Trump Fired Obama Attourney General

Both Jeff Sessions, (you know...the guy that Trump has chosen to be his Attorney General?), and Ms. Yates thought that what she did was exactly what an AG, and his/her assistants should do, when she was confirmed in 2012:

Gotta wonder if Senator Sessions is going to condemn this firing, today. I somehow suspect not...
Yeah, this isn't how government works.

It is now, and it should have been for the last 220+ years.

Wrong. We object to illegal, unconstitutional orders, and every officer of the court will continue to if they have any scruples whatsoever.

Was it unconstitutional when Obama did it? If so why were you not whining bitching and moaning then?

No. Obama's ban was targeted to one country in which we were engaged in military conflict, and was in direct response to a specific threat.

Look up "narrowly tailored". It's a constitutional term of art.

Trump's ban is in response to no specific threat whatsoever, and is merely a blanket ban on several randomly chosen countries (ignoring the countries where the source of all Islamic terrorist attacks hail from).
Both Jeff Sessions, (you know...the guy that Trump has chosen to be his Attorney General?), and Ms. Yates thought that what she did was exactly what an AG, and his/her assistants should do, when she was confirmed in 2012:

Gotta wonder if Senator Sessions is going to condemn this firing, today. I somehow suspect not...

It wasn't unlawful dipshit, that's the difference.
Trump's EO violated the 1st Amendment regarding religion.

Number 1) the first amendment does not apply to non-citizens not on US soil or not under US jurisdictional sovereignty.

Number 2) the SCOTUS has ruled that ideological tests are perfectly constitutional for immigration.

Number 3) if the US Constitution does in fact apply globally then the inverse must likewise be true and I demand my Common Wealth and EU citizenships as well as my oil stipends from Norway, Kuwait, Iraq, et al.
The acting AG was following her conscience. Simple as that.

And like I said, I expected her to be fired for it.

But if Trump did decide to start gassing Muslims, I have no doubt many here would find a way to be okay with it.

Then she should have resigned. What Trump did was perfectly legal and it was her job to support the President.

No it wasn't, and no it wasn't.

Her job is to uphold the Constitution.
Where does it say she's right and he's wrong? You left that part out.

Uh, disallowing entry of valid visa holders and green card holders into the USA because of their religion is unconstitutional. Period.

You don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about.

In United States ex rel. Turner v. Williams the court concluded that Congress

"possesses the plenary power to exclude aliens on whatever ground [it] deems fit."

Period, now fuck off with your lies.

You are definitely a contender for Worst Noob of 2017.

And you are clearly butthurt over:

Wrong. We object to illegal, unconstitutional orders, and every officer of the court will continue to if they have any scruples whatsoever.

1. The order is both Legal and Constitutional. It just doesn't have the pleasant emotional bullshit most bleeding heart Liberals want to see from the Government.

2. Maybe those officers of the court need to get a severe case of instant lead/copper poisoning.

I always knew people like you (right-wing, and elderly) were ill-informed, fearful, and misguided, but not until this president came along did I actually question your motives concerning our country.

You want a white, christian majority, and you're seemingly willing to accept ANY MEANS NECESSARY to ensure the country remains that way.
The top legal person in the country says what he did was wrong, so he fired her. It does not matter that she knows more than he does, she hurt his ego.

That's a cute little nothing sandwich but total bull shit. She's nothing more than an Obama stooge who has utter contempt for the law. Trump acted like a real American president and fired the stupid bitch.
The world is appalled by what is going on in America.

No, only the progressive globalist "world" is appalled. They are witnessing decades of propaganda, and indoctrination being flushed down the drain in days.
No, they are appalled by how stupid and gullible the right wing is. they are appalled by what has happened to a once great country. It has been hijacked by a cult.
Again and again we see empty headed people like NoNukes regurgitating accusations from the Liberal ziet geist they not only never considered but unable to defend. What bozos.
Why not answer the question instead of flinging insults?

The question wasn't addressed to me and it's YOU who runs frightened(?) from answering my question to you (post #342). So shut the FU.
There was not a question there, just an insult.
The top legal person in the country says what he did was wrong, so he fired her. It does not matter that she knows more than he does, she hurt his ego.

That's a cute little nothing sandwich but total bull shit. She's nothing more than an Obama stooge who has utter contempt for the law. Trump acted like a real American president and fired the stupid bitch.
The world is appalled by what is going on in America.

No, only the progressive globalist "world" is appalled. They are witnessing decades of propaganda, and indoctrination being flushed down the drain in days.
No, they are appalled by how stupid and gullible the right wing is. they are appalled by what has happened to a once great country. It has been hijacked by a cult.

It was a country in decline thanks to alt-left globalist bullshit. That has now been halted. Hopefully it will be rolled back en mass, and if that happens, then you loons will really be howling at the moon.
I always knew people like you (right-wing, and elderly) were ill-informed, fearful, and misguided, but not until this president came along did I actually question your motives concerning our country.

