Trump gets Impeached; Hits 51% Approval on Rasmussen


a picture = 1000 words moment.

And stop confusing impeachment with removal from office! :mad:

Ignorance is as ignorance be!

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Dem's fail to turn America against president Trump again. You would think the idiots would grow tired of face planting. :auiqs.jpg:

No need to turn America against Trump. We are already there. He peaks above 50% occasionally for a day or so, but he lives way below 50%
Went up 4 pts In 4 days
He still sucks. Up 4 points is kinda like saying he's the skinniest kid at fat camp.
View attachment 300753 Don't mind that huge Crowd of former Democrats lol

Rasmussin HahaaHaHahahaha!!
Lol did you laugh when they were right and Hillary lost or did you cry? Lol hahah

It was a mistake to think the voter's choice would determine the presidency. I promise that won't happen again.
Both I saw last week were admittedly outliers but they are there...look up Real Clear Politics....

Better idea. You just give me the link where a credible poll that isn't Rasmussen gives Trump 56% approval. That way, I don't have to do your homework.
CNN Poll: Trump's approval rating on the economy hits a new high - CNNPolitics

Trump's Rating on Economy Still Top Strength, Hits New High

So he hit 56% on the economy for a couple of days in May of last year. Big deal. His overall ratings in that same poll were much lower.
View attachment 300734

That seems odd. When I go to RCP website, I find this. You'll note the date in the bottom right corner is today, and he's only rated 44.5% Are you using one of those cheap Japanese computers again? You know they are never right.
View attachment 300749

BULLDOG you post Job Approval. Depotoo's image was on the narrow question of just the economy. Two different things on RCP.
Went up 4 pts In 4 days
He still sucks. Up 4 points is kinda like saying he's the skinniest kid at fat camp.
View attachment 300753 Don't mind that huge Crowd of former Democrats lol

Rasmussin HahaaHaHahahaha!!
Lol did you laugh when they were right and Hillary lost or did you cry? Lol hahah

It was a mistake to think the voter's choice would determine the presidency. I promise that won't happen again.
Lol ok..
Polling from last night (averaged with the two previous nights) shows Trump hit a 51% approval rate on the day the Dimwit Pelosi finally signed the Impeachment Articles. If she had a brain, she would feel like a Fool this morning.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

Also, Rasmussen asks a question whether the person being polled strongly approves of Trump or strongly disapproves and that went positive too last night. Proud Deplorables say Thank you Nancy.

And these numbers don't compare Trump with the total Ass-Clowns who constitute the field of Democratic/Socialists competing for the nomination. Trump numbers can only go up when the choice is Senile Jow, Bolshevik Bernie or the lying bitch Pocahontas.

And before one of you numbskull Bolshevik wannabes poo-poos the Rasmussen poll note that it was the second most reliable poll on the 2016 Presidential Election:

"The second most accurate poll according to the report was the national Rasmussen poll of likely voters."

These Pollsters Got The Election Right, According To RCP

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

The good news is: Most voters don't have Trump Derangement Syndrome!

Bad news, for the Sufferers who do, its apparently incurable and progressive---which means it gets worse as time rolls on:


That's alot of baaad breath!
Both I saw last week were admittedly outliers but they are there...look up Real Clear Politics....

Better idea. You just give me the link where a credible poll that isn't Rasmussen gives Trump 56% approval. That way, I don't have to do your homework.
CNN Poll: Trump's approval rating on the economy hits a new high - CNNPolitics

Trump's Rating on Economy Still Top Strength, Hits New High

So he hit 56% on the economy for a couple of days in May of last year. Big deal. His overall ratings in that same poll were much lower.
View attachment 300734

Got it. Trump is underwater in the polls and you can't admit that.

He was underwater in the polls when he got elected dummy....
Went up 4 pts In 4 days
He still sucks. Up 4 points is kinda like saying he's the skinniest kid at fat camp.
View attachment 300753 Don't mind that huge Crowd of former Democrats lol

Rasmussin HahaaHaHahahaha!!
Lol did you laugh when they were right and Hillary lost or did you cry? Lol hahah

The polls were right. Hillary did get 3 million more votes. No sane person would be happy that Trump was appointed to the presidency.
Better idea. You just give me the link where a credible poll that isn't Rasmussen gives Trump 56% approval. That way, I don't have to do your homework.
CNN Poll: Trump's approval rating on the economy hits a new high - CNNPolitics

Trump's Rating on Economy Still Top Strength, Hits New High

So he hit 56% on the economy for a couple of days in May of last year. Big deal. His overall ratings in that same poll were much lower.
View attachment 300734

Got it. Trump is underwater in the polls and you can't admit that.

