Trump: FBI is totally unable to stop the national security leakers


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
President rips subversives in failing national security agency

Trump: “FBI Is Totally Unable to Stop the National Security Leakers”

Guess this is what happens when you have a government that turns traitor on thier own President. They and the other losers of society have such self greed they would rather hate the President and put the entire Country at risk just to prove their selfish point and standing. Communist morons all act the same.
President rips subversives in failing national security agency
View attachment 113955
Trump: “FBI Is Totally Unable to Stop the National Security Leakers”

Guess this is what happens when you have a government that turns traitor on thier own President. They and the other losers of society have such self greed they would rather hate the President and put the entire Country at risk just to prove their selfish point and standing. Communist morons all act the same.

Trump is mad at the FBI for not lying to the American people about Russia ..
Way to go Trump. Go ahead and insult and degrade the people who are investigating your ties with Russia, and probably several other of your illegal actions. How could that possibly go bad for you?
The FBI and the intelligence community is from a sociological perspective, drawn from the degreed population and thus shares all those bigotries, assumptions and prejudices one finds in academia.

I have several friends, one in the FBI, and they all say that almost none of their co-workers voted for Trump once you get up over GS-11 or so. The rank and file at the FBI is more pro-Trump, but they are obviously not the people doing this shit to the President.

Trump should ask all political appointees from the Obama regime to hand in their resignations, if they have not already, across the board throughout the executive branch.

I am truly surprised this has not happened yet.
FBI is a gross failure. Mass firings ....And more until it stops

Did you follow that revelations from Snowden? It won't ever stop. The replacements will be just as bad.

This is about the NSA and the whole problem of unconstitutional spying. The whole system spies on it's own, it spies on it's citizens, it's allies, Big Brother is, against the laws written in the constitution, spying on everyone, all the time.

To end it, they need to dismantle the all pervasive eavesdropping security establishment that spies with out probable cause.

The Media and Trump is feeding people a false narrative. It isn't about, "leaks," it is about the unconstitutional gathering of information in the first place.

If Trump ends the NDAA and the Patriot Act, problem solved.
The FBI and the intelligence community is from a sociological perspective, drawn from the degreed population and thus shares all those bigotries, assumptions and prejudices one finds in academia.

I have several friends, one in the FBI, and they all say that almost none of their co-workers voted for Trump once you get up over GS-11 or so. The rank and file at the FBI is more pro-Trump, but they are obviously not the people doing this shit to the President.

Trump should ask all political appointees from the Obama regime to hand in their resignations, if they have not already, across the board throughout the executive branch.

I am truly surprised this has not happened yet.

Right. Get rid of all the smart people, and the dummies will fall in line. Typical Trumpian plan.
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The FBI and the intelligence community is from a sociological perspective, drawn from the degreed population and thus shares all those bigotries, assumptions and prejudices one finds in academia.

I have several friends, one in the FBI, and they all say that almost none of their co-workers voted for Trump once you get up over GS-11 or so. The rank and file at the FBI is more pro-Trump, but they are obviously not the people doing this shit to the President.

Trump should ask all political appointees from the Obama regime to hand in their resignations, if they have not already, across the board throughout the executive branch.

I am truly surprised this has not happened yet.

It's too bad he can't get rid of all of them at once, but on the down side whose to say the new ones coming in aren't just as crooked . Esp. with how severely this cult of Trump haters have been brainwashed.

It is astonishing how many can't understand how he is bringing down the NWO/OWO that enslaves us to a one world dictator of laws, rules, regulations. All that staff are involved in stripping this Nation either they are that stupid or that brainwashed into thinking they are doing the right things. This cult has grown way to big both the public size of it and the Government.
FBI is a gross failure. Mass firings ....And more until it stops

Did you follow that revelations from Snowden? It won't ever stop. The replacements will be just as bad.

This is about the NSA and the whole problem of unconstitutional spying. The whole system spies on it's own, it spies on it's citizens, it's allies, Big Brother is, against the laws written in the constitution, spying on everyone, all the time.

To end it, they need to dismantle the all pervasive eavesdropping security establishment that spies with out probable cause.

The Media and Trump is feeding people a false narrative. It isn't about, "leaks," it is about the unconstitutional gathering of information in the first place.

If Trump ends the NDAA and the Patriot Act, problem solved.

I think way to many people have forgotten all about the NDAA and Patriot act the sheep for sure have since they were mostly dumb enough to keep pressing for it.
The FBI and the intelligence community is from a sociological perspective, drawn from the degreed population and thus shares all those bigotries, assumptions and prejudices one finds in academia.

