Trump doesn't know what he's talking about

"From carriers to corvettes, the Chinese Navy is expanding faster than any other navy on the planet."
True or not if you think China would face the US mano a mano you would be very wrong.
It's basically China vs. the rest of the world in terms of a true war and guess who China can depend
on to come to their aid? Maybe North Korea and Iran. And that's it!

It looks like you are an advocate for China, unless you are doing this as an intellectual challenge,
so be prepared to look at all the facts. China has an amazingly large pool of humanity to call on
but even at that they are matched by India (a nation that is hostile to China) and this isn't WWI anymore
and wars aren't determined by raw manpower in any event.

China is very unstable with a populace that is not inclined to die for the party elite. Drop your
political biases and look at the facts. You will seem smarter when you do.
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Especially when you can sprint to the defense of communist China, who just killed 65,000 Americans and likely will tally up 135,000 dead Americans before dust settles, and their shill CNN! The only good democrat is a covid-19 infected democra
It is worth mentioning China didn't become a superpower until it embraced state capitalism, an economic system modeled on a cancer cell now being undone by a virus and a corrupt crony-capitalist posing as POTUS.

As far as US deaths are concerned, place the blame where it belongs:

15 times Trump praised China as coronavirus was spreading across the globe

"Jan. 24, Twitter:

"'China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!'"
China isn't a superpower, it simply has nukes courtesy of Bill & Hillary Clinton..... They have exactly one support/supply ship for their entire navy, which includes one functional Russian supplied carrier, and one future Chinese produced carrier, the USN has at least two such ships for every battle group! The United States could splash their entire navy in about 72-96 hours time.... China's only source of real power resides within its monetary control of the United States democratic party and its leadership, Hollywood which communist China clearly owns, and every American business Clinton, Bush, and Obama sent to them..... Militarily China would be an absolute laugher, of course the democratic party and its supporters would fight for China, the party leadership because they have no choice, the party faithful because they were and remain stupid enough to actually have bought into the utopian fantasy.....

So an adolescent wingnut thinks Ghina obtained nuclear weapons from Bill & Hillary Clinton?

So in 1964 an 18 year old Bill Clinton....
Do you see folks how the radicals sprint to the defense of the "mother fascist?" Know this Mr room temp IQ, Bill Clinton traded communist China extremely sophisticated computer technology, which was just as restricted as it was sophisticated, in exchange for what might you think? CASH!!! This was the deal, which by the way the media swooped down upon and swiftly obfuscated away for the Clinton's and the DNC's benefit, where exchange took place at a certain faux temple! That act of treason, the single greatest such act of treachery since Judas kissed Jesus upon his cheek, transformed China from regional bully, into a thermonuclear power, able to lob ICBM's with precision, anywhere within the United States!

Checkmate!!! :fu:
Have you recovered yet, from the Dems robbing Bernie.....AGAIN?
Some things never change

Many elite Democrats would STILL rather lose elections than pay higher taxes.

Hillary Clinton rigged DNC against Bernie Sanders, Brazile Claims

So you HAVE recovered from Bernie being robbed...….twice?
I believe you are correct in 2020, but I'm not sure about 2121? China has been around a long time, and the Chinese seem to be in no hurry to obtain some payback for centuries of western imperialism.
China are the imperialists now and they are the bulwark war machine for the globalists.
I doubt they are thinking about the Boxer rebellion now. I know we aren't.

China is in no position to fight just now, if ever. And they've too much invested in the West.
So you HAVE recovered from Bernie being robbed...….twice?

Most of the sources I trust never believed Bernie would get a fair shot running as a Democrat. so I wasn't expecting much. I suppose there is a chance Biden will melt down into unabashed senility before the convention, and Hillary will ride to the rescue?

Who are you more excited to vote for, Biden or Hillary?

Finally, we are getting facts, and not biased, blame diverting conjecture from Trump and his ally Pompeo. Trump is intent on blaming China and not taking responsibility for his delaying actions that are costing American lies. He knows that his re-election chances are in the dumper, and he is throwing anything he can against the wall to see what sticks.

He is pathetic!
If Trump doesn't you sure as hell don't. In fact its doubtful whether or not you know your ass from that proverbial hole in the ground.

Finally, we are getting facts, and not biased, blame diverting conjecture from Trump and his ally Pompeo. Trump is intent on blaming China and not taking responsibility for his delaying actions that are costing American lies. He knows that his re-election chances are in the dumper, and he is throwing anything he can against the wall to see what sticks.

He is pathetic!


Especially when you can sprint to the defense of communist China, who just killed 65,000 Americans and likely will tally up 135,000 dead Americans before dust settles, and their shill CNN! The only good democrat is a covid-19 infected democra
It is worth mentioning China didn't become a superpower until it embraced state capitalism, an economic system modeled on a cancer cell now being undone by a virus and a corrupt crony-capitalist posing as POTUS.

