Trump derangement syndrome .... even a writer at USAtoday can see it...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yes......this Trump derangement syndrome is infecting even people you think are rational....

To the author of this article.....nazis are leftwing, not rightwing...

Trump is right — violent extremists on both sides are a threat

When it comes to the violent extremist politics of the right and left, it is reasonable to say “a pox on both your houses.” So, it is puzzling that when President Trump made that very argument, he touched off yet another round of teeth gnashing and frantic virtue signaling from the press, pundits and politicians.

It is a canard that by calling out left-wing violence the president was implicitly endorsing violence from the right, especially since he explicitly condemned neo-Nazism. Trump was fully within a time-honored intellectual tradition when he denounced “both sides” that were rioting in Charlottesville.


Whether cloaked in nationalism, internationalism, populism, militarism, or religious fanaticism, the principle ends of these movements was the same: total, dictatorial control of society and the imposition of stringent ideological purity. These groups regard violence as a fully legitimate mode of political expression.
Yes......this Trump derangement syndrome is infecting even people you think are rational....

To the author of this article.....nazis are leftwing, not rightwing...

Trump is right — violent extremists on both sides are a threat

When it comes to the violent extremist politics of the right and left, it is reasonable to say “a pox on both your houses.” So, it is puzzling that when President Trump made that very argument, he touched off yet another round of teeth gnashing and frantic virtue signaling from the press, pundits and politicians.

It is a canard that by calling out left-wing violence the president was implicitly endorsing violence from the right, especially since he explicitly condemned neo-Nazism. Trump was fully within a time-honored intellectual tradition when he denounced “both sides” that were rioting in Charlottesville.


Whether cloaked in nationalism, internationalism, populism, militarism, or religious fanaticism, the principle ends of these movements was the same: total, dictatorial control of society and the imposition of stringent ideological purity. These groups regard violence as a fully legitimate mode of political expression.

You are the perfect example of Trump Derangement Syndrome. You sat stupid things in support of Trump. The person who was killed was a counter-protestor and the 18 who were injured were counter-protestors. A black man was badly beaten up by a white supremacist. Yet you want to blame the counter-protestors for it.
Yes......this Trump derangement syndrome is infecting even people you think are rational....

To the author of this article.....nazis are leftwing, not rightwing...

Trump is right — violent extremists on both sides are a threat

When it comes to the violent extremist politics of the right and left, it is reasonable to say “a pox on both your houses.” So, it is puzzling that when President Trump made that very argument, he touched off yet another round of teeth gnashing and frantic virtue signaling from the press, pundits and politicians.

It is a canard that by calling out left-wing violence the president was implicitly endorsing violence from the right, especially since he explicitly condemned neo-Nazism. Trump was fully within a time-honored intellectual tradition when he denounced “both sides” that were rioting in Charlottesville.


Whether cloaked in nationalism, internationalism, populism, militarism, or religious fanaticism, the principle ends of these movements was the same: total, dictatorial control of society and the imposition of stringent ideological purity. These groups regard violence as a fully legitimate mode of political expression.

You are the perfect example of Trump Derangement Syndrome. You sat stupid things in support of Trump. The person who was killed was a counter-protestor and the 18 who were injured were counter-protestors. A black man was badly beaten up by a white supremacist. Yet you want to blame the counter-protestors for it.
Its funny how you lefties never seem to mind ultra violence at protests, until something bad finally happened to one of your own. Republicans have been getting beaten bloody with rocks and sticks since the elections, and you didnt give a fuck about THAT.
Yes......this Trump derangement syndrome is infecting even people you think are rational....

To the author of this article.....nazis are leftwing, not rightwing...

Trump is right — violent extremists on both sides are a threat

When it comes to the violent extremist politics of the right and left, it is reasonable to say “a pox on both your houses.” So, it is puzzling that when President Trump made that very argument, he touched off yet another round of teeth gnashing and frantic virtue signaling from the press, pundits and politicians.

It is a canard that by calling out left-wing violence the president was implicitly endorsing violence from the right, especially since he explicitly condemned neo-Nazism. Trump was fully within a time-honored intellectual tradition when he denounced “both sides” that were rioting in Charlottesville.


Whether cloaked in nationalism, internationalism, populism, militarism, or religious fanaticism, the principle ends of these movements was the same: total, dictatorial control of society and the imposition of stringent ideological purity. These groups regard violence as a fully legitimate mode of political expression.

You are the perfect example of Trump Derangement Syndrome. You sat stupid things in support of Trump. The person who was killed was a counter-protestor and the 18 who were injured were counter-protestors. A black man was badly beaten up by a white supremacist. Yet you want to blame the counter-protestors for it.
Its funny how you lefties never seem to mind ultra violence at protests, until something bad finally happened to one of your own. Republicans have been getting beaten bloody with rocks and sticks since the elections, and you didnt give a fuck about THAT.
Or the police horses attacked with nails,fire and metal poles.

The party of fake animal activism.
Yes......this Trump derangement syndrome is infecting even people you think are rational....

To the author of this article.....nazis are leftwing, not rightwing...

Trump is right — violent extremists on both sides are a threat

When it comes to the violent extremist politics of the right and left, it is reasonable to say “a pox on both your houses.” So, it is puzzling that when President Trump made that very argument, he touched off yet another round of teeth gnashing and frantic virtue signaling from the press, pundits and politicians.

It is a canard that by calling out left-wing violence the president was implicitly endorsing violence from the right, especially since he explicitly condemned neo-Nazism. Trump was fully within a time-honored intellectual tradition when he denounced “both sides” that were rioting in Charlottesville.


Whether cloaked in nationalism, internationalism, populism, militarism, or religious fanaticism, the principle ends of these movements was the same: total, dictatorial control of society and the imposition of stringent ideological purity. These groups regard violence as a fully legitimate mode of political expression.
The writer is a far right nutjob who also works for The Washington Times and the National Review. It's no wonder he joined Trump in minimizing the dangers of Nazism and the severity of the ISIS style terror attack they committed.

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