You want a white, christian majority, and you're seemingly willing to accept ANY MEANS NECESSARY to ensure the country remains that way.

No. I want an AMERICAN majority..... English speaking, Nationalistic individuals of all skin colors are racial backgrounds who comprehend that America only works when EVERYONE here understands, accepts and embraces the Morals and Ideals this nation was founded upon.

Until ESL, dual-citizenship, foreign interference into American culture and the "hyphenated society" we currently endure is,cleansed from this country, we will continue to slowly die as a nation; until the country that WAS the last hope for humanity is gone permanently.
The top legal person in the country says what he did was wrong, so he fired her. It does not matter that she knows more than he does, she hurt his ego.

That's a cute little nothing sandwich but total bull shit. She's nothing more than an Obama stooge who has utter contempt for the law. Trump acted like a real American president and fired the stupid bitch.
The world is appalled by what is going on in America.

No, only the progressive globalist "world" is appalled. They are witnessing decades of propaganda, and indoctrination being flushed down the drain in days.
No, they are appalled by how stupid and gullible the right wing is. they are appalled by what has happened to a once great country. It has been hijacked by a cult.

It was a country in decline thanks to alt-left globalist bullshit. That has now been halted. Hopefully it will be rolled back en mass, and if that happens, then you loons will really be howling at the moon.
The United States is fucked. i have been sitting over here watching it decline for the past 20 years. Time for either a civil war, or to break the country up into different parts.
Both Jeff Sessions, (you know...the guy that Trump has chosen to be his Attorney General?), and Ms. Yates thought that what she did was exactly what an AG, and his/her assistants should do, when she was confirmed in 2012:

Gotta wonder if Senator Sessions is going to condemn this firing, today. I somehow suspect not...

It wasn't unlawful dipshit, that's the difference.

Says you. Since she is an actual attorney, she is in a somewhat better position to make decisions about such concerns. Watch the video. She did exactly what Senator Sessions said was her responsibility to do.
Gotta wonder if Senator Sessions is going to condemn this firing, today. I somehow suspect not...

That will depend on whether he wants,the job or not.
That I would agree with. With this firing, Trump has made it abundantly clear that he will only accept cabinet members who are sycophantic "Yes Men" who will do exactly what they are told, and do not bother thinking for themselves.
Czernobog said:
That I would agree with. With this firing, Trump has made it abundantly clear that he will only accept cabinet members who are sycophantic "Yes Men" who will do exactly what they are told, and do not bother thinking for themselves.

Which is,exactly what a POTUS should have.
That I would agree with. With this firing, Trump has made it abundantly clear that he will only accept cabinet members who are sycophantic "Yes Men" who will do exactly what they are told, and do not bother thinking for themselves.

Which is,exactly what a POTUS should have.
No! He shouldn't! First, anyone in a leadership position should seek out voices other than his own, in order to check his own rationality.
Second, while the cabinet heads may serve at the pleasure of the President, they serve the interests of the citizens of the United States. The AG, in particular, is there to protect United States citizens, and the Constitution, not the President.
No! He shouldn't! First, anyone in a leadership position should seek out voices other than his own, in order to check his own rationality.
Second, while the cabinet heads may serve at the pleasure of the President, they serve the interests of the citizens of the United States. The AG, in particular, is there to protect United States citizens, and the Constitution, not the President.

The voice can be different, but the message needs to be the same. I believe it was the Lincoln administration that has been referred to as the "Gang of Rivals", or something of that sort. An administration that was as unconstitutional as any in American history and started the decline of this nation.

It's the Supreme Courts job to protect the Constitution and they haven't lived up to that job in decades.
Both Jeff Sessions, (you know...the guy that Trump has chosen to be his Attorney General?), and Ms. Yates thought that what she did was exactly what an AG, and his/her assistants should do, when she was confirmed in 2012:

Gotta wonder if Senator Sessions is going to condemn this firing, today. I somehow suspect not...

It wasn't unlawful dipshit, that's the difference.

Says you.

Says the SCOTUS.

In United States ex rel. Turner v. Williams the court concluded that Congress

"possesses the plenary power to exclude aliens on whatever ground [it] deems fit."

Since she is an actual attorney, she is in a somewhat better position to make decisions about such concerns.

She is a left wing activist and an Obama holdover who should have been fired the second Trump was inaguarated along with every single Obama appointee.

Watch the video.
She did exactly what Senator Sessions said was her responsibility to do.

No he clearly said unlawful requests.
The question wasn't addressed to me and it's YOU who runs frightened(?) from answering my question to you (post #342). So shut the FU.
There was not a question there, just an insult.

LOL here's the comment in post#342: "Is that so? How is Trump "dangerous"?

Unless you're merely insulted by being asked a question, I see no insult and neither would any other rational human being. Now, care to answer the question?

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