He was underwater in the polls when he got elected dummy....

Popularity polls? They both were under water. Election polls he got about the same percentage of the vote that the polls said he would.

I'm 100% positive you either don't understand what I posted above or simply didn't know it. So, what you should do now, even though we are talking about polls is bring up the electoral college. Or better yet those prediciton models that showed Clinton would win even though those weren't polls and you guys can't seem to tell the difference.
Honey, Rasmussen has shown lower than most polls have over time.

Not for Trump, they haven't.
A couple of polls have him at 56%....
Name one besides Rasmussen. A credible one.
Both I saw last week were admittedly outliers but they are there...look up Real Clear Politics....

Better idea. You just give me the link where a credible poll that isn't Rasmussen gives Trump 56% approval. That way, I don't have to do your homework.

How about you get off of your lazy dead ass and go find it yourself, you shitforbrains asshole. You might have better luck if you pull your head out of your ass first.

Got it. Trump is underwater in the polls and you can't admit that.

He was underwater in the polls when he got elected dummy....

Popularity polls? They both were under water. Election polls he got about the same percentage of the vote that the polls said he would.
He has 56% approval for his handling of the economy...if that holds he is a lock to win re election....enjoy!...
Both I saw last week were admittedly outliers but they are there...look up Real Clear Politics....

Better idea. You just give me the link where a credible poll that isn't Rasmussen gives Trump 56% approval. That way, I don't have to do your homework.
CNN Poll: Trump's approval rating on the economy hits a new high - CNNPolitics

Trump's Rating on Economy Still Top Strength, Hits New High

So he hit 56% on the economy for a couple of days in May of last year. Big deal. His overall ratings in that same poll were much lower.
View attachment 300734

That seems odd. When I go to RCP website, I find this. You'll note the date in the bottom right corner is today, and he's only rated 44.5% Are you using one of those cheap Japanese computers again? You know they are never right.
View attachment 300749
I hoping you loons keep thinking and acting the way you are. Trump is going to win reelection so big. You will finally have to shut up!
Went up 4 pts In 4 days
He still sucks. Up 4 points is kinda like saying he's the skinniest kid at fat camp.
View attachment 300753 Don't mind that huge Crowd of former Democrats lol

Rasmussin HahaaHaHahahaha!!

Illiterate who can’t even spell Rasmussen right ^^^^ Hahahahah! Funny how they were one of the the more quoted pollsters. Until Republicans got popular. Keep swallowing your CNN and MSNBC bullshit as Trump rolls to re-election.
Went up 4 pts In 4 days
He still sucks. Up 4 points is kinda like saying he's the skinniest kid at fat camp.
View attachment 300753 Don't mind that huge Crowd of former Democrats lol

Rasmussin HahaaHaHahahaha!!
Lol did you laugh when they were right and Hillary lost or did you cry? Lol hahah

The polls were right. Hillary did get 3 million more votes. No sane person would be happy that Trump was appointed to the presidency.
They should poll the right election lol he won America.. I’m not worried about 2020, I want 2024.. I’m emailing Congress saying he deserves a 3rd term .. your Party is over lol
So he hit 56% on the economy for a couple of days in May of last year. Big deal. His overall ratings in that same poll were much lower.
View attachment 300734

Got it. Trump is underwater in the polls and you can't admit that.

He was underwater in the polls when he got elected dummy....

Popularity polls? They both were under water. Election polls he got about the same percentage of the vote that the polls said he would.
He has 56% approval for his handling of the economy...if that holds he is a lock to win re election....enjoy!...

No, it won't. Not if he is underwater in his overall approval. But cherry pick all you want, it's the wingnut bread and butter.
Not for Trump, they haven't.
A couple of polls have him at 56%....
Name one besides Rasmussen. A credible one.
Both I saw last week were admittedly outliers but they are there...look up Real Clear Politics....

Better idea. You just give me the link where a credible poll that isn't Rasmussen gives Trump 56% approval. That way, I don't have to do your homework.

How about you get off of your lazy dead ass and go find it yourself, you shitforbrains asshole. You might have better luck if you pull your head out of your ass first.

That's a slim to none prop.
And Slim can't be found.

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