I have several friends, one in the FBI, and they all say that almost none of their co-workers voted for Trump once you get up over GS-11 or so. The rank and file at the FBI is more pro-Trump, but they are obviously not the people doing this shit to the President.

Trump should ask all political appointees from the Obama regime to hand in their resignations, if they have not already, across the board throughout the executive branch.

I am truly surprised this has not happened yet.

It's too bad he can't get rid of all of them at once, but on the down side whose to say the new ones coming in aren't just as crooked . Esp. with how severely this cult of Trump haters have been brainwashed.

It is astonishing how many can't understand how he is bringing down the NWO/OWO that enslaves us to a one world dictator of laws, rules, regulations. All that staff are involved in stripping this Nation either they are that stupid or that brainwashed into thinking they are doing the right things. This cult has grown way to big both the public size of it and the Government.

Yes, it is astonishing how many people are disgusted with Trump.
FBI is a gross failure. Mass firings ....And more until it stops

Did you follow that revelations from Snowden? It won't ever stop. The replacements will be just as bad.

This is about the NSA and the whole problem of unconstitutional spying. The whole system spies on it's own, it spies on it's citizens, it's allies, Big Brother is, against the laws written in the constitution, spying on everyone, all the time.

To end it, they need to dismantle the all pervasive eavesdropping security establishment that spies with out probable cause.

The Media and Trump is feeding people a false narrative. It isn't about, "leaks," it is about the unconstitutional gathering of information in the first place.

If Trump ends the NDAA and the Patriot Act, problem solved.
It'd stop Sooner or later someone who likes his job would be motivated enough. What do they do besides help the drug lords show up late to terrorist attacks and shoot innocent Americans
These seditious traitors WILL stand trial.
Anyone who thinks President Trump won't root out these bastards is fucking delusional!
Then when they are charged the official opposition party AKA LIB MSM will be screaming their fucking heads off calling Trump Hitler. You watch and see.
These seditious traitors WILL stand trial.
Anyone who thinks President Trump won't root out these bastards is fucking delusional!
Then when they are charged the official opposition party AKA LIB MSM will be screaming their fucking heads off calling Trump Hitler. You watch and see.

He will certainly try. He already tried to get them to lie about their investigation into his Russian ties.
The FBI and the intelligence community is from a sociological perspective, drawn from the degreed population and thus shares all those bigotries, assumptions and prejudices one finds in academia.

I have several friends, one in the FBI, and they all say that almost none of their co-workers voted for Trump once you get up over GS-11 or so. The rank and file at the FBI is more pro-Trump, but they are obviously not the people doing this shit to the President.

Trump should ask all political appointees from the Obama regime to hand in their resignations, if they have not already, across the board throughout the executive branch.

I am truly surprised this has not happened yet.

It's too bad he can't get rid of all of them at once, but on the down side whose to say the new ones coming in aren't just as crooked . Esp. with how severely this cult of Trump haters have been brainwashed.

It is astonishing how many can't understand how he is bringing down the NWO/OWO that enslaves us to a one world dictator of laws, rules, regulations. All that staff are involved in stripping this Nation either they are that stupid or that brainwashed into thinking they are doing the right things. This cult has grown way to big both the public size of it and the Government.

Yes, it is astonishing how many people are disgusted with Trump.

Actually, liberal intellectuals on the left are becoming more and more disgusted with the IC, the establishment neo-liberal and neo-con alliance. They understand the danger it poses to our democracy.

You are a fool if you don't see it as well.

Are We Witnessing a Coup Operation Against the Trump White House?
Our intelligence apparatus is doing far more than stoking paranoia about the Russian bogeyman—it’s threatening democracy.
Are We Witnessing a Coup Operation Against the Trump White House?

Now look.

It is one thing to tar Donald Trump with a groundless campaign, Nixon-style, so as to insinuate without evidence that he entertains objectionable ties to Russia. That is mere politics. (And I like Reince Priebus’s term for this last Sunday on Fox News. Citing top officials in the IC, which stands for intelligence cabal, Priebus asserted, “They have made it very clear that the story is complete garbage.”)

It is another matter altogether when the descendants of Dulles (whom Priebus suggests are not united on this one) mount what looks awfully like a coup operation against the president of our republic. That is a strong phrase, but it belongs on the table far more than the “complete garbage” you can read in any day’s edition of The New York Times. There I will put it for now, awaiting a historically informed argument for taking it off.

Leaks have the wonderful advantage of requiring no substantiation. With Michael Flynn’s resignation as Trump’s national-security adviser, they have already claimed one prominent victim. Who or what is next? Priebus? Trump himself? Or maybe just crippling the Trump White House’s determination to forge a saner relationship with Moscow will do.

