Trump Derangement Syndrome


Je Suis Charlie
Mar 2, 2013
According to Zander only the Dems are guilty of Trump Derangement Syndrome because they are calling him out for not correcting the questioner who called Obama a Muslim.

But obviously TDS is not a partisan affliction.

Cruz, Santorum refuse to criticize Trump over supporter -

Christie, Graham and Bush come to Obama's defense

Christie took a different tack early Friday morning when he called out Trump.

"If somebody at one of my town hall meetings said that, I would correct them and I would say, 'The President's a Christian and he was born in this country. Those two things are self-evident,'" the New Jersey governor told NBC's "Today" show on Friday. "I'll tell you what I would do, and I wouldn't have permitted that if someone brought that up at a town hall meeting of mine; I would have said, 'No, listen. Before we answer, let's clear some things up for the rest of the audience.' And I think you have an obligation as a leader to do that."

Christie added: "Donald Trump has to decide how serious a candidate he wants to be and how he handles different problems like this are going to determine that in the eyes of the American people. I'm not going to lecture him about what to do."

Lindsey Graham, speaking with MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Friday, said Trump should have stood up to the questioner.

"I've had this happen to me in Iowa, where a guy used the 'N-word' and it was very derogatory towards President Obama and Muslims. And I said, 'I am not seeking your vote,'" Graham said. "President Obama, I don't question his faith. I don't question his patriotism. I don't question his origin of birth. And when these things happen, you are not responsible for what the guy said, but you are responsible for how you respond."

And Jeb Bush, speaking in Michigan Friday night, also said he believed Obama was a Christian and an American.

"By the way, he's an American, he's a Christian. His problem isn't that he was born here or what his religion is, his problem is that he tears down anyone that disagrees with him," Bush said.

After his speech, Bush was asked three times by a CNN reporter if he believes Trump should apologize for his comments.

"I spoke to that. I spoke to that," Bush said.

Ben Carson Gives Trump a Pass For Response to Anti-Muslim Question

At a New Hampshire town hall Thursday night, a questioner denounced Muslims as a "problem" in the U.S., said Obama is a member of the religion and was not born in the U.S., and asked "when can we get rid of them?" Trump said only, "We are going to be looking at that and plenty of other things," and a spokeswoman was forced to issue three different statements clarifying his response.

Asked whether Trump should've corrected the questioner, Carson said: "I suspect that if he gets that question again, that's exactly what he'll do." He also said he'd have corrected a question like that if asked.​

So we have Bush-3rd, Carson, Graham and Christie all suffering from TDS too.

Is it possible that TDS in non-partisan because T-Rump is an entertainer and not a serious candidate?
Maybe they are just positioning themselves to be more appealing to all segments of the crowd but definitely want to beat Trump down.
According to Zander only the Dems are guilty of Trump Derangement Syndrome because they are calling him out for not correcting the questioner who called Obama a Muslim.

But obviously TDS is not a partisan affliction.

Cruz, Santorum refuse to criticize Trump over supporter -

Christie, Graham and Bush come to Obama's defense

Christie took a different tack early Friday morning when he called out Trump.

"If somebody at one of my town hall meetings said that, I would correct them and I would say, 'The President's a Christian and he was born in this country. Those two things are self-evident,'" the New Jersey governor told NBC's "Today" show on Friday. "I'll tell you what I would do, and I wouldn't have permitted that if someone brought that up at a town hall meeting of mine; I would have said, 'No, listen. Before we answer, let's clear some things up for the rest of the audience.' And I think you have an obligation as a leader to do that."

Christie added: "Donald Trump has to decide how serious a candidate he wants to be and how he handles different problems like this are going to determine that in the eyes of the American people. I'm not going to lecture him about what to do."

Lindsey Graham, speaking with MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Friday, said Trump should have stood up to the questioner.

"I've had this happen to me in Iowa, where a guy used the 'N-word' and it was very derogatory towards President Obama and Muslims. And I said, 'I am not seeking your vote,'" Graham said. "President Obama, I don't question his faith. I don't question his patriotism. I don't question his origin of birth. And when these things happen, you are not responsible for what the guy said, but you are responsible for how you respond."

And Jeb Bush, speaking in Michigan Friday night, also said he believed Obama was a Christian and an American.

