Trump Humiliated As All 50 States Refuse To Give All Or Partial Voter Data

Actually only 14 refused. 50 was the fake figure CNN gave out.
So now who do we believe? One of the fat senile old orange clown's liars, or CNN. Who has been correct the most in the past?

Since one of the states that for sure rejected this request was Mississippi.

Glance: How States Are Handling Voter Information Request



Mississippi Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann, a Republican, said in a statement Friday that he had not received the request for information from the Trump commission, but another secretary of state had forwarded the correspondence to him. In a federal court case after a contentious U.S. Senate primary in Mississippi in 2014, a group called True the Vote sued Mississippi seeking similar information about voters, and Hosemann fought that request and won. Hosemann said if he receives a request from the Trump commission, "My reply would be: They can go jump in the Gulf of Mexico, and Mississippi is a great state to launch from." Hosemann also said: "Mississippi residents should celebrate Independence Day and our state's right to protect the privacy of our citizens by conducting our own electoral processes."
Who to believe? Well not the fake news network CNN.

Kris Kobach: Only 14 states have refused Trump election commission request
Oh....and here's the real situation....

Kobach: Reports about voter commission problems are 'fake news'

The Trump administration ripped into what it called "fake news" reports Wednesday about states refusing to cooperate with its request for voter registration data.

The statement from election integrity commission vice chairman Kris Kobach, Kansas's secretary of state, comes as an increasing number of states refuse to provide all of the voter information requested by President Trump's panel.

Kobach announced Wednesday that 36 states have agreed to or are considering cooperating with the White House's request.

"While there are news reports that 44 states have 'refused to provide voter information to the Commission, those reports are patently false, more 'fake news,'" Kobach wrote.

"Only 14 states and the District of Columbia have refused the Commission's request for publicly available voter information."

That request, sent to states last week, prompted serious pushback from many secretaries of state, many of whom accused the commission of overstepping its bounds.

The original request called on states to turn over publicly available information from voters and some information that is private in many states - such as the last-four digits of a voter's Social Security number.

The discrepancy between news reports about states refusing to provide the information and the administration's count comes down to what qualifies as a refusal.

By the administration's count, any state willing to turn over publicly available information is complying, even if state officials had criticized the commission in the process. Media counts of states refusing to comply with the commission's request include those that have refused to provide private information or states that have directed the commission to buy the data in the same way that members of the public can.

Top officials in 14 states and the District of Columbia have said that they would not comply with the request, according to public statements, a count that jibes with Kobach's statement.

But the discrepancy hinges on the actions of the other 36 states that Kobach considers to be complying with the request.

Officials in 23 states have said they would only release publicly available information, even as some blasted the endeavor. But Kobach's commission counts that as compliance, despite the hesitation expressed.

Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf (D) cited "serious reservations about the true intentions of" the commission in a letter released by his office, which says, "Governor Wolf denies Trump administration request for voter information."

While Wolf repeatedly criticized Trump and said "the commonwealth cannot share this information," he also notes that any citizen can purchase a public voter file online for $20.

The remaining states have either said they are considering the request or have not made public statements. While the administration included the states still considering its request in its compliance count, many news organizations have treated the hesitation as resistance.​

Trump’s voter fraud commission has fallen flat on its face as every state in the country has refused to turn over voter data to the White House.

The Washington Post reported, “In a rare display of bipartisanship, officials in nearly every state have said they will partially or fully refuse to comply with President Trump’s voting commission, which has encountered criticism and opposition after issuing a sweeping request for voter data nationwide.

Even as some of the resistance centers on Trump and members of his commission, the broader responses from the states indicate a strong and widespread belief that local officials should be managing elections and that the White House’s request for volumes of information went too far.”

There was universal agreement from the states that what Trump asked for was either unconstitutional or a violation of state law.

It is not surprising that this White House would not bother to check state law or have their request reviewed to make sure that what they asked for from the states was actually legal.

The vast majority of states were not going to be so reckless as to turn over the sensitive personal information of their voters to the White House whose motives were suspect.

Trump tried to go beyond asking for standard voter information, which is why he was correctly shot down.

This president has suffered another humiliation as the checks and balances that limit executive power remain alive and well, and will not let Donald Trump act like a king.

Trump Humiliated As All 50 States Refuse To Give Him All Or Part Of Their Voter Data

How's ObamaCare doing?
A lot better than trumpcare, which hopefully will never see the light of day.

At least these trump supporters hope it won't.

Trump is too stupid to know why this was an unprecedented executive branch power grab. Elections belong to the states, it takes an act of congress to meddle in that and the states don't like it. This was Trump doing something out of sheer ignorance of the constitution, pure and simple.
Yeah....fuck cocksuckers have been claiming that Trump was in collusion with Russia....and Trump tries to give them a chance to prove it....and they say no.

