Trump: 'I would've won the race against Obama'

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Trump: 'I would've won the race against Obama'

Donald Trump is aggressively pushing himself back onto the Iowa stage as presidential material.

In a sit-down interview with The Des Moines Register, he said the two presumed GOP frontrunners, Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush, are doomed to lose — and he expressed regret that he hadn't run himself in 2012.

Trump said he should be in the White House right now.

"I was leading in every poll. ... I regret that I didn't stay in," he said in an interview before a private dinner at the Stine Barn in West Des Moines. "I would've won the race against (President Barack) Obama. He would've been easy. Hillary (Clinton) is tougher to beat than Obama, but Hillary is very beatable."

Trump said he heard Bush is trying to raise $15 million before he makes up his mind about running.

"If I do it, I'll be self-funding so that solves that problem. Which is nice," he said.

As for timing of a decision, he said: "It's too early for me to say. I'll may make a decision to run before June. But I'm strongly inclined to do so."

The Republican Clown Car is filling up fast.

Trump is a buffoon. A glorified circus clown. Nothing more. He couldn't beat Charles Manson in an election for Prince of the Penitentiary...
Good to see that the GOP loons are starting to come out early. Trump and Palin are going to screw the GOP again like they did last time by saying they might run and sucking all the money and oxygen out of the room.

Can't hardly wait for the campaign season to start again. Trump has been good for comedy.
Good to see that the GOP loons are starting to come out early. Trump and Palin are going to screw the GOP again like they did last time by saying they might run and sucking all the money and oxygen out of the room.

Can't hardly wait for the campaign season to start again. Trump has been good for comedy.

They're really getting an early start this time. I've read its because they're all jockeying for money.

Trump and Palin on the same ticket. Wouldn't that be great fun. Neither of them have any idea what will come out of their moth next.
Obama knew that he was in trouble if Trump won the Republican primaries. That's why he used the military's top secret idiot ray to make Trump look like a fucking idiot.
Good to see that the GOP loons are starting to come out early. Trump and Palin are going to screw the GOP again like they did last time by saying they might run and sucking all the money and oxygen out of the room.

Can't hardly wait for the campaign season to start again. Trump has been good for comedy.

For example, in her 2003 book, Warren slammed Clinton for reversing her previous position as first lady by voting in 2001, as a New York senator, for a bankruptcy bill that ultimately passed in 2005. That legislation makes it more difficult for credit card customers to renegotiate their debts, even as it allows the wealthy to protect their second homes, yachts and investment properties from creditors. According to a 2009 study by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the bankruptcy bill’s provisions changing debt payback provisions played a central role in the foreclosure crisis, as the new law forced homeowners to pay off credit card debts before paying their mortgage.

"As first lady, Mrs. Clinton had been persuaded that the bill was bad for families, and she was willing to fight for her beliefs,” Warren wrote. “As New York’s newest senator, however, it seems that Hillary Clinton could not afford such a principled position. ... The bill was essentially the same, but Hillary Rodham Clinton was not.”

Additionally, Warren has been a vocal critic of so-called free trade deals, which create major regulatory protection for intellectual property, patents and copyrights, but often remove such protections for workers, consumers and the environment. Clinton, by contrast, was a key backer of NAFTA and voted for free trade pacts with Oman, Chile and Singapore during her Senate tenure. Additionally, Clinton was a key Obama administration player when the administration began pushing the Trans Pacific Partnership - a free trade deal that Warren has publicly criticized.

Clinton was a prominent supporter of the 1996 welfare reform legislation that made it more difficult for poor families to receive government benefits. She stood by that support during her 2008 presidential campaign. With a new study from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities showing that law coincided with a rise in extreme childhood poverty, Clinton's position may open her up to criticism from Warren, who has positioned herself as a champion of the poor.

There is also Clinton’s vote for the Iraq War. During her 2012 Senate campaign, Warren was an outspoken critic of the war. As a senator, Warren is a co-sponsor of a new bill to repeal the original authorization for war in Iraq that Clinton supported.

In recent years, Clinton has attempted to distance herself from her previous positions. In 2008, she said, “I should not have voted for that bankruptcy law.” That year, she also said she believes the NAFTA free trade model needs to be “adjusted.” And in her 2014 book, "Hard Choices," Clinton says of her Iraq War vote: “I wasn’t alone in getting it wrong. But I still got it wrong. Plain and simple.”

While the reversals now position Clinton as closer to Warren on some issues than her previous record would suggest, that does not mean that they now agree on every issue. Additionally, as then-Sen. Barack Obama’s criticism of Clinton on these issues proved in 2008, Clinton's retrospective apologies and admissions do not necessarily wipe the record clean for Democratic voters with long memories.

That may be especially true with Clinton continuing to rake in hundreds of thousands of dollars from financial firms. If she does face Warren, the Senate’s most famous anti-Wall Street crusader - who has said she is not planning a 2016 candidacy though many activists are urging her to run - her record will likely once again be center stage in Democratic primary politics.

Nah: the bloodbath will be between Warren and Hillary.:popcorn:

It's going to be a hoot!!

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Obama knew that he was in trouble if Trump won the Republican primaries. That's why he used the military's top secret idiot ray to make Trump look like a fucking idiot.

Re Trump. Excellent bloke: no as a candidate.

Je suis Voltaire!! Fuck that idiotic rag Charlie!!

Obama knew that he was in trouble if Trump won the Republican primaries. That's why he used the military's top secret idiot ray to make Trump look like a fucking idiot.

Re Trump. Excellent bloke: no as a candidate.

Je suis Voltaire!! Fuck that idiotic rag Charlie!!


I 100% agree with your post. How can you even argue such facts?

What the fuck..?
Obama knew that he was in trouble if Trump won the Republican primaries. That's why he used the military's top secret idiot ray to make Trump look like a fucking idiot.

Re Trump. Excellent bloke: no as a candidate.

Je suis Voltaire!! Fuck that idiotic rag Charlie!!


I 100% agree with your post. How can you even argue such facts?

What the fuck..?

I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.



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