"By the way, he's an American, he's a Christian. His problem isn't that he was born here or what his religion is, his problem is that he tears down anyone that disagrees with him," Bush said.

After his speech, Bush was asked three times by a CNN reporter if he believes Trump should apologize for his comments.

"I spoke to that. I spoke to that," Bush said.

Ben Carson Gives Trump a Pass For Response to Anti-Muslim Question

At a New Hampshire town hall Thursday night, a questioner denounced Muslims as a "problem" in the U.S., said Obama is a member of the religion and was not born in the U.S., and asked "when can we get rid of them?" Trump said only, "We are going to be looking at that and plenty of other things," and a spokeswoman was forced to issue three different statements clarifying his response.

Asked whether Trump should've corrected the questioner, Carson said: "I suspect that if he gets that question again, that's exactly what he'll do." He also said he'd have corrected a question like that if asked.​

So we have Bush-3rd, Carson, Graham and Christie all suffering from TDS too.

Is it possible that TDS in non-partisan because T-Rump is an entertainer and not a serious candidate?

No it's because idiots ACCEPTED Obama's gross hyperbolic statements AS President so the bar has been set!
I have NO problem with Trump's response much less any other hyperbolic statement he makes as it is a standard that was set by OBAMA with the following:

These networks are so stupid!
Here these networks are all bent out of shape as well as stupid GOP contenders blasting Trump for not responding to this statement:
"We have a problem in this country. It's called Muslims," an unidentified man who spoke at a question-and-answer town hall event in Rochester, New Hampshire asked the mogul at a rally Thursday night. "You know our current president is one. You know he's not even an American."
Donald Trump doesn't challenge anti-Muslim questioner -

AND so NBC has the absolute stupidity to bring up a quote from Trump's book:
Optimistic exaggeration, which Trump called "truthful hyperbole" in "The Art of the Deal," is a hallmark of the cutthroat New York real estate world where many developers, accustomed to ramming their way into deals, puff up their portfolios.
"A little hyperbole never hurts," he wrote. "People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular ... It's an innocent form of exaggeration - and a very effective form of promotion."

So NOW NBC, are concerned about HYPERBOLE?????

I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today. In the wealthiest nation on Earth, 46 million of our fellow citizens have no coverage.”

A F...KING HYPERBOLIC statement and YES A LIE as Obama KNEW that of the 46 million, 10 million were not legal citizens!!!!
1) 10 million Obama counted were not Americans... not citizens per the Census:
Proof: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
2) Obama failed to get 14 million people eligible for Medicaid enrolled. That's all that is needed. That leaves 22 million.
3) 18 million under 34 don't NEED insurance. Can afford employers' plans as they make over $50k. That leaves 4 million.

THERE NEVER WERE 46 million but less then 4 million YET NBC,CBS,ABC NEVER EVER called Obama on these lies!
AFTER ACA was passed Obama agreed 10 million of the 46 million were not legal!!!


Here is another F...king HYPERBOLIC statement used to get Obamacare passed!!!

Gross Exaggeration: Obama said "Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition,"
Another grossly wrong outright lie!
This gave the impression 155 million Americans were not able to get insurance!
1) Facts: half of 310 million Americans is 155 million.
85% of Americans have coverage... that means 266 million so where in the hell did Obama come up with "half"?
2) Facts: a total of LESS THEN 1.5 million Americans who were denied health insurance or paid higher premiums due to pre-existing conditions.
Obama's Pre-existing Conditions Whopper

But did this stop Obama from spreading the terrible terrible LIE???
The total impression given by this LIE was 155 million people couldn't get insurance! 30 second sound bite proof of that is people equated "pre-existing conditions" as preventing them from getting insurance!

DID that hyperbolic statement HURT Obama?? HELL NO!!!

I would be happy to continue pointing out HOW Obama's HYPERBOLIC statements were NEVER questioned by the MSM!
NOT one of these idiots EVER EVER asked Obama... How often does this happen in the military that YOU, Obama says happens all the time"?

then Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

HOW OfTEN Obama, did our troops air raid villages killing civilians???? Did this happen all the time everywhere in Iraq?

ALSO you dip shit President... HOW MANY americans died because the enemy loved to repeat YOUR statement as well as
your SOS John Kerry's statement calling our troops "terrorists" were used to recruit more killers of Americans?

