Trump gets almost 3 times as many votes as Biden in New Hampshire.

Write-ins are dependent on the state. Some state accept write-in votes, some state election law specifically rejects write-in votes.
No state will accept write in for a candidate not eligible for office.
In reality Benedict Donald lost NH by about 60,000 votes in the last election where they both appeared on the same ballot.
He was saying just write Trump in for bragging rights, not that it would change the actual outcome of the election.
After a bit of research I found out I was wrong in some states. A few states don't allow write in's for President at all. Some states don't require any registration. Most states require registration of write in's for them to count.
No state will accept write in for a candidate not eligible for office.
I'm not sure exactly how they would handle the vote count. They might tabulate it, just for the record, or they might refuse to count any votes for an ineligible candidate. Depends on the state.

Eight states allow voters to write in anyone they want for any office, including New Jersey. Thirty-three other states require candidates to file in advance for write-in votes to count, and eight states provide no write-in option.
They'll switch back to Biden.

That's very likely with New Hampshire's semi-closed primary that allows independents to participate in their choice of party primary. With the Democrat's primary meaning nothing, I'm guessing Haley's tally received quite a boost from left leaning independents.

With the punishment of New Hampshire by the DNC, and thus no delegates at stake, I wonder why anybody voted in their (Democrat's) primary at all? If I get any ambition today, I'll compare their 2020 and 2024 turnouts.
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I'm not sure exactly how they would handle the vote count. They might tabulate it, just for the record, or they might refuse to count any votes for an ineligible candidate. Depends on the state.

Eight states allow voters to write in anyone they want for any office, including New Jersey. Thirty-three other states require candidates to file in advance for write-in votes to count, and eight states provide no write-in option.
I know in Colorado the court decision explicitly forbade the SoS from counting the votes for Trump.
I know the OP is a complete idiot ... but did Biden actually get 60k votes in the REPUBLICAN PRIMARY? ... that's insane ...

60,000 New Hampshire Republicans want Joe Biden to be the REPUBLICAN NOMINEE ... HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW ...

Biden wasn't even on the ballot you stupid fucking Simp. He got that many votes through a write in campaign and still won the primary. God damn its like you people are allergic to education and information.
Biden is the worst president ever of the United States you fucking fool. Stupid parasites like you support a traitor like him
Yeah, because idiot Joe forgot to register for the NH primaries. That isnt exactly a ringing endorsement of his campaign. :laugh:
Or..... they just assumed, and rightly so given the power of hindsight, that they had nothing to worry about and didn't even need to exert an ounce of energy in NH and they'd still win. What's amazing is that even with hindsight you dumb fucking MAGAts still manage to always get it wrong. :lmao:
Wait.... there are 50,000 child molesters in NH??

THAT'S the story. What a depraved shithole.

In reality Benedict Donald lost NH by about 60,000 votes in the last election where they both appeared on the same ballot.
But this year Trump crushed him. If you think 2024 is going to go the same way it went in 2020, you are going to end up being VERY disappointed. :dunno:
Yeah, because idiot Joe forgot to register for the NH primaries. That isnt exactly a ringing endorsement of his campaign. :laugh:
That’s simply not true. Did you get that from Marge? She was repeating the same lie yesterday on TV.
Those are different issues you dumb Bingo. First of all did you see me crying that Biden was kept off the ballot? No, because I didn't give a shit. Secondly, Trumps disqualification is a bigger issue. It's not simply a matter of whether he can be on the ballot, it's also a matter of whether or not he's even qualified to hold office seeing as he's a piece of shit insurrectionist.

Biden wasn't kept off the ballot.
The DNC wanted South Carolina to be the first primary, so the DNC did not sanction the vote.
That is why Biden wasn't on the ballot.
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