So fuck you.....

Easy there tiger, he tried to make the government work in a way it's not supposed to and it blew up in his face. That's how it's supposed to be. It was also clearly an effort to prove an idle claim by the president because he did not like not winning the popular vote and did not like the answers he was getting from the states.
Why would the people of every state want anything less than total transparency on this? You might just find out that Hitlary won more counties than we know think she did.
Oh....and here's the real situation....

Kobach: Reports about voter commission problems are 'fake news'

The Trump administration ripped into what it called "fake news" reports Wednesday about states refusing to cooperate with its request for voter registration data.

The statement from election integrity commission vice chairman Kris Kobach, Kansas's secretary of state, comes as an increasing number of states refuse to provide all of the voter information requested by President Trump's panel.

Kobach announced Wednesday that 36 states have agreed to or are considering cooperating with the White House's request.

"While there are news reports that 44 states have 'refused to provide voter information to the Commission, those reports are patently false, more 'fake news,'" Kobach wrote.

"Only 14 states and the District of Columbia have refused the Commission's request for publicly available voter information."

That request, sent to states last week, prompted serious pushback from many secretaries of state, many of whom accused the commission of overstepping its bounds.

The original request called on states to turn over publicly available information from voters and some information that is private in many states - such as the last-four digits of a voter's Social Security number.

The discrepancy between news reports about states refusing to provide the information and the administration's count comes down to what qualifies as a refusal.

By the administration's count, any state willing to turn over publicly available information is complying, even if state officials had criticized the commission in the process. Media counts of states refusing to comply with the commission's request include those that have refused to provide private information or states that have directed the commission to buy the data in the same way that members of the public can.

Top officials in 14 states and the District of Columbia have said that they would not comply with the request, according to public statements, a count that jibes with Kobach's statement.

But the discrepancy hinges on the actions of the other 36 states that Kobach considers to be complying with the request.

Officials in 23 states have said they would only release publicly available information, even as some blasted the endeavor. But Kobach's commission counts that as compliance, despite the hesitation expressed.

Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf (D) cited "serious reservations about the true intentions of" the commission in a letter released by his office, which says, "Governor Wolf denies Trump administration request for voter information."

While Wolf repeatedly criticized Trump and said "the commonwealth cannot share this information," he also notes that any citizen can purchase a public voter file online for $20.

The remaining states have either said they are considering the request or have not made public statements. While the administration included the states still considering its request in its compliance count, many news organizations have treated the hesitation as resistance.​

Kobach is furiously trying to spin this. Kobach is putting out fake news.
Trump is too stupid to know why this was an unprecedented executive branch power grab. Elections belong to the states, it takes an act of congress to meddle in that and the states don't like it. This was Trump doing something out of sheer ignorance of the constitution, pure and simple.
Yeah....fuck cocksuckers have been claiming that Trump was in collusion with Russia....and Trump tries to give them a chance to prove it....and they say no.

So fuck you.....

Easy there tiger, he tried to make the government work in a way it's not supposed to and it blew up in his face. That's how it's supposed to be. It was also clearly an effort to prove an idle claim by the president because he did not like not winning the popular vote and did not like the answers he was getting from the states.
Bullshit. Stop spreading fake news.

Democrats have been screaming for investigations for months and when they try to investigate 14 Democrat controlled states say no, they're not cooperating with the investigation.
Oh....and here's the real situation....

Kobach: Reports about voter commission problems are 'fake news'

The Trump administration ripped into what it called "fake news" reports Wednesday about states refusing to cooperate with its request for voter registration data.

The statement from election integrity commission vice chairman Kris Kobach, Kansas's secretary of state, comes as an increasing number of states refuse to provide all of the voter information requested by President Trump's panel.

Kobach announced Wednesday that 36 states have agreed to or are considering cooperating with the White House's request.

"While there are news reports that 44 states have 'refused to provide voter information to the Commission, those reports are patently false, more 'fake news,'" Kobach wrote.

"Only 14 states and the District of Columbia have refused the Commission's request for publicly available voter information."

That request, sent to states last week, prompted serious pushback from many secretaries of state, many of whom accused the commission of overstepping its bounds.

The original request called on states to turn over publicly available information from voters and some information that is private in many states - such as the last-four digits of a voter's Social Security number.

The discrepancy between news reports about states refusing to provide the information and the administration's count comes down to what qualifies as a refusal.

By the administration's count, any state willing to turn over publicly available information is complying, even if state officials had criticized the commission in the process. Media counts of states refusing to comply with the commission's request include those that have refused to provide private information or states that have directed the commission to buy the data in the same way that members of the public can.