NO I have absolutely NO problem with Trump's hyperbolic statements because LOOK where the above statements got Obama????
Although I understand the toungue-in-cheek intent of the OP, and I do find it pretty amusing, I also think that it's damned sad.

It's damned sad that almost 8 years after these weird rumors about Obama were started and now 7 years into his two-term presidency, where he was resoundingly elected AND re-elected, that clinically insane people like the Trumpians of the world still want to relitigate something that has long been debunked, over and over and over again. It is just fucking surreal.

I flew back to Ohio twice in the last 10 months due to the death of my brother-in-law, who was one helluva a good guy. My sister's neighbor is a birther. In February when I was there, we all decided to go to a gambling joint where one of my best friends ever was playing a jazz gig. My friend is very well off, a registered independent, no big fan of Obama and tends to vote more R than D. So, this neighor dude started drinking a lot and got to wanting to talk politics. During a break, my buddy walked up to us just as neighbor X was ranting about how Obama "ain't even a fuckin' American, he's a foreign born muslim cocksucker", yadayadayada. My buddy took one look at him, said "Oh, gawd, not this bullshit again", turned around and walked away and that was the end of that. So, I can imagine how many Independents might be feeling if they see this horseshit come up over and over and over again.

It's not a winning issue for any Republican and yet, like a moth to the light, they just keep coming back to it. Why do they do this? Well, because a huge amount of the GOP base, the hard-core voters who are going to vote in the primaries, really do believe this bullshit.

It's really pretty sad.
My friend Zander is only calling it Trump derangement syndrome because tha right has been guilty of obama derangement syndrome since the date he started to run for office. they pretend it had nothing to do with the color of his skin. they pretend it had nothing to do with anything but their heartfelt desire to "take back this country". from what, though? from a lawful election that they have been insanely ranting about incessantly. then unable to grasp that the majority of american voters were perfectly comfortable with re-electing this person who so offends their sensibilities, redoubled their efforts at insanely ranting and raving. And what the right has done in recent times is take their own flaws and try to project them on anyone who isn't to the right of atilla the hun.

so of course, rather than examine the things that really are wrong with their pretend candidate for president, and reality star, they'd rather call it "trump derangement syndrome" to point out his very real bigotry, racism, and misogyny.

hint to the radical right.... no one votes for people who have contempt for them and treat them like they're lesser members of society. that's why women, minorities and gays and anyone who isn't white christian male over 40 mostly vote democratic. contrary to popular rightwingnut opinion, ranting and bigotry and saying "believe me, i'm rich" are not governmental policy.
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Although I understand the toungue-in-cheek intent of the OP, and I do find it pretty amusing, I also think that it's damned sad.

It's damned sad that almost 8 years after these weird rumors about Obama were started and now 7 years into his two-term presidency, where he was resoundingly elected AND re-elected, that clinically insane people like the Trumpians of the world still want to relitigate something that has long been debunked, over and over and over again. It is just fucking surreal.

I flew back to Ohio twice in the last 10 months due to the death of my brother-in-law, who was one helluva a good guy. My sister's neighbor is a birther. In February when I was there, we all decided to go to a gambling joint where one of my best friends ever was playing a jazz gig. My friend is very well off, a registered independent, no big fan of Obama and tends to vote more R than D. So, this neighor dude started drinking a lot and got to wanting to talk politics. During a break, my buddy walked up to us just as neighbor X was ranting about how Obama "ain't even a fuckin' American, he's a foreign born muslim cocksucker", yadayadayada. My buddy took one look at him, said "Oh, gawd, not this bullshit again", turned around and walked away and that was the end of that. So, I can imagine how many Independents might be feeling if they see this horseshit come up over and over and over again.

It's not a winning issue for any Republican and yet, like a moth to the light, they just keep coming back to it. Why do they do this? Well, because a huge amount of the GOP base, the hard-core voters who are going to vote in the primaries, really do believe this bullshit.

It's really pretty sad.

YUP it is DAMN sad that idiots like you NEVER read Obama's autobiography where he out right told you fools that he was going to be lying to you... as it was a tactic, a trick he used!
HERE please tell me that these words are NOT Prophetic in describing how Obama has been leading our country to destruction?

from his book... "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995!
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time.