As far as US deaths are concerned, place the blame where it belongs:

15 times Trump praised China as coronavirus was spreading across the globe

"Jan. 24, Twitter:

"'China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!'"
China isn't a superpower, it simply has nukes courtesy of Bill & Hillary Clinton..... They have exactly one support/supply ship for their entire navy, which includes one functional Russian supplied carrier, and one future Chinese produced carrier, the USN has at least two such ships for every battle group! The United States could splash their entire navy in about 72-96 hours time.... China's only source of real power resides within its monetary control of the United States democratic party and its leadership, Hollywood which communist China clearly owns, and every American business Clinton, Bush, and Obama sent to them..... Militarily China would be an absolute laugher, of course the democratic party and its supporters would fight for China, the party leadership because they have no choice, the party faithful because they were and remain stupid enough to actually have bought into the utopian fantasy.....

So an adolescent wingnut thinks Ghina obtained nuclear weapons from Bill & Hillary Clinton?

So in 1964 an 18 year old Bill Clinton....
Clinton sold China the secrets on how to keep a missle in the air. Before that, they couldn't do it. A nuclear missle is useless sitting on a launch pad.
Especially when you can sprint to the defense of communist China, who just killed 65,000 Americans and likely will tally up 135,000 dead Americans before dust settles, and their shill CNN! The only good democrat is a covid-19 infected democra
It is worth mentioning China didn't become a superpower until it embraced state capitalism, an economic system modeled on a cancer cell now being undone by a virus and a corrupt crony-capitalist posing as POTUS.

As far as US deaths are concerned, place the blame where it belongs:

15 times Trump praised China as coronavirus was spreading across the globe

"Jan. 24, Twitter:

"'China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!'"
China isn't a superpower, it simply has nukes courtesy of Bill & Hillary Clinton..... They have exactly one support/supply ship for their entire navy, which includes one functional Russian supplied carrier, and one future Chinese produced carrier, the USN has at least two such ships for every battle group! The United States could splash their entire navy in about 72-96 hours time.... China's only source of real power resides within its monetary control of the United States democratic party and its leadership, Hollywood which communist China clearly owns, and every American business Clinton, Bush, and Obama sent to them..... Militarily China would be an absolute laugher, of course the democratic party and its supporters would fight for China, the party leadership because they have no choice, the party faithful because they were and remain stupid enough to actually have bought into the utopian fantasy.....

So an adolescent wingnut thinks Ghina obtained nuclear weapons from Bill & Hillary Clinton?

So in 1964 an 18 year old Bill Clinton....
Do you see folks how the radicals sprint to the defense of the "mother fascist?" Know this Mr room temp IQ, Bill Clinton traded communist China extremely sophisticated computer technology, which was just as restricted as it was sophisticated, in exchange for what might you think? CASH!!! This was the deal, which by the way the media swooped down upon and swiftly obfuscated away for the Clinton's and the DNC's benefit, where exchange took place at a certain faux temple! That act of treason, the single greatest such act of treachery since Judas kissed Jesus upon his cheek, transformed China from regional bully, into a thermonuclear power, able to lob ICBM's with precision, anywhere within the United States!

Checkmate!!! :fu:

It's very clear that you have spend way too much time parroting other conservatives on wingnuts websites to be any other than incoherent outside of them.
Especially when you can sprint to the defense of communist China, who just killed 65,000 Americans and likely will tally up 135,000 dead Americans before dust settles, and their shill CNN! The only good democrat is a covid-19 infected democra
It is worth mentioning China didn't become a superpower until it embraced state capitalism, an economic system modeled on a cancer cell now being undone by a virus and a corrupt crony-capitalist posing as POTUS.

As far as US deaths are concerned, place the blame where it belongs:

15 times Trump praised China as coronavirus was spreading across the globe

"Jan. 24, Twitter:

"'China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!'"
China isn't a superpower, it simply has nukes courtesy of Bill & Hillary Clinton..... They have exactly one support/supply ship for their entire navy, which includes one functional Russian supplied carrier, and one future Chinese produced carrier, the USN has at least two such ships for every battle group! The United States could splash their entire navy in about 72-96 hours time.... China's only source of real power resides within its monetary control of the United States democratic party and its leadership, Hollywood which communist China clearly owns, and every American business Clinton, Bush, and Obama sent to them..... Militarily China would be an absolute laugher, of course the democratic party and its supporters would fight for China, the party leadership because they have no choice, the party faithful because they were and remain stupid enough to actually have bought into the utopian fantasy.....

So an adolescent wingnut thinks Ghina obtained nuclear weapons from Bill & Hillary Clinton?

So in 1964 an 18 year old Bill Clinton....
Clinton sold China the secrets on how to keep a missle in the air. Before that, they couldn't do it. A nuclear missle is useless sitting on a launch pad.

Pure bullshit.

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