Trump formally elected


Nov 14, 2012
With all 50 states and Columbia confirming the next US President, this last chance of undemocratically stopping Trump proved to be a wet dream of those who support democracy only it goes their way.

"The denouement of the 2016 election came on Monday, as electors in all 50 states and the District of Columbia formally elected Donald Trump as president of the United States.

An effort by anti-Trump activists, who had urged electors to back efforts led by celebrities and academics to cast their ballots at variance with election results to keep Trump from reaching the necessary 270 electoral votes, came to practically nothing.

Republican electors said they had been deluged with emails, phone calls and letters urging them not to support Trump. Many emails were part of coordinated campaigns.

“The letters are actually quite sad,” Lee Green, a Republican elector from North Carolina, told the Associated Press. “They are generally freaked out. They honestly believe the propaganda. They believe our nation is being taken over by a dark and malevolent force.”"

Electoral college formally elects Donald Trump as president
I do. The world cannot afford another ISIS member in the White House.

there has never been an isis member in the white house------the present and huge world problem is the Russian/Baathist alliance. Isis is the philosophy of muhummad--------its spawn is Baathism (ask michel aflaq.) al husseini>>>gamal nasser>>>sadaam hussein>>>papa and baby assad>>>hezbollah ----all bloody
bastards----FLOWING daily
I do. The world cannot afford another ISIS member in the White House.

there has never been an isis member in the white house------the present and huge world problem is the Russian/Baathist alliance. Isis is the philosophy of muhummad--------its spawn is Baathism (ask michel aflaq.) al husseini>>>gamal nasser>>>sadaam hussein>>>papa and baby assad>>>hezbollah ----all bloody
bastards----FLOWING daily
You are crazed. Wrong medication, I guess.
What a sad day for the dimocrat butt lickers at MSDNC, Chicken Noodle News, CBS, NBC, ABC, National Panhandler Radio, the DNC, and all the fools who bought into the crap they were slinging for 16 or so months.

Now, on to still more anti-Trump nonsense that will help to further doom the dimocrat party in '18. Twenty-five Senate seats to defend with ten of them already on shaky ground.

MAGA on steroids!

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