Explain to me questions that come from the above statements:
A) If Obama admits HE HAS TO USE "effective tactic", "tricks", to fool people what does that make people like you and other FFOs?
B) If it takes "tactics", "tricks" i.e. LIES to get FOOL people into doing what he wants, doesn't that make most of his agenda BAD for Americans?
C) If Obama was therefore LYING to all of us to get things done, is it NO surprise then that HE IS AN ANGRY BLACK MAN intent on harming and destroying America?

NO President would ever had been elected if those people electing him wanted to :
1) Destroy 1,400 companies putting 400,000 people out of work and reducing tax revenues to Federal/state/local by $100 billion a year!
2) That Obama wants to bankrupt companies.
3) That Obama IS AGAINST America becoming energy independent...(He told Brazil he wanted the USA to be their BEST customer for oil)!
4) That Obama LIED to get Obamacare passed...(It was only AFTER ACA passed he admitted there were NOT 46 million uninsured Americans)!
My friend Zander is only calling it Trump derangement syndrome because tha right has been guilty of obama derangement syndrome since the date he started to run for office. they pretend it had nothing to do with the color of his skin. they pretend it had nothing to do with anything but their heartfelt desire to "take back this country". from what, though? from a lawful election that they have been insanely ranting about incessantly. then unable to grasp that the majority of american voters were perfectly comfortable with re-electing this person who so offends their sensibilities, redoubled their efforts at insanely ranting and raving.

so of course, rather than examine the things that really are wrong with their pretend candidate for president, and reality star, they'd rather call it "trump derangement syndrome" to point out his very real bigotry, racism, and misogyny.

hint to the radical right.... no one votes for people who have contempt for them and treat them like they're lesser members of society. that's why women, minorities and gays and anyone who isn't white christian male over 40 mostly vote democratic. contrary to popular rightwingnut opinion, ranting and bigotry and saying "believe me, i'm rich" are not governmental policy.

My friend Zander is only calling it Trump derangement syndrome because tha right has been guilty of obama derangement syndrome since the date he started to run for office. they pretend it had nothing to do with the color of his skin. they pretend it had nothing to do with anything but their heartfelt desire to "take back this country". from what, though? from a lawful election that they have been insanely ranting about incessantly. then unable to grasp that the majority of american voters were perfectly comfortable with re-electing this person who so offends their sensibilities, redoubled their efforts at insanely ranting and raving. And what the right has done in recent times is take their own flaws and try to project them on anyone who isn't to the right of atilla the hun.

so of course, rather than examine the things that really are wrong with their pretend candidate for president, and reality star, they'd rather call it "trump derangement syndrome" to point out his very real bigotry, racism, and misogyny.

hint to the radical right.... no one votes for people who have contempt for them and treat them like they're lesser members of society. that's why women, minorities and gays and anyone who isn't white christian male over 40 mostly vote democratic. contrary to popular rightwingnut opinion, ranting and bigotry and saying "believe me, i'm rich" are not governmental policy.

Trump derangement syndrome because tha right has been guilty of obama derangement syndrome since the date he started to run for office.

And before ODS, there was BDS,

Bush Derangement Syndrome.

they pretend it had nothing to do with the color of his skin

calling it racism is an easy cop out, isn't it?
My friend Zander is only calling it Trump derangement syndrome because tha right has been guilty of obama derangement syndrome since the date he started to run for office. they pretend it had nothing to do with the color of his skin. they pretend it had nothing to do with anything but their heartfelt desire to "take back this country". from what, though? from a lawful election that they have been insanely ranting about incessantly. then unable to grasp that the majority of american voters were perfectly comfortable with re-electing this person who so offends their sensibilities, redoubled their efforts at insanely ranting and raving. And what the right has done in recent times is take their own flaws and try to project them on anyone who isn't to the right of atilla the hun.

so of course, rather than examine the things that really are wrong with their pretend candidate for president, and reality star, they'd rather call it "trump derangement syndrome" to point out his very real bigotry, racism, and misogyny.

hint to the radical right.... no one votes for people who have contempt for them and treat them like they're lesser members of society. that's why women, minorities and gays and anyone who isn't white christian male over 40 mostly vote democratic. contrary to popular rightwingnut opinion, ranting and bigotry and saying "believe me, i'm rich" are not governmental policy.

Trump derangement syndrome because tha right has been guilty of obama derangement syndrome since the date he started to run for office.

And before ODS, there was BDS,

Bush Derangement Syndrome.

they pretend it had nothing to do with the color of his skin

calling it racism is an easy cop out, isn't it?

when you offer nothing but racist bigoted misogynist "policies" it's merely correlative.

you're welcome halfwit
According to Zander only the Dems are guilty of Trump Derangement Syndrome because they are calling him out for not correcting the questioner who called Obama a Muslim.

But obviously TDS is not a partisan affliction.

Cruz, Santorum refuse to criticize Trump over supporter -

Christie, Graham and Bush come to Obama's defense

Christie took a different tack early Friday morning when he called out Trump.

"If somebody at one of my town hall meetings said that, I would correct them and I would say, 'The President's a Christian and he was born in this country. Those two things are self-evident,'" the New Jersey governor told NBC's "Today" show on Friday. "I'll tell you what I would do, and I wouldn't have permitted that if someone brought that up at a town hall meeting of mine; I would have said, 'No, listen. Before we answer, let's clear some things up for the rest of the audience.' And I think you have an obligation as a leader to do that."

Christie added: "Donald Trump has to decide how serious a candidate he wants to be and how he handles different problems like this are going to determine that in the eyes of the American people. I'm not going to lecture him about what to do."

Lindsey Graham, speaking with MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Friday, said Trump should have stood up to the questioner.

"I've had this happen to me in Iowa, where a guy used the 'N-word' and it was very derogatory towards President Obama and Muslims. And I said, 'I am not seeking your vote,'" Graham said. "President Obama, I don't question his faith. I don't question his patriotism. I don't question his origin of birth. And when these things happen, you are not responsible for what the guy said, but you are responsible for how you respond."

And Jeb Bush, speaking in Michigan Friday night, also said he believed Obama was a Christian and an American.

"By the way, he's an American, he's a Christian. His problem isn't that he was born here or what his religion is, his problem is that he tears down anyone that disagrees with him," Bush said.

After his speech, Bush was asked three times by a CNN reporter if he believes Trump should apologize for his comments.

"I spoke to that. I spoke to that," Bush said.

Ben Carson Gives Trump a Pass For Response to Anti-Muslim Question

At a New Hampshire town hall Thursday night, a questioner denounced Muslims as a "problem" in the U.S., said Obama is a member of the religion and was not born in the U.S., and asked "when can we get rid of them?" Trump said only, "We are going to be looking at that and plenty of other things," and a spokeswoman was forced to issue three different statements clarifying his response.

Asked whether Trump should've corrected the questioner, Carson said: "I suspect that if he gets that question again, that's exactly what he'll do." He also said he'd have corrected a question like that if asked.​

So we have Bush-3rd, Carson, Graham and Christie all suffering from TDS too.

Is it possible that TDS in non-partisan because T-Rump is an entertainer and not a serious candidate?

No it's because idiots ACCEPTED Obama's gross hyperbolic statements AS President so the bar has been set!
I have NO problem with Trump's response much less any other hyperbolic statement he makes as it is a standard that was set by OBAMA with the following:

These networks are so stupid!
Here these networks are all bent out of shape as well as stupid GOP contenders blasting Trump for not responding to this statement:
"We have a problem in this country. It's called Muslims," an unidentified man who spoke at a question-and-answer town hall event in Rochester, New Hampshire asked the mogul at a rally Thursday night. "You know our current president is one. You know he's not even an American."
Donald Trump doesn't challenge anti-Muslim questioner -

AND so NBC has the absolute stupidity to bring up a quote from Trump's book:
Optimistic exaggeration, which Trump called "truthful hyperbole" in "The Art of the Deal," is a hallmark of the cutthroat New York real estate world where many developers, accustomed to ramming their way into deals, puff up their portfolios.
"A little hyperbole never hurts," he wrote. "People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular ... It's an innocent form of exaggeration - and a very effective form of promotion."

So NOW NBC, are concerned about HYPERBOLE?????

I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today. In the wealthiest nation on Earth, 46 million of our fellow citizens have no coverage.”