Top officials in 14 states and the District of Columbia have said that they would not comply with the request, according to public statements, a count that jibes with Kobach's statement.

But the discrepancy hinges on the actions of the other 36 states that Kobach considers to be complying with the request.

Officials in 23 states have said they would only release publicly available information, even as some blasted the endeavor. But Kobach's commission counts that as compliance, despite the hesitation expressed.

Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf (D) cited "serious reservations about the true intentions of" the commission in a letter released by his office, which says, "Governor Wolf denies Trump administration request for voter information."

While Wolf repeatedly criticized Trump and said "the commonwealth cannot share this information," he also notes that any citizen can purchase a public voter file online for $20.

The remaining states have either said they are considering the request or have not made public statements. While the administration included the states still considering its request in its compliance count, many news organizations have treated the hesitation as resistance.​

Kobach is furiously trying to spin this. Kobach is putting out fake news.

That's rich. The spreaders of fake news accusing other's of spreading fake news.

What's going on here is Democrats are spreading lies to undermine the new administration, setting up conditions in the public and abroad that everything in America coming from the media or from the Trump Administration cannot be trusted. This dishonest activity by the left and their criminally corrupt media propagandists is extremely dangerous for the interests and security of this nation.
Crazy Trump still thinks he'll find those 3 million illegal votes for Hillary so he can claim he won the popular vote.

What still makes me laugh about that is that they chose the 3 million, out of nowhere, but it just so happens that Hillary won by 2.9 million.

what a coincidence!
Im not up on this. I am guessing that its not good for Trump ?
Actually, this is solely an exercise to establish that there is illegal voting in this country so Trump can point to it and say "This is why I lost the popular vote." There is no other reason for it, so no one is actually losing anything important. Just another embarrassment for the administration.

Trump’s voter fraud commission has fallen flat on its face as every state in the country has refused to turn over voter data to the White House.

The Washington Post reported, “In a rare display of bipartisanship, officials in nearly every state have said they will partially or fully refuse to comply with President Trump’s voting commission, which has encountered criticism and opposition after issuing a sweeping request for voter data nationwide.

Even as some of the resistance centers on Trump and members of his commission, the broader responses from the states indicate a strong and widespread belief that local officials should be managing elections and that the White House’s request for volumes of information went too far.”

There was universal agreement from the states that what Trump asked for was either unconstitutional or a violation of state law.

It is not surprising that this White House would not bother to check state law or have their request reviewed to make sure that what they asked for from the states was actually legal.

The vast majority of states were not going to be so reckless as to turn over the sensitive personal information of their voters to the White House whose motives were suspect.

Trump tried to go beyond asking for standard voter information, which is why he was correctly shot down.

This president has suffered another humiliation as the checks and balances that limit executive power remain alive and well, and will not let Donald Trump act like a king.

Trump Humiliated As All 50 States Refuse To Give Him All Or Part Of Their Voter Data
All I need is to see that it's Washington Compost and I know it's Bullshit.

So far it's only been 14 guess is they all are Blue States.....hiding their records to prevent being caught cheating.
Why don't you look it up, Mud? You could be right.

Trump’s voter fraud commission has fallen flat on its face as every state in the country has refused to turn over voter data to the White House.

The Washington Post reported, “In a rare display of bipartisanship, officials in nearly every state have said they will partially or fully refuse to comply with President Trump’s voting commission, which has encountered criticism and opposition after issuing a sweeping request for voter data nationwide.

Even as some of the resistance centers on Trump and members of his commission, the broader responses from the states indicate a strong and widespread belief that local officials should be managing elections and that the White House’s request for volumes of information went too far.”

There was universal agreement from the states that what Trump asked for was either unconstitutional or a violation of state law.

It is not surprising that this White House would not bother to check state law or have their request reviewed to make sure that what they asked for from the states was actually legal.

The vast majority of states were not going to be so reckless as to turn over the sensitive personal information of their voters to the White House whose motives were suspect.

Trump tried to go beyond asking for standard voter information, which is why he was correctly shot down.

This president has suffered another humiliation as the checks and balances that limit executive power remain alive and well, and will not let Donald Trump act like a king.

Trump Humiliated As All 50 States Refuse To Give Him All Or Part Of Their Voter Data

lol and they tacitly admit there is massive fraud by doing so. We already knew that, and we know why they refuse. Another win for Trump, proving to the rest of us there is a lot to hide re voter fraud.
The Fed's say they want to compare the data to Social Security data. Fine. Give the data to the states to give to the counties so that they can compare them to the LOCAL record...that contains information not available in a data file.