I have seen a few naked emperors in my day, but this one is positively obese (and wears a Speedo at the beach). This is a perception-management campaign quite similar to those mounted decades ago in Iran, Guatemala, and elsewhere. The media are thoroughly complicit, and the objective is perfectly plain but nowhere mentioned. We have an intelligence apparatus that has accreted autonomous power such that no president dares try to control it: This much lies beyond debate. Now we watch as it counters a president who proposes to scrub the single most important passage in the narrative of fear and animosity on which this apparatus depends.

A Win for the Deep State

The ousting of Mike Flynn takes us down the road to a police state
A Win for the Deep State by --

While our deranged “liberals” are screaming that we mustn’t “normalize” Trump, the real danger is that we’re normalizing the illegal and unethical methods of his most determined – and powerful – opponents. Until and unless the Trump administration acts quickly and decisively to rid the nation of out-of-control intelligence agencies that are aggressively intervening in our domestic politics, we will soon resemble one of those Third World nations where coups are routine.

It looks to me like the White House is wired and that the nation’s law enforcement agencies, including the FBI, are treating administration officials as if they were ISIS jihadis. It’s an outrage, and what’s even more outrageous is that ostensible “liberals” are cheering the political police.

And so it is left to the unlikeliest people, such as Rep. Devin Nunes (R-California), who chairs the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, to lead the pushback:

“I expect for the FBI to tell me what is going on, and they better have a good answer. The big problem I see here is that you have an American citizen who had his phone calls recorded.”

He added: “Where are all the privacy groups screaming now?”

Where, indeed.

Eli Lake, a journalist I rarely agree with, put it well:

“Normally intercepts of U.S. officials and citizens are some of the most tightly held government secrets. This is for good reason. Selectively disclosing details of private conversations monitored by the FBI or NSA gives the permanent state the power to destroy reputations from the cloak of anonymity. This is what police states do.”

If this keeps up, that’s just where we’re headed.
Actually, liberal intellectuals on the left are becoming more and more disgusted with the IC,
What the hell is this liberal intellectuals you are talking about?

You mean the tree hugging, whale saving, destroy-California's-agriculture-to-save-Snail-Darter wack job leftists? They have intellectuals?

Horse shit.

They havent had a real intellectual since Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan passed on.
Actually, liberal intellectuals on the left are becoming more and more disgusted with the IC,
What the hell is this liberal intellectuals you are talking about?

You mean the tree hugging, whale saving, destroy-California's-agriculture-to-save-Snail-Darter wack job leftists? They have intellectuals?

Horse shit.

They havent had a real intellectual since Senator Patrick Moynihan passed on.

What about Daniel Ellsburg? How about David Talbot? What about Julian Assange? Ever hear of Edward Snowden?

There are folks that understand the true nature of classical liberalism.
What about Daniel Ellsburg? How about David Talbot? What about Julian Assange? Ever here of Edward Snowden?
There are folks that understand the true nature of classical liberalism.
roflmao, Ellsburg says Bradly Manning is a patriot when Manning is a traitor, the same as Snowden is.

A genuine US liberal is first and foremost a Patriot because he knows in his heart that the USA is the last and best hope of mankind for a political system that represents the sovereignty of the Will of the People, no matter how distracted, deluded and stupified we may have become.

And if anyone thinks that Salon is liberal intellectualism then they dont know the difference between genuine classic liberalism and social Marxism and economic Marxism which Salon represents.

Assange is a foreign character with his own ideas of what good government is, some of which I agree with, but again I would not call him a liberal intellectual.

There is not a single intellectual today that represents classic liberalism, only this faux Marxism rebranded as liberalism.
What about Daniel Ellsburg? How about David Talbot? What about Julian Assange? Ever here of Edward Snowden?
There are folks that understand the true nature of classical liberalism.
roflmao, Ellsburg says Bradly Manning is a patriot when Manning is a traitor, the same as Snowden is.

A genuine US liberal is first and foremost a Patriot because he knows in his heart that the USA is the last and best hope of mankind for a political system that represents the sovereignty of the Will of the People, no matter how distracted, deluded and stupified we may have become.

And if anyone thinks that Salon is liberal intellectualism then they dont know the difference between genuine classic liberalism and social Marxism and economic Marxism which Salon represents.

Assange is a foreign character with his own ideas of what good government is, some of which I agree with, but again I would not call him a liberal intellectual.

There is not a single intellectual today that represents classic liberalism, only this faux Marxism rebranded as liberalism.
Why is Manning a traitor?

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