A F...KING HYPERBOLIC statement and YES A LIE as Obama KNEW that of the 46 million, 10 million were not legal citizens!!!!
1) 10 million Obama counted were not Americans... not citizens per the Census:
Proof: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
2) Obama failed to get 14 million people eligible for Medicaid enrolled. That's all that is needed. That leaves 22 million.
3) 18 million under 34 don't NEED insurance. Can afford employers' plans as they make over $50k. That leaves 4 million.

THERE NEVER WERE 46 million but less then 4 million YET NBC,CBS,ABC NEVER EVER called Obama on these lies!
AFTER ACA was passed Obama agreed 10 million of the 46 million were not legal!!!


Here is another F...king HYPERBOLIC statement used to get Obamacare passed!!!

Gross Exaggeration: Obama said "Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition,"
Another grossly wrong outright lie!
This gave the impression 155 million Americans were not able to get insurance!
1) Facts: half of 310 million Americans is 155 million.
85% of Americans have coverage... that means 266 million so where in the hell did Obama come up with "half"?
2) Facts: a total of LESS THEN 1.5 million Americans who were denied health insurance or paid higher premiums due to pre-existing conditions.
Obama's Pre-existing Conditions Whopper

But did this stop Obama from spreading the terrible terrible LIE???
The total impression given by this LIE was 155 million people couldn't get insurance! 30 second sound bite proof of that is people equated "pre-existing conditions" as preventing them from getting insurance!

DID that hyperbolic statement HURT Obama?? HELL NO!!!

I would be happy to continue pointing out HOW Obama's HYPERBOLIC statements were NEVER questioned by the MSM!
NOT one of these idiots EVER EVER asked Obama... How often does this happen in the military that YOU, Obama says happens all the time"?

then Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

HOW OfTEN Obama, did our troops air raid villages killing civilians???? Did this happen all the time everywhere in Iraq?

ALSO you dip shit President... HOW MANY americans died because the enemy loved to repeat YOUR statement as well as
your SOS John Kerry's statement calling our troops "terrorists" were used to recruit more killers of Americans?

NO I have absolutely NO problem with Trump's hyperbolic statements because LOOK where the above statements got Obama????

TDS Patient Zero has been found!

Congratulations. You are the first confirmed extremist rightwinger case of Trump Derangement Syndrome in this thread.

You may now add TDS to your signature so that everyone else can recognize your condition and treat you accordingly.
Trump, sadly represents what the GOP has become since Reagan, a party where Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan would be declared RINOs and not welcome.

He's a rich bully who revels in racism and ignorance. He's really the perfect reflection of what the GOP has turned into.

If you are a Republican who doesn't like Trump, you probably need to look in the mirror. He's what 30 years of screaming about "Welfare Queens" and "Feminazis" and "I like to Fire People" gets you.

If you are a Republican who likes Trump, you probably need therapy.
According to Zander only the Dems are guilty of Trump Derangement Syndrome because they are calling him out for not correcting the questioner who called Obama a Muslim.

But obviously TDS is not a partisan affliction.

Cruz, Santorum refuse to criticize Trump over supporter -

Christie, Graham and Bush come to Obama's defense

Christie took a different tack early Friday morning when he called out Trump.

"If somebody at one of my town hall meetings said that, I would correct them and I would say, 'The President's a Christian and he was born in this country. Those two things are self-evident,'" the New Jersey governor told NBC's "Today" show on Friday. "I'll tell you what I would do, and I wouldn't have permitted that if someone brought that up at a town hall meeting of mine; I would have said, 'No, listen. Before we answer, let's clear some things up for the rest of the audience.' And I think you have an obligation as a leader to do that."

Christie added: "Donald Trump has to decide how serious a candidate he wants to be and how he handles different problems like this are going to determine that in the eyes of the American people. I'm not going to lecture him about what to do."

Lindsey Graham, speaking with MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Friday, said Trump should have stood up to the questioner.

"I've had this happen to me in Iowa, where a guy used the 'N-word' and it was very derogatory towards President Obama and Muslims. And I said, 'I am not seeking your vote,'" Graham said. "President Obama, I don't question his faith. I don't question his patriotism. I don't question his origin of birth. And when these things happen, you are not responsible for what the guy said, but you are responsible for how you respond."

And Jeb Bush, speaking in Michigan Friday night, also said he believed Obama was a Christian and an American.

"By the way, he's an American, he's a Christian. His problem isn't that he was born here or what his religion is, his problem is that he tears down anyone that disagrees with him," Bush said.

