitable to Uncle Pooty is "treason", even though The Donald didn't cede an inch of territory or grant the Russian Federation a solitary concession, how much worse in Roosevelt's perfidy?

FDR signed over half of Europe to Uncle Joe, condemning millions to death or a living death surviving in tyranny. He started a Cold War which would last more than 40 years.

If Trump is treasonous, FDR is uber-treasonous. Roosevelt's memorial needs destroyed, his corpse exhumed and put on trial like the Catholic Church did with Pope Formosus. And if found guilty, dump his remains into the Potomac.
What did FDR sign which made it okay for the USSR to control territory it won in a war?
FDR was a dying man. The media knew it and ranking democrats knew it. The future of Europe was at stake and FDR capitulated to "Uncle Joe" Stalin despite objections by Churchill. Tell me again what was at stake in Helsinki and how it could possibly impact the future of the world? One thing lefties need to learn is never to post an argument while you are incoherent and angry except lefties are angry almost all the time
FDR was in no position to take Eastern Europe from the USSR.
What I'd like to know is why didn't President Roosevelt rake Stalin over the coals when he had a chance in Yalta?

He could have, and should have, demanded Free Elections, tell Stalin to get rid of his Gulag Archipelago, instructed Stalin to admit transexual officers into the Red Army and open up the ladies' rooms in the Kremlin to men in dresses.

But instead he ignored all of that, and kissed Stalin's behind.
He did want free elections yet the USSR did not allow them..Churchill and Stalin both divided Eastern Europe without FDR.
Yalta became controversial after Soviet-American wartime cooperation degenerated into the cold war. Stalin broke his promise of free elections in Eastern Europe and installed governments dominated by the Soviet Union. Then American critics charged that Roosevelt, who died two months after the conference, had “sold out” to the Soviets at Yalta.
Yalta Conference - World War II -
Yet the Yalta and Potsdam meetings have not a damn thing to do with what Trump said about the USA in front of millions to the detriment of the US and its policies...Trump was acting in contrition about US policy as a way to submit himself to castigation via penitence.
Yet the Yalta and Potsdam meetings have not a damn thing to do with what Trump said about the USA in front of millions to the detriment of the US and its policies...Trump was acting in contrition about US policy as a way to submit himself to castigation via penitence.

How was President Trump's trolling of the Media and Mueller a "detriment" to the United States at all?

I say the media's stupid questions were detrimental and the Donald was just looking to defuse the attempt of the Media to start a war between America and the Russian Federation.
What I'd like to know is why didn't President Roosevelt rake Stalin over the coals when he had a chance in Yalta?

He could have, and should have, demanded Free Elections, tell Stalin to get rid of his Gulag Archipelago, instructed Stalin to admit transexual officers into the Red Army and open up the ladies' rooms in the Kremlin to men in dresses.

But instead he ignored all of that, and kissed Stalin's behind.
As long as Stalin kept throwing and sacrificing Russian troops on the Eastern Front and accepting millions of casualties draining and defeating the Germans which would allow American casualties to be comparatively small, FDR was ready to be best buddies with Stalin.
What I'd like to know is why didn't President Roosevelt rake Stalin over the coals when he had a chance in Yalta?

He could have, and should have, demanded Free Elections, tell Stalin to get rid of his Gulag Archipelago, instructed Stalin to admit transexual officers into the Red Army and open up the ladies' rooms in the Kremlin to men in dresses.

But instead he ignored all of that, and kissed Stalin's behind.
As long as Stalin kept throwing and sacrificing Russian troops on the Eastern Front and accepting millions of casualties draining and defeating the Germans which would allow American casualties to be comparatively small, FDR was ready to be best buddies with Stalin.

Stalin killed tens of millions.
Yet the Yalta and Potsdam meetings have not a damn thing to do with what Trump said about the USA in front of millions to the detriment of the US and its policies...Trump was acting in contrition about US policy as a way to submit himself to castigation via penitence.

How was President Trump's trolling of the Media and Mueller a "detriment" to the United States at all?

I say the media's stupid questions were detrimental and the Donald was just looking to defuse the attempt of the Media to start a war between America and the Russian Federation.
Trump made disparaging remarks about US policy of the past...and of course, made sure to notate how he was not part of it even though he signed a law enforcing stricter sanctions on Russia, bombed Russian airfields in Syria and the killing of 200 Russian mercenaries in Syria...The words and actions do not match up...He was in a submissive tone to appease his lord..
.Presidents didn't ride in comfort back then like they do in A.F. #1 today. It must have been a grueling trip for the president and it must have cost him mentally and physically (he would be dead in a month). You have to wonder why FDR's handlers agreed to the location. Stalin was rested and FDR appeared feeble. Maybe that was the plan by the treasonous democrat party back then. It wasn't just the president, Communism had a foothold in the U.S. and especially the democrat party at the time and a strong Stalin was seen as a good thing by the American left. When it all fell apart during the Truman administration democrats blamed it on republican senator McCarthy.
Yet the Yalta and Potsdam meetings have not a damn thing to do with what Trump said about the USA in front of millions to the detriment of the US and its policies...Trump was acting in contrition about US policy as a way to submit himself to castigation via penitence.

How was President Trump's trolling of the Media and Mueller a "detriment" to the United States at all?

I say the media's stupid questions were detrimental and the Donald was just looking to defuse the attempt of the Media to start a war between America and the Russian Federation.
Trump made disparaging remarks about US policy of the past...and of course, made sure to notate how he was not part of it even though he signed a law enforcing stricter sanctions on Russia, bombed Russian airfields in Syria and the killing of 200 Russian mercenaries in Syria...The words and actions do not match up...He was in a submissive tone to appease his lord..
Your negro marxist messiah did not make disparaging remarks about US policies in the past?
Yet the Yalta and Potsdam meetings have not a damn thing to do with what Trump said about the USA in front of millions to the detriment of the US and its policies...Trump was acting in contrition about US policy as a way to submit himself to castigation via penitence.

How was President Trump's trolling of the Media and Mueller a "detriment" to the United States at all?

I say the media's stupid questions were detrimental and the Donald was just looking to defuse the attempt of the Media to start a war between America and the Russian Federation.
Trump made disparaging remarks about US policy of the past...and of course, made sure to notate how he was not part of it even though he signed a law enforcing stricter sanctions on Russia, bombed Russian airfields in Syria and the killing of 200 Russian mercenaries in Syria...The words and actions do not match up...He was in a submissive tone to appease his lord..
Your negro marxist messiah did not make disparaging remarks about US policies in the past?
That would be in another thread..

I've never had a negro Marxist, never. I don't even know where you'd buy one...But I know that you complained about every move Oblama did make, every word...

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