Trump feels "vindicated" about memo regarding C. Page?

Rrmember when you had Jared guilty of conspiracy to collude because-- Deutsche Bank?

Jared Kushner Hiding Information About Russia Backdoor A

Is Donald Trump's Dark Russian Secret Hiding in Deutsche Bank's ...

Dec 21, 2017 - Among them is Jared Kushner, Trump's son-in-law, who is trying to salvage a massive—and reportedly imperiled—investment in 666 Fifth Avenue, a prominent piece of Manhattan real estate. His relationship with Deutsche emerged in 2013, when he apparently ordered a flattering profile of Trump's wealth ...

Jared Kushner deliberately hiding documents? -
View attachment 174856▶ 0:05

All the times Jared Kushner has failed to tell Congress something ...

The walls are closing in on Jared Kushner –
Nov 18, 2017 - On Friday, The New York Times reported that Kushner had been forwarded a chain of emails during the 2016 campaign from someone looking to set up a meeting between then-candidate Trump's people and Vladimir Putin. Senate Judiciary Committee members have accused Kushner ofhiding the emails ...
Best laugh all day!!
Receiving payment for services rendered is not money laundering.

It is when you sell a $45 million property with a mansion on it for $90 million. And the guy that bought it tears down the mansion. Showing the guy paid too much, for something he didn't want.
When is MewLOLer indicting Carter Page for Conspiracy to Collude with Russia?

Actually, Page may have helped in breaking up a Russian spy ring in NYC.......Two of the 3 escaped to Russia....and the other was arrested, tried and sent to prison.......But Trump decided to release.

So, NO indictment for Page just for being a patsy......
Obama and Hillary were colluding with Russia; Hillary paid for the game dossier, Obama got the fake lawyer to try to set up Donald Jr

And the Kremlin authored the anti-Trump dossier, indicating who they wished to see as President.
When is MewLOLer indicting Carter Page for Conspiracy to Collude with Russia?

Actually, Page may have helped in breaking up a Russian spy ring in NYC.......Two of the 3 escaped to Russia....and the other was arrested, tried and sent to prison.......But Trump decided to release.

So, NO indictment for Page just for being a patsy......
Obama and Hillary were colluding with Russia; Hillary paid for the game dossier, Obama got the fake lawyer to try to set up Donald Jr

And the Kremlin authored the anti-Trump dossier, indicating who they wished to see as President.

Hillary "Uranium Goddess" Clinton
If Trump is looking for some real "vindication," he should just openly admit, "I'm too damn dumb for the Kremlin to trust me to pull off any collusion.....the Kremlin, instead, went after some greedy members of my entourage.....I only pick the best, after all..."

‘Even assuming all the claims in the Nunes memo are true, the grounds supporting issuance and reissuance of the FISA warrants were easily met. The FISA statute, designed to deal with national security issues, permits the secret court to authorize surveillance of a US person if there is probable cause that the person is an "agent of a foreign power...knowingly engag[ing]... in clandestine intelligence activities."

Although the activities might be "spying" for a foreign power, there is no explicit requirement of criminality needed to get a warrant as in a conventional criminal case. The number and suspicious nature of Carter Page's activities and contacts with Russian operatives during the Trump campaign would have caused any reasonable judge to issue a surveillance warrant. Page, a former Trump foreign policy adviser, denies having any illegal interactions with Russian officials.

The Supreme Court has stated that the issuance of a search warrant can be supported by the "totality of the circumstances" presented to the court at the time a warrant is issued.

The Nunes memo glaringly omits any revelation of what other supporting information might have been submitted to the FISA judge, choosing instead to focus on cherry-picked alleged omissions.

Many of the other criticisms hyped in the memo may not even be relevant at all. For instance, the claim that the judge was informed that Steele was paid by a named US citizen was accurate. The court was free to to ask the assistant US attorney submitting the Steele information any questions about whether others were involved in the payments. Nothing, incidentally, is revealed about questions from the judge.’

The real shock of the Nunes memo (opinion) - CNN

Rendering that much more ridiculous Trump’s claim of ‘vindication.’
The real shock of the Nunes memo (opinion) - CNN

Rendering that much more ridiculous Trump’s claim of ‘vindication.’

Far from ever wanting to give advice to right wingers, they are nonetheless turning everyone outside of the Trump cult against them.

As we've seen, they are turning on the DOJ and FBI...AND now also calling the FISA judges a bunch of bungling idiots who do the bidding for whomever puts a warrant before them.
Trump is our President...

You need to support him for the Children.

Why do you liberals hate children?

they hate everyone and everything not in lockstep with their views

that is why they are known as the party of hate
that is why they are known as the party of hate

another right wing idiot, follows "in lock step' the moronic mantra that we "hate everybody"......Can't you morons get a bit more "original"?


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