After his speech, Bush was asked three times by a CNN reporter if he believes Trump should apologize for his comments.

"I spoke to that. I spoke to that," Bush said.

Ben Carson Gives Trump a Pass For Response to Anti-Muslim Question

At a New Hampshire town hall Thursday night, a questioner denounced Muslims as a "problem" in the U.S., said Obama is a member of the religion and was not born in the U.S., and asked "when can we get rid of them?" Trump said only, "We are going to be looking at that and plenty of other things," and a spokeswoman was forced to issue three different statements clarifying his response.

Asked whether Trump should've corrected the questioner, Carson said: "I suspect that if he gets that question again, that's exactly what he'll do." He also said he'd have corrected a question like that if asked.​

So we have Bush-3rd, Carson, Graham and Christie all suffering from TDS too.

Is it possible that TDS in non-partisan because T-Rump is an entertainer and not a serious candidate?
According to someone who is consistently wrong, as are most others on the right.
Is it possible that TDS in non-partisan because T-Rump is an entertainer and not a serious candidate?

It's non-partisan because Trump doesn't play by the rules, can you imagine a pretzeldent telling all the lobbyists they're fired?

That's the ultimate nightmare so Trump has to be defeated at all cost

The real problem is that a significant portion of the GOP base is detached from conventional reality. The freak shouting that Obama is Muslim is part of that base of people who believe nonsense. the same people who believe that there is no global warming and Scientist who say that are corrupt. The same way they believe the crazy notion that tax cuts pay for themselves and create jobs..The same way they believe the Bible takes precedence over the US Constitution. its nonsense...and its dangerous to have so many people detached from reality....
Is it possible that TDS in non-partisan because T-Rump is an entertainer and not a serious candidate?

It's non-partisan because Trump doesn't play by the rules, can you imagine a pretzeldent telling all the lobbyists they're fired?

That's the ultimate nightmare so Trump has to be defeated at all cost

It's non-partisan because Trump doesn't play by the rules

Then we need to get Trump and Hillary out of the game.

Trump can't follow up on his promises, and Hillary can't be trusted to keep hers.
Then we need to get Trump and Hillary out of the game.

Trump can't follow up on his promises, and Hillary can't be trusted to keep hers.

What? And miss all the entertainment?

Besides that, who cares about promises. Can you name a politician who actually made good on his campaign promises?


Not a one.

But I've never followed a congenital liar to the polls either.
According to Zander only the Dems are guilty of Trump Derangement Syndrome because they are calling him out for not correcting the questioner who called Obama a Muslim.

But obviously TDS is not a partisan affliction.

Cruz, Santorum refuse to criticize Trump over supporter -

Christie, Graham and Bush come to Obama's defense

Christie took a different tack early Friday morning when he called out Trump.

"If somebody at one of my town hall meetings said that, I would correct them and I would say, 'The President's a Christian and he was born in this country. Those two things are self-evident,'" the New Jersey governor told NBC's "Today" show on Friday. "I'll tell you what I would do, and I wouldn't have permitted that if someone brought that up at a town hall meeting of mine; I would have said, 'No, listen. Before we answer, let's clear some things up for the rest of the audience.' And I think you have an obligation as a leader to do that."

Christie added: "Donald Trump has to decide how serious a candidate he wants to be and how he handles different problems like this are going to determine that in the eyes of the American people. I'm not going to lecture him about what to do."

Lindsey Graham, speaking with MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Friday, said Trump should have stood up to the questioner.

"I've had this happen to me in Iowa, where a guy used the 'N-word' and it was very derogatory towards President Obama and Muslims. And I said, 'I am not seeking your vote,'" Graham said. "President Obama, I don't question his faith. I don't question his patriotism. I don't question his origin of birth. And when these things happen, you are not responsible for what the guy said, but you are responsible for how you respond."

And Jeb Bush, speaking in Michigan Friday night, also said he believed Obama was a Christian and an American.

"By the way, he's an American, he's a Christian. His problem isn't that he was born here or what his religion is, his problem is that he tears down anyone that disagrees with him," Bush said.

After his speech, Bush was asked three times by a CNN reporter if he believes Trump should apologize for his comments.

"I spoke to that. I spoke to that," Bush said.

Ben Carson Gives Trump a Pass For Response to Anti-Muslim Question

At a New Hampshire town hall Thursday night, a questioner denounced Muslims as a "problem" in the U.S., said Obama is a member of the religion and was not born in the U.S., and asked "when can we get rid of them?" Trump said only, "We are going to be looking at that and plenty of other things," and a spokeswoman was forced to issue three different statements clarifying his response.

Asked whether Trump should've corrected the questioner, Carson said: "I suspect that if he gets that question again, that's exactly what he'll do." He also said he'd have corrected a question like that if asked.​

So we have Bush-3rd, Carson, Graham and Christie all suffering from TDS too.

Is it possible that TDS in non-partisan because T-Rump is an entertainer and not a serious candidate?

No it's because idiots ACCEPTED Obama's gross hyperbolic statements AS President so the bar has been set!
I have NO problem with Trump's response much less any other hyperbolic statement he makes as it is a standard that was set by OBAMA with the following:

These networks are so stupid!
Here these networks are all bent out of shape as well as stupid GOP contenders blasting Trump for not responding to this statement:
"We have a problem in this country. It's called Muslims," an unidentified man who spoke at a question-and-answer town hall event in Rochester, New Hampshire asked the mogul at a rally Thursday night. "You know our current president is one. You know he's not even an American."
Donald Trump doesn't challenge anti-Muslim questioner -

AND so NBC has the absolute stupidity to bring up a quote from Trump's book:
Optimistic exaggeration, which Trump called "truthful hyperbole" in "The Art of the Deal," is a hallmark of the cutthroat New York real estate world where many developers, accustomed to ramming their way into deals, puff up their portfolios.
"A little hyperbole never hurts," he wrote. "People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular ... It's an innocent form of exaggeration - and a very effective form of promotion."

So NOW NBC, are concerned about HYPERBOLE?????

I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today. In the wealthiest nation on Earth, 46 million of our fellow citizens have no coverage.”

A F...KING HYPERBOLIC statement and YES A LIE as Obama KNEW that of the 46 million, 10 million were not legal citizens!!!!
1) 10 million Obama counted were not Americans... not citizens per the Census:
Proof: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
2) Obama failed to get 14 million people eligible for Medicaid enrolled. That's all that is needed. That leaves 22 million.
3) 18 million under 34 don't NEED insurance. Can afford employers' plans as they make over $50k. That leaves 4 million.

THERE NEVER WERE 46 million but less then 4 million YET NBC,CBS,ABC NEVER EVER called Obama on these lies!
AFTER ACA was passed Obama agreed 10 million of the 46 million were not legal!!!


Here is another F...king HYPERBOLIC statement used to get Obamacare passed!!!

Gross Exaggeration: Obama said "Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition,"
Another grossly wrong outright lie!
This gave the impression 155 million Americans were not able to get insurance!
1) Facts: half of 310 million Americans is 155 million.
85% of Americans have coverage... that means 266 million so where in the hell did Obama come up with "half"?
2) Facts: a total of LESS THEN 1.5 million Americans who were denied health insurance or paid higher premiums due to pre-existing conditions.
Obama's Pre-existing Conditions Whopper

But did this stop Obama from spreading the terrible terrible LIE???
The total impression given by this LIE was 155 million people couldn't get insurance! 30 second sound bite proof of that is people equated "pre-existing conditions" as preventing them from getting insurance!

DID that hyperbolic statement HURT Obama?? HELL NO!!!

I would be happy to continue pointing out HOW Obama's HYPERBOLIC statements were NEVER questioned by the MSM!
NOT one of these idiots EVER EVER asked Obama... How often does this happen in the military that YOU, Obama says happens all the time"?

then Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

HOW OfTEN Obama, did our troops air raid villages killing civilians???? Did this happen all the time everywhere in Iraq?

ALSO you dip shit President... HOW MANY americans died because the enemy loved to repeat YOUR statement as well as
your SOS John Kerry's statement calling our troops "terrorists" were used to recruit more killers of Americans?

NO I have absolutely NO problem with Trump's hyperbolic statements because LOOK where the above statements got Obama????
:blahblah: :cuckoo: :chillpill: :lol: LOL You are nuts.....rant, rant, rant....yada, yada, yada and not one sensible statement.

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