Trump declares himself unimpeachable because of 'perhaps the greatest economy' ever


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
To top off a week of winning bigly, President Trump ridiculed the idea that a President with his epic record of accomplishments could even be removed from office. I wholeheartedly agree with him.

"Donald Trump capped another extraordinary — and yet, by now, routine — week as president Friday by ridiculing the idea that a chief executive with his epic record of achievement could be removed from office.

Trump’s ellipses led on to a familiar litany of self-praise that included his two Supreme Court picks and the specious claim that he has “done more than any President in first 2 1/2 years,” before concluding with an oddly punctuated fragment — “WIN on Mueller Report, Mueller Testimony & James Comey..” — whose meaning is clearly best understood by those in red MAGA hats.

Trump’s tweet was in response to a vote Thursday in the House Judiciary Committee to establish rules for eventual hearings that could, in theory, lead to the president’s possible impeachment and ultimately his potential removal from office."

Trump declares himself unimpeachable, based on 'perhaps the greatest economy' ever

we've had 47 recessions. i'm willing to make it 48 so we can get rid of Trump!
The Democrats can eat shit. All their talk of impeaching Trump is just that: talk. They're just stirring up their lunatic base to raise money off them. If they had grounds for impeachment, they would have done it already. But there are no grounds, there are no "high crimes and misdemeanors" to impeach Trump, which was a requirement the last time I checked my copy of the United States Constitution.
Trump has done nothing wrong. Dems can make all the baseless allegations they want to, it doesn't make them true.

There was no interference in the 2020 election.
There was no collusion.
There was no obstruction.
Another’s bombastic speech from our Entertainer in Chief. That line of reasoning is brilliant. Reminds one of a quarterback who wins the super bowl while tuning up his girlfriend...
Another’s bombastic speech from our Entertainer in Chief. That line of reasoning is brilliant. Reminds one of a quarterback who wins the super bowl while tuning up his girlfriend...
Better than the community organizer in chief.

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