Trump Damages Tourism Industry BIGLY

Remember the "welcome destination" on that pretty day in September 2001?

Didn't Dubya fix all of that by invading and occupying a country that had nothing to do with it, at a cost of thousands upon thousands of lives and untold billions in treasure?


Shit ...

Not many people support the ill-advised invasion of Iraq, it was a monumental mistake and it was demanded by the Neo-Conservatives who are psychopaths, I don't even think GWB had the idea of invading Iraq himself, it was the Neo-Conservatives who told him to invade Iraq.
I would have liked to see the pyramids.....until Obama fucked that up....

I have been to Egypt, Cairo, Alexandria and also Giza.

The Pyramids are at Giza, you still should go because the pyramids are breathtakingly excellent, especially the most famous The Great Pyramid of Khufu, the oldest of the Seven Wonders of The World.

The Great Pyramid of Khufu was the tallest man-made creation for nearly 4,000 years, incredible.

The Great Pyramid of Khufu.



Very impressive grain silo.

Huh? The Great Pyramid of Khufu was built as a Burial Chamber, the Pyramids are Burial Chambers.
I'm getting tired from all this winning ....

Though they may differ as to the wisdom of the move, the travel press and most travel experts are of one mind: They are currently drawing attention to an unintended consequence of the Trump-led efforts to stop many Muslims from coming to the U.S., pointing to a sharp drop in foreign tourism to our nation that imperils jobs and touristic income.

It’s known as the “Trump Slump.” And I know of no reputable travel publication to deny it.

Thus, the prestigious Travel Weekly magazine (as close to an “official” travel publication as they come) has set the decline in foreign tourism at 6.8%.

On the web, flight searches for trips heading to the U.S. out of all international locations was recently down by 17%.

A drop of that magnitude, if continued, would reduce the value of foreign travel within the U.S. by billions of dollars. And the number of jobs supported by foreign tourists and their expenditures in the United States—and thus lost—would easily exceed hundreds of thousands of workers in hotels, restaurants, transportation, stores, tour operations, travel agencies, and the like.

According to the Global Business Travel Association, in only a single week following announcement of the ban against certain foreign tourists, the activity of business travel declined by nearly $185 million.

Other observers, including local tourist offices, have reached similar conclusions. In referring to New York City’s $60 billion tourist industry alone, the head of the city’s tourist effort complained that his agency’s effort to portray the United States as a welcoming destination to foreign citizens “was all in jeopardy.” Several other tourist officials have made like statements.

The Travel Press is Reporting the 'Trump Slump,' a Devastating Drop in Tourism to the United States | Frommer's

So who do you believe? A source that includes a photo of all empty airplane seats which is absurd on the face of it that is typical of fake news?

Or Mother Jones who nobody on the planet would ever accuse of being a pro-conservative, pro Trump, propaganda publication who says this:

Trump's travel ban seems to have saved the tourism business
I'm getting tired from all this winning ....

Though they may differ as to the wisdom of the move, the travel press and most travel experts are of one mind: They are currently drawing attention to an unintended consequence of the Trump-led efforts to stop many Muslims from coming to the U.S., pointing to a sharp drop in foreign tourism to our nation that imperils jobs and touristic income.

It’s known as the “Trump Slump.” And I know of no reputable travel publication to deny it.

Thus, the prestigious Travel Weekly magazine (as close to an “official” travel publication as they come) has set the decline in foreign tourism at 6.8%.

On the web, flight searches for trips heading to the U.S. out of all international locations was recently down by 17%.

A drop of that magnitude, if continued, would reduce the value of foreign travel within the U.S. by billions of dollars. And the number of jobs supported by foreign tourists and their expenditures in the United States—and thus lost—would easily exceed hundreds of thousands of workers in hotels, restaurants, transportation, stores, tour operations, travel agencies, and the like.

According to the Global Business Travel Association, in only a single week following announcement of the ban against certain foreign tourists, the activity of business travel declined by nearly $185 million.

Other observers, including local tourist offices, have reached similar conclusions. In referring to New York City’s $60 billion tourist industry alone, the head of the city’s tourist effort complained that his agency’s effort to portray the United States as a welcoming destination to foreign citizens “was all in jeopardy.” Several other tourist officials have made like statements.

The Travel Press is Reporting the 'Trump Slump,' a Devastating Drop in Tourism to the United States | Frommer's

Yeah....muslim immigration has hurt French tourism worse.....
I'm getting tired from all this winning ....

Though they may differ as to the wisdom of the move, the travel press and most travel experts are of one mind: They are currently drawing attention to an unintended consequence of the Trump-led efforts to stop many Muslims from coming to the U.S., pointing to a sharp drop in foreign tourism to our nation that imperils jobs and touristic income.

It’s known as the “Trump Slump.” And I know of no reputable travel publication to deny it.

Thus, the prestigious Travel Weekly magazine (as close to an “official” travel publication as they come) has set the decline in foreign tourism at 6.8%.

On the web, flight searches for trips heading to the U.S. out of all international locations was recently down by 17%.

A drop of that magnitude, if continued, would reduce the value of foreign travel within the U.S. by billions of dollars. And the number of jobs supported by foreign tourists and their expenditures in the United States—and thus lost—would easily exceed hundreds of thousands of workers in hotels, restaurants, transportation, stores, tour operations, travel agencies, and the like.

According to the Global Business Travel Association, in only a single week following announcement of the ban against certain foreign tourists, the activity of business travel declined by nearly $185 million.

Other observers, including local tourist offices, have reached similar conclusions. In referring to New York City’s $60 billion tourist industry alone, the head of the city’s tourist effort complained that his agency’s effort to portray the United States as a welcoming destination to foreign citizens “was all in jeopardy.” