Trump directed $2.3 million owed to him to his tax-exempt foundation instead


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
No wonder he doesn't want anyone to see his taxes, what else did he shuffle around

Donald Trump’s charitable foundation has received approximately $2.3 million from companies that owed money to Trump or one of his businesses but were instructed to pay Trump’s tax-exempt foundation instead, according to people familiar with the transactions.

In cases where he diverted his own income to his foundation, tax experts said, Trump would still likely be required to pay taxes on the income. Trump has refused to release his personal tax returns. His campaign said he paid income tax on one of the donations, but did not respond to questions about the others.

Trump directed $2.3 million owed to him to his tax-exempt foundation instead
Whether or not the public has seen Trump's tax returns, it is certain that the IRS has seen them and gone over them quite thoroughly. That's why this outrage du jour has no relevance.
The Clinton Foundation?

About Us

"Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina says that “so little” of the charitable donations to the Clinton Foundation “actually go to charitable works” — a figure CARLY for America later put at about 6 percent of its annual revenues — but Fiorina is simply wrong.

"Fiorina and others are referring only to the amount donated by the Clinton Foundation to outside charities, ignoring the fact that most of the Clinton Foundation’s charitable work is performed in-house. One independent philanthropy watchdog did an analysis of Clinton Foundation funding and concluded that about 89 percent of its funding went to charity.

"Simply put, despite its name, the Clinton Foundation is not a private foundation — which typically acts as a pass-through for private donations to other charitable organizations. Rather, it is a public charity. It conducts most of its charitable activities directly."

Where Does Clinton Foundation Money Go?

Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation | Charity Ratings | America's Most Independent Charity Watchdog | CharityWatch

Now, let's talk about Trump's Charity:

Trump directed $2.3 million owed to him to his tax-exempt foundation instead

Is Trump’s shady charity finally a political issue? Experts say Trump Foundation is in serious trouble

Trump promised millions to charity. We found less than $10,000 over 7 years.

Only fools, racists, bigots, misogynists and neo fascists will vote for Donald Trump.
Trump stiffs his workers.
He hired illegals.
His court date for Fraud and Racketeering is on Nov. 28.
His foundation is a scam.
Trump U is a scam.
He bribed Attorney Generals.
He pockets money from his supporters.
He followers are KKK, Alt Right and Aryan Nation.

There is plenty there. No one needs to make anything up. The media is derelict in report

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