Trump Extends Obamacare Deadline -- WTF?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Trump administration extends ObamaCare enrollment deadline

For years, Trump has promised us that his healthcare plan would be far superior to Obamacare, but nothing has materialized...then he at least promised us that Obamacare itself will be why is he extending the Obamacare enrollment deadline? That is like an utter betrayal to his supporters who hate Obamacare and want it gone...all of it....and its a betrayal to conservative principles as well...

"The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) said over half a million people enrolled throughout the day on Sunday, but the agency was extending the deadline “in an abundance of caution” to accommodate consumers who attempted to enroll but may have experienced issues."

WTF? Over a half a million people enrolled in one day?? Don't these people know its Obamacare? Why would they even want that?? Outrageous...

"As of Dec. 7, more than 3.9 million people had signed up for plans, a 6 percent drop compared to a similar time period last year. But the last few days of open enrollment typically bring a surge of sign-ups, and advocates expressed concern that the website was not able to handle the traffic of tens of thousands of people attempting to enroll."

Why are these people participating in Obamacare?? Why don't they just go out and buy their own insurance instead of leeching off of the government?? and why has Trump let down America by not replacing Obamacare with his own plan??
Trump administration extends ObamaCare enrollment deadline

For years, Trump has promised us that his healthcare plan would be far superior to Obamacare, but nothing has materialized...then he at least promised us that Obamacare itself will be why is he extending the Obamacare enrollment deadline? That is like an utter betrayal to his supporters who hate Obamacare and want it gone...all of it....and its a betrayal to conservative principles as well...

"The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) said over half a million people enrolled throughout the day on Sunday, but the agency was extending the deadline “in an abundance of caution” to accommodate consumers who attempted to enroll but may have experienced issues."

WTF? Over a half a million people enrolled in one day?? Don't these people know its Obamacare? Why would they even want that?? Outrageous...

"As of Dec. 7, more than 3.9 million people had signed up for plans, a 6 percent drop compared to a similar time period last year. But the last few days of open enrollment typically bring a surge of sign-ups, and advocates expressed concern that the website was not able to handle the traffic of tens of thousands of people attempting to enroll."

Why are these people participating in Obamacare?? Why don't they just go out and buy their own insurance instead of leeching off of the government?? and why has Trump let down America by not replacing Obamacare with his own plan??

Read below!
Trump administration extends ObamaCare enrollment deadline

For years, Trump has promised us that his healthcare plan would be far superior to Obamacare, but nothing has materialized...then he at least promised us that Obamacare itself will be why is he extending the Obamacare enrollment deadline? That is like an utter betrayal to his supporters who hate Obamacare and want it gone...all of it....and its a betrayal to conservative principles as well...

"The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) said over half a million people enrolled throughout the day on Sunday, but the agency was extending the deadline “in an abundance of caution” to accommodate consumers who attempted to enroll but may have experienced issues."

WTF? Over a half a million people enrolled in one day?? Don't these people know its Obamacare? Why would they even want that?? Outrageous...

"As of Dec. 7, more than 3.9 million people had signed up for plans, a 6 percent drop compared to a similar time period last year. But the last few days of open enrollment typically bring a surge of sign-ups, and advocates expressed concern that the website was not able to handle the traffic of tens of thousands of people attempting to enroll."

Why are these people participating in Obamacare?? Why don't they just go out and buy their own insurance instead of leeching off of the government?? and why has Trump let down America by not replacing Obamacare with his own plan??

That's easy. He doesn't have one. If it doesn't fit in a tweet forget it.
Trump administration extends ObamaCare enrollment deadline

For years, Trump has promised us that his healthcare plan would be far superior to Obamacare, but nothing has materialized...then he at least promised us that Obamacare itself will be why is he extending the Obamacare enrollment deadline? That is like an utter betrayal to his supporters who hate Obamacare and want it gone...all of it....and its a betrayal to conservative principles as well...

"The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) said over half a million people enrolled throughout the day on Sunday, but the agency was extending the deadline “in an abundance of caution” to accommodate consumers who attempted to enroll but may have experienced issues."

WTF? Over a half a million people enrolled in one day?? Don't these people know its Obamacare? Why would they even want that?? Outrageous...

"As of Dec. 7, more than 3.9 million people had signed up for plans, a 6 percent drop compared to a similar time period last year. But the last few days of open enrollment typically bring a surge of sign-ups, and advocates expressed concern that the website was not able to handle the traffic of tens of thousands of people attempting to enroll."

Why are these people participating in Obamacare?? Why don't they just go out and buy their own insurance instead of leeching off of the government?? and why has Trump let down America by not replacing Obamacare with his own plan??

Maybe because the individual mandate has been repealed by President Trump.

The idea of forcing people into a program is what was objectionable. Now that is gone. If you want to sign up for the shit show called HusseinCare, be my guest.
Trump administration extends ObamaCare enrollment deadline

For years, Trump has promised us that his healthcare plan would be far superior to Obamacare, but nothing has materialized...then he at least promised us that Obamacare itself will be why is he extending the Obamacare enrollment deadline? That is like an utter betrayal to his supporters who hate Obamacare and want it gone...all of it....and its a betrayal to conservative principles as well...

"The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) said over half a million people enrolled throughout the day on Sunday, but the agency was extending the deadline “in an abundance of caution” to accommodate consumers who attempted to enroll but may have experienced issues."

WTF? Over a half a million people enrolled in one day?? Don't these people know its Obamacare? Why would they even want that?? Outrageous...

"As of Dec. 7, more than 3.9 million people had signed up for plans, a 6 percent drop compared to a similar time period last year. But the last few days of open enrollment typically bring a surge of sign-ups, and advocates expressed concern that the website was not able to handle the traffic of tens of thousands of people attempting to enroll."

Why are these people participating in Obamacare?? Why don't they just go out and buy their own insurance instead of leeching off of the government?? and why has Trump let down America by not replacing Obamacare with his own plan??

Maybe because the individual mandate has been repealed by President Trump.

The idea of forcing people into a program is what was objectionable. Now that is gone. If you want to sign up for the shit show called HusseinCare, be my guest.

Because people should be allowed to go without health insurance because when they have a problem, you assfucks are willing to pitch in & pay for it. Who do you think pays when hospital bills are not paid or they lose money due to patient bankruptcies?

You people are dumber than shit.
Trump administration extends ObamaCare enrollment deadline

For years, Trump has promised us that his healthcare plan would be far superior to Obamacare, but nothing has materialized...then he at least promised us that Obamacare itself will be why is he extending the Obamacare enrollment deadline? That is like an utter betrayal to his supporters who hate Obamacare and want it gone...all of it....and its a betrayal to conservative principles as well...

"The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) said over half a million people enrolled throughout the day on Sunday, but the agency was extending the deadline “in an abundance of caution” to accommodate consumers who attempted to enroll but may have experienced issues."

WTF? Over a half a million people enrolled in one day?? Don't these people know its Obamacare? Why would they even want that?? Outrageous...

"As of Dec. 7, more than 3.9 million people had signed up for plans, a 6 percent drop compared to a similar time period last year. But the last few days of open enrollment typically bring a surge of sign-ups, and advocates expressed concern that the website was not able to handle the traffic of tens of thousands of people attempting to enroll."

Why are these people participating in Obamacare?? Why don't they just go out and buy their own insurance instead of leeching off of the government?? and why has Trump let down America by not replacing Obamacare with his own plan??
And then on the other hand:

THE GHOST OF JOHN MCCAIN COULD NOT BE REACHED FOR COMMENT: Trump Takes Jackhammer to Obamacare, Repeals Major ACA Taxes.

On Friday The Trumpster signed legislation repealing about $400 billion in Obamacare taxes.

And the Democrats helped him do it: The Washington Examiner reports that

"Democrats voted overwhelmingly in favor of the spending deal despite the fact that it repealed $373 billion in taxes meant to pay for Obamacare."​

Prior to losing their majority in the House, Republicans managed to repeal the individual mandate, which penalized individuals who chose not to buy health insurance. A full repeal and replace of Obamacare has yet been unachievable, but that hasn't stopped Trump from doing everything he can, via legislation or executive action, to rid us of the disastrous health care law, which sent health insurance costs skyrocketing. Trump has succeeded in undermining Obamacare by allowing people to buy short-term plans, and by allowing self-employed people to band together to purchase insurance at lower costs.

"Democrats managed to score two small wins on Obamacare," the Washington Examiner reported. "One that blocks the Trump administration from imposing rules to keep people from being able to automatically enroll in health insurance and another that would have caused certain Obamacare enrollees to pay more for coverage."​

Politics is always the art of the possible.
Trump administration extends ObamaCare enrollment deadline

For years, Trump has promised us that his healthcare plan would be far superior to Obamacare, but nothing has materialized...then he at least promised us that Obamacare itself will be why is he extending the Obamacare enrollment deadline? That is like an utter betrayal to his supporters who hate Obamacare and want it gone...all of it....and its a betrayal to conservative principles as well...

"The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) said over half a million people enrolled throughout the day on Sunday, but the agency was extending the deadline “in an abundance of caution” to accommodate consumers who attempted to enroll but may have experienced issues."

WTF? Over a half a million people enrolled in one day?? Don't these people know its Obamacare? Why would they even want that?? Outrageous...

"As of Dec. 7, more than 3.9 million people had signed up for plans, a 6 percent drop compared to a similar time period last year. But the last few days of open enrollment typically bring a surge of sign-ups, and advocates expressed concern that the website was not able to handle the traffic of tens of thousands of people attempting to enroll."

Why are these people participating in Obamacare?? Why don't they just go out and buy their own insurance instead of leeching off of the government?? and why has Trump let down America by not replacing Obamacare with his own plan??
And then on the other hand:

THE GHOST OF JOHN MCCAIN COULD NOT BE REACHED FOR COMMENT: Trump Takes Jackhammer to Obamacare, Repeals Major ACA Taxes.

On Friday The Trumpster signed legislation repealing about $400 billion in Obamacare taxes.

And the Democrats helped him do it: The Washington Examiner reports that

"Democrats voted overwhelmingly in favor of the spending deal despite the fact that it repealed $373 billion in taxes meant to pay for Obamacare."​

Prior to losing their majority in the House, Republicans managed to repeal the individual mandate, which penalized individuals who chose not to buy health insurance. A full repeal and replace of Obamacare has yet been unachievable, but that hasn't stopped Trump from doing everything he can, via legislation or executive action, to rid us of the disastrous health care law, which sent health insurance costs skyrocketing. Trump has succeeded in undermining Obamacare by allowing people to buy short-term plans, and by allowing self-employed people to band together to purchase insurance at lower costs.

"Democrats managed to score two small wins on Obamacare," the Washington Examiner reported. "One that blocks the Trump administration from imposing rules to keep people from being able to automatically enroll in health insurance and another that would have caused certain Obamacare enrollees to pay more for coverage."​

Politics is always the art of the possible.

You are cheering on the fact that they are allowing these expenses to be added to the debt as opposed to having people pay for this?
Trump administration extends ObamaCare enrollment deadline

For years, Trump has promised us that his healthcare plan would be far superior to Obamacare, but nothing has materialized...then he at least promised us that Obamacare itself will be why is he extending the Obamacare enrollment deadline? That is like an utter betrayal to his supporters who hate Obamacare and want it gone...all of it....and its a betrayal to conservative principles as well...

"The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) said over half a million people enrolled throughout the day on Sunday, but the agency was extending the deadline “in an abundance of caution” to accommodate consumers who attempted to enroll but may have experienced issues."

WTF? Over a half a million people enrolled in one day?? Don't these people know its Obamacare? Why would they even want that?? Outrageous...

"As of Dec. 7, more than 3.9 million people had signed up for plans, a 6 percent drop compared to a similar time period last year. But the last few days of open enrollment typically bring a surge of sign-ups, and advocates expressed concern that the website was not able to handle the traffic of tens of thousands of people attempting to enroll."

Why are these people participating in Obamacare?? Why don't they just go out and buy their own insurance instead of leeching off of the government?? and why has Trump let down America by not replacing Obamacare with his own plan??

Maybe because the individual mandate has been repealed by President Trump.

The idea of forcing people into a program is what was objectionable. Now that is gone. If you want to sign up for the shit show called HusseinCare, be my guest.

Because people should be allowed to go without health insurance because when they have a problem, you assfucks are willing to pitch in & pay for it. Who do you think pays when hospital bills are not paid or they lose money due to patient bankruptcies?

You people are dumber than shit.

That's exactly what happens. Hospitals don't get paid ----> They raise rates -----> Everybody pays more except the person who doesn't have insurance or cash. They find a different ER to go to for their next problem and start the process all over again.
It's amazing how everything that he pats himself on the back for ALL started under Pres. Obama ie. economy, low unemployment, stock market, etc. Trump Humpers tell us something that started under Trump.
Trump administration extends ObamaCare enrollment deadline

For years, Trump has promised us that his healthcare plan would be far superior to Obamacare, but nothing has materialized...then he at least promised us that Obamacare itself will be why is he extending the Obamacare enrollment deadline? That is like an utter betrayal to his supporters who hate Obamacare and want it gone...all of it....and its a betrayal to conservative principles as well...

"The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) said over half a million people enrolled throughout the day on Sunday, but the agency was extending the deadline “in an abundance of caution” to accommodate consumers who attempted to enroll but may have experienced issues."

WTF? Over a half a million people enrolled in one day?? Don't these people know its Obamacare? Why would they even want that?? Outrageous...

"As of Dec. 7, more than 3.9 million people had signed up for plans, a 6 percent drop compared to a similar time period last year. But the last few days of open enrollment typically bring a surge of sign-ups, and advocates expressed concern that the website was not able to handle the traffic of tens of thousands of people attempting to enroll."

Why are these people participating in Obamacare?? Why don't they just go out and buy their own insurance instead of leeching off of the government?? and why has Trump let down America by not replacing Obamacare with his own plan??
And then on the other hand:

THE GHOST OF JOHN MCCAIN COULD NOT BE REACHED FOR COMMENT: Trump Takes Jackhammer to Obamacare, Repeals Major ACA Taxes.

On Friday The Trumpster signed legislation repealing about $400 billion in Obamacare taxes.

And the Democrats helped him do it: The Washington Examiner reports that

"Democrats voted overwhelmingly in favor of the spending deal despite the fact that it repealed $373 billion in taxes meant to pay for Obamacare."​

Prior to losing their majority in the House, Republicans managed to repeal the individual mandate, which penalized individuals who chose not to buy health insurance. A full repeal and replace of Obamacare has yet been unachievable, but that hasn't stopped Trump from doing everything he can, via legislation or executive action, to rid us of the disastrous health care law, which sent health insurance costs skyrocketing. Trump has succeeded in undermining Obamacare by allowing people to buy short-term plans, and by allowing self-employed people to band together to purchase insurance at lower costs.

"Democrats managed to score two small wins on Obamacare," the Washington Examiner reported. "One that blocks the Trump administration from imposing rules to keep people from being able to automatically enroll in health insurance and another that would have caused certain Obamacare enrollees to pay more for coverage."​

Politics is always the art of the possible.

You are cheering on the fact that they are allowing these expenses to be added to the debt as opposed to having people pay for this?
The House passed the bill. Are you demanding that Trump veto it and shut down the government?
Trump administration extends ObamaCare enrollment deadline

For years, Trump has promised us that his healthcare plan would be far superior to Obamacare, but nothing has materialized...then he at least promised us that Obamacare itself will be why is he extending the Obamacare enrollment deadline? That is like an utter betrayal to his supporters who hate Obamacare and want it gone...all of it....and its a betrayal to conservative principles as well...

"The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) said over half a million people enrolled throughout the day on Sunday, but the agency was extending the deadline “in an abundance of caution” to accommodate consumers who attempted to enroll but may have experienced issues."

WTF? Over a half a million people enrolled in one day?? Don't these people know its Obamacare? Why would they even want that?? Outrageous...

"As of Dec. 7, more than 3.9 million people had signed up for plans, a 6 percent drop compared to a similar time period last year. But the last few days of open enrollment typically bring a surge of sign-ups, and advocates expressed concern that the website was not able to handle the traffic of tens of thousands of people attempting to enroll."

Why are these people participating in Obamacare?? Why don't they just go out and buy their own insurance instead of leeching off of the government?? and why has Trump let down America by not replacing Obamacare with his own plan??
And then on the other hand:

THE GHOST OF JOHN MCCAIN COULD NOT BE REACHED FOR COMMENT: Trump Takes Jackhammer to Obamacare, Repeals Major ACA Taxes.

On Friday The Trumpster signed legislation repealing about $400 billion in Obamacare taxes.

And the Democrats helped him do it: The Washington Examiner reports that

"Democrats voted overwhelmingly in favor of the spending deal despite the fact that it repealed $373 billion in taxes meant to pay for Obamacare."​

Prior to losing their majority in the House, Republicans managed to repeal the individual mandate, which penalized individuals who chose not to buy health insurance. A full repeal and replace of Obamacare has yet been unachievable, but that hasn't stopped Trump from doing everything he can, via legislation or executive action, to rid us of the disastrous health care law, which sent health insurance costs skyrocketing. Trump has succeeded in undermining Obamacare by allowing people to buy short-term plans, and by allowing self-employed people to band together to purchase insurance at lower costs.

"Democrats managed to score two small wins on Obamacare," the Washington Examiner reported. "One that blocks the Trump administration from imposing rules to keep people from being able to automatically enroll in health insurance and another that would have caused certain Obamacare enrollees to pay more for coverage."​

Politics is always the art of the possible.

You are cheering on the fact that they are allowing these expenses to be added to the debt as opposed to having people pay for this?
The House passed the bill. Are you demanding that Trump veto it and shut down the government?

He shut it down before. Did you support that?

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