It's what we do with Corrections and vital statistics information.

Trump’s voter fraud commission has fallen flat on its face as every state in the country has refused to turn over voter data to the White House.

The Washington Post reported, “In a rare display of bipartisanship, officials in nearly every state have said they will partially or fully refuse to comply with President Trump’s voting commission, which has encountered criticism and opposition after issuing a sweeping request for voter data nationwide.

Even as some of the resistance centers on Trump and members of his commission, the broader responses from the states indicate a strong and widespread belief that local officials should be managing elections and that the White House’s request for volumes of information went too far.”

There was universal agreement from the states that what Trump asked for was either unconstitutional or a violation of state law.

It is not surprising that this White House would not bother to check state law or have their request reviewed to make sure that what they asked for from the states was actually legal.

The vast majority of states were not going to be so reckless as to turn over the sensitive personal information of their voters to the White House whose motives were suspect.

Trump tried to go beyond asking for standard voter information, which is why he was correctly shot down.

This president has suffered another humiliation as the checks and balances that limit executive power remain alive and well, and will not let Donald Trump act like a king.

Trump Humiliated As All 50 States Refuse To Give Him All Or Part Of Their Voter Data
All I need is to see that it's Washington Compost and I know it's Bullshit.

So far it's only been 14 guess is they all are Blue States.....hiding their records to prevent being caught cheating.
Why don't you look it up, Mud? You could be right.
Our Democrats have been taken over by the Communists.....and they have to lie and cheat to win elections.....because they have to hide their policies and their plans from us. This is why they resist any investigation into the last election.
The Fed's say they want to compare the data to Social Security data. Fine. Give the data to the states to give to the counties so that they can compare them to the LOCAL record...that contains information not available in a data file.

It's what we do with Corrections and vital statistics information.
Blue States can't be trusted.
That's the point of all of this........
The Fed's say they want to compare the data to Social Security data. Fine. Give the data to the states to give to the counties so that they can compare them to the LOCAL record...that contains information not available in a data file.

It's what we do with Corrections and vital statistics information.
Blue States can't be trusted.
That's the point of all of this........

The point of this is to assuage Trumps massive ego. It is killing him that he actually didn't win the vote of the people even with all that help from his Fuck Buddy, Putin.

You have no logical reason to impinge the integrity of local registrars. They aren't political positions. They are best suited and situated to do any kind of examination of voter rolls.
Trump is too stupid to know why this was an unprecedented executive branch power grab. Elections belong to the states, it takes an act of congress to meddle in that and the states don't like it. This was Trump doing something out of sheer ignorance of the constitution, pure and simple.
Yeah....fuck cocksuckers have been claiming that Trump was in collusion with Russia....and Trump tries to give them a chance to prove it....and they say no.

So fuck you.....

Easy there tiger, he tried to make the government work in a way it's not supposed to and it blew up in his face. That's how it's supposed to be. It was also clearly an effort to prove an idle claim by the president because he did not like not winning the popular vote and did not like the answers he was getting from the states.
Bullshit. Stop spreading fake news.

Democrats have been screaming for investigations for months and when they try to investigate 14 Democrat controlled states say no, they're not cooperating with the investigation.

The 14 states are not all Democrat controlled states. They include Republican controlled states as well.
Im not up on this. I am guessing that its not good for Trump ?
Actually, this is solely an exercise to establish that there is illegal voting in this country so Trump can point to it and say "This is why I lost the popular vote." There is no other reason for it, so no one is actually losing anything important. Just another embarrassment for the administration.
So what you want is to stop Trump from proving he was right.


The point of this investigation is to assure an honest and reliable election.....not to prove a point. It shouldn't matter to you who wins the argument. It should only matter that cheaters be exposed and our elections are honest. Apparently you want a dishonest election.
Trump is too stupid to know why this was an unprecedented executive branch power grab. Elections belong to the states, it takes an act of congress to meddle in that and the states don't like it. This was Trump doing something out of sheer ignorance of the constitution, pure and simple.
Yeah....fuck cocksuckers have been claiming that Trump was in collusion with Russia....and Trump tries to give them a chance to prove it....and they say no.

So fuck you.....

Easy there tiger, he tried to make the government work in a way it's not supposed to and it blew up in his face. That's how it's supposed to be. It was also clearly an effort to prove an idle claim by the president because he did not like not winning the popular vote and did not like the answers he was getting from the states.
Bullshit. Stop spreading fake news.

Democrats have been screaming for investigations for months and when they try to investigate 14 Democrat controlled states say no, they're not cooperating with the investigation.

The 14 states are not all Democrat controlled states. They include Republican controlled states as well.

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