Trump does not see white nationalism as a rising threat


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Trump Does Not See White Nationalism As A Rising Threat
“Do you see white nationalism as a rising threat around the world?” ABC News’ Terry Moran asked the president.

It is so funny how many have no clue what Nationalism is, globalism, capitalism, deep state you bungholes are clueless no wonder you know nothing and believe everything you shouldn't.
Trump Does Not See White Nationalism As A Rising Threat
“Do you see white nationalism as a rising threat around the world?” ABC News’ Terry Moran asked the president.

It is so funny how many have no clue what Nationalism is, globalism, capitalism, deep state you bungholes are clueless no wonder you know nothing and believe everything you shouldn't.
This is an actual study that is extensively sourced that disagrees with Trumps statement. I invite you to give me something that refutes the study besides the words of a guy who's lies are counted in the thousands.
The Rise of Far-Right Extremism in the United States
Trump Does Not See White Nationalism As A Rising Threat
“Do you see white nationalism as a rising threat around the world?” ABC News’ Terry Moran asked the president.

It is so funny how many have no clue what Nationalism is, globalism, capitalism, deep state you bungholes are clueless no wonder you know nothing and believe everything you shouldn't.
This is an actual study that is extensively sourced that disagrees with Trumps statement. I invite you to give me something that refutes the study besides the words of a guy who's lies are counted in the thousands.
The Rise of Far-Right Extremism in the United States

Pffft. The numbers are infinitesimal. As always, media magnifies events to fit their political narrative.
Well there you go, our pathetic "Take Down Trump" Liberal media has once again steered the focus off of the victims and the disgusting killers and onto their favorite target President Trump. They never cover the massacres of Christians in Muslim hell holes. They never cover the daily murders in drug infested inner cities.

Every day, all day it's Trump Trump Trump Bad Bad Bad. President Trump could begin every day with a statement against White Nationalism and it wouldn't be enough. They would say " President Trump's weak rebuke of White Nationalism only emboldens them".

The Media is a key element in our Republic and it is critical that they be INDEPENDENT of political or corporate influence. Does anyone think that is the case? And just for the record here is President Trump condemning White Extremists:
Trump Condemns White Supremacists 2 Days After Charlottesville Violence
Well there you go, our pathetic "Take Down Trump" Liberal media has once again steered the focus off of the victims and the disgusting killers and onto their favorite target President Trump. They never cover the massacres of Christians in Muslim hell holes. They never cover the daily murders in drug infested inner cities.

Every day, all day it's Trump Trump Trump Bad Bad Bad. President Trump could begin every day with a statement against White Nationalism and it wouldn't be enough. They would say " President Trump's weak rebuke of White Nationalism only emboldens them".

The Media is a key element in our Republic and it is critical that they be INDEPENDENT of political or corporate influence. Does anyone think that is the case? And just for the record here is President Trump condemning White Extremists:
Trump Condemns White Supremacists 2 Days After Charlottesville Violence
The media wants to attach everything bad in the world to Trump.
Nothing bad ever had anything to do with Obama, but Trump gets the same treatment on all things. The latest is this stupidity that he had something to do with the New Zealand attack.
We don't have media in this country. We have Pravda

We don't have that. But our President is Vladimir Putin.

Trump threatens SNL with federal investigation for mocking him

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Trump threatens SNL with federal investigation for mocking him
Trump is so fckg stupid

Of course, entertainment programming mocking newsworthy figures is protected as free speech. Trump seems to be referring to the “equal time rule” which mandates that U.S. broadcast TV stations give equal air-time opportunities to opposing political candidates in prime-time if requested. But Trump is president, not a candidate, and SNL is in late-night and, again, parody. There’s also FCC’s “fairness doctrine,” a regulation that required networks to give balanced coverage to matters of public controversy. The FCC eliminated the policy in 1987.​
Kendrick Lamar, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, IMPEACH_3.jpg
Trump Does Not See White Nationalism As A Rising Threat
“Do you see white nationalism as a rising threat around the world?” ABC News’ Terry Moran asked the president.

