Trump endorses Stacey Abrams!

Kemp put blinders on and sold out to the Chinese for personal gain using the taxpayers money in a trade deal for supply medical equipment. Rottensburger was his partner in this particular deal. Kemp gets everything he deserves and is getting away with a lot more than he should. Never mind his governor's seat he should be losing his freedom.
It has all been explained, you just ignore it like you ignore it when I prove your post are lies

Sort of like Trump fighting tooth and nail to keep this Jan 6th documents from being released?

Another lie from you. Even the auditors does not call any of it illegal.

This is rich coming from you. Literally every specific fact you have posted on this forum I have shown you to be a lie and you still keep posting them. By next week you will be posting the same lies I proved wrong today.
The price of corrupted socialist democracy is the loss of freedoms. You do not understand that. The same benevolent Progs who let people riots in cities will be malevolent and exterminate the same when the time comes. Tell us how they leave power after a few years. They do not. Obama got paid off for doing nothing but be an extremist Prog. He knows it. He most likely never made a decision.
You Republicans better find a way to muzzle the Mango Menace. He already cost you two Senate seats in Georgia, and appears intent on getting rid of the governor. :D

Donald Trump is escalating his fight against Republican Gov. Brian Kemp of Georgia, and state Republicans fear it will give Democrats a stronger foothold in the key swing state as next year's midterm elections loom.​
The former President's criticism of Kemp now includes hyping Democrat Stacey Abrams as a preferable alternative to the GOP governor, whose crime against Trump was staying out of his attempt to overturn the Georgia 2020 election returns.​
"Having her, I think, might be better than having your existing governor, if you want to know what I think," Trump said Saturday at his rally in Perry, adding later, "Stacey, would you like to take his place? It's OK with me."​

I am not going to read this whole thread, because reading stupidity is an absolute waste of time, lol.

But if Doctor Love, who can fix your inner pain, and make you well again, Doctor Love, lol!

If you believe anything Doctor Dim Wit says, then I hope you are a Democrat, hehehehehehehe.
You Republicans better find a way to muzzle the Mango Menace. He already cost you two Senate seats in Georgia, and appears intent on getting rid of the governor. :D

Donald Trump is escalating his fight against Republican Gov. Brian Kemp of Georgia, and state Republicans fear it will give Democrats a stronger foothold in the key swing state as next year's midterm elections loom.​
The former President's criticism of Kemp now includes hyping Democrat Stacey Abrams as a preferable alternative to the GOP governor, whose crime against Trump was staying out of his attempt to overturn the Georgia 2020 election returns.​
"Having her, I think, might be better than having your existing governor, if you want to know what I think," Trump said Saturday at his rally in Perry, adding later, "Stacey, would you like to take his place? It's OK with me."​

WELL dR LOVE, LOL! Here is you-)
They did no such thing. Raffles (SOS) made a deal to eliminate signature verification on mail in votes. It was never approved by the state legislature. That violates state law. Kemp knew the election was stolen and certified it anyway. They do not give a shit about the Constitution.

No one eliminated signature matches in Georgia.

That's just another right wing, made up, created out of thin air, Big lie....

No one eliminated signature matches in Georgia.

That's just another right wing, made up, created out of thin air, Big lie....
For certain ballots they did eliminate verification. Those ballots are illegal. The election never should have been certified. Period.
For certain ballots they did eliminate verification. Those ballots are illegal. The election never should have been certified. Period.
They did not eliminate verifying signatures, that's a created, right wing/ Trump LIE.

THE ruling and agreement through the court was 2 signature checkers would need to reject a signature match, and those rejected, would be allowed X amount of time, to come in and cure their ballot being rejected for signature.

The signature verification process was 100% in place.
Right. He’s such a liberal that just to spite Conservatives he appointed 3 Conservative Supreme Court Justices. Appointments that will have lasting effects for generations.
Any Republican President would have done that.

Trump doesn't know a conservative judge from his elbow. He doesn't even know how pro-lifers think.

He appointed the judges the Federalist Society told him to.

Meanwhile, he doubled the federal deficit in his first two years, matched Obama's $8 trillion of debt in half the time, started a far left wing protectionist trade war, lied every time he opened his mouth, and behaved like a typical New York limousine liberal in all aspects.

Trump has never won an election.
Trump did no such thing, you lying POS. Votes were stolen again right in plain sight on TV. No one loses votes in a count. Perdue did.


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