It is so funny how many have no clue what Nationalism is, globalism, capitalism, deep state you bungholes are clueless no wonder you know nothing and believe everything you shouldn't.
This is an actual study that is extensively sourced that disagrees with Trumps statement. I invite you to give me something that refutes the study besides the words of a guy who's lies are counted in the thousands.
The Rise of Far-Right Extremism in the United States
to put it in perspective:
white nationalists/supremacists/extremists murder less than 10 people per YEAR
blacks murder over 8 people every -----------------------------------------------DAY
The Long List of Killings Committed by White Extremists Since the Oklahoma City Bombing
look at the title--haha--the'' LONG'' list of WE murders--less than 10 per year
the US has over 10,000 murders per year
Trump Does Not See White Nationalism As A Rising Threat
“Do you see white nationalism as a rising threat around the world?” ABC News’ Terry Moran asked the president.

It is so funny how many have no clue what Nationalism is, globalism, capitalism, deep state you bungholes are clueless no wonder you know nothing and believe everything you shouldn't.
This is an actual study that is extensively sourced that disagrees with Trumps statement. I invite you to give me something that refutes the study besides the words of a guy who's lies are counted in the thousands.
The Rise of Far-Right Extremism in the United States
Anyone that sources the SPLC in their end notes can be safely written off as a biased hack.
Trump Does Not See White Nationalism As A Rising Threat
“Do you see white nationalism as a rising threat around the world?” ABC News’ Terry Moran asked the president.
It is so funny how many have no clue what Nationalism is, globalism, capitalism, deep state you bungholes are clueless no wonder you know nothing and believe everything you shouldn't.

A). Why is "Nationalism" being spun as a bad thing while Globalism isn't? Something bad about putting your own country first like every other country out there does it?
B). "White" Nationalism---- ---- sounds like there are different kinds of nationalism, yet we never hear of them, so am I to conclude that it is the "White" part that is bad? Hmm.
C). I agree with Trump. ONE GUY does a crazy thing does not an epidemic make. Muslims are starting wars all around this planet yet we fight to protect them!
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Trump Does Not See White Nationalism As A Rising Threat
“Do you see white nationalism as a rising threat around the world?” ABC News’ Terry Moran asked the president.

It is so funny how many have no clue what Nationalism is, globalism, capitalism, deep state you bungholes are clueless no wonder you know nothing and believe everything you shouldn't.
This is an actual study that is extensively sourced that disagrees with Trumps statement. I invite you to give me something that refutes the study besides the words of a guy who's lies are counted in the thousands.
The Rise of Far-Right Extremism in the United States

So what are you saying, that whites and conservatives have finally had enough of the left's bullshit and are finally beginning to fight back?
...Arabs/muslim/islamics murdered more Americans in one day than died at Pearl Harbor
= = the Arabs/muslims/etc have the organization/WILL-WANT/$$$$$$$$/etc much MORE than the ''''white'' nationalists [ hahahha ] to be more of a threat and kill more Americans
Trump Does Not See White Nationalism As A Rising Threat
“Do you see white nationalism as a rising threat around the world?” ABC News’ Terry Moran asked the president.

It is so funny how many have no clue what Nationalism is, globalism, capitalism, deep state you bungholes are clueless no wonder you know nothing and believe everything you shouldn't.
Smh 84% of interracial violence is blacks attacking whites.. might be close to fighting back I hope
Trump Does Not See White Nationalism As A Rising Threat
“Do you see white nationalism as a rising threat around the world?” ABC News’ Terry Moran asked the president.

It is so funny how many have no clue what Nationalism is, globalism, capitalism, deep state you bungholes are clueless no wonder you know nothing and believe everything you shouldn't.
Smh 84% of interracial violence is blacks attacking whites.. might be close to fighting back I hope
blacks about 13% of population--whites 67%
white on black murders - 189
black on white murders- 409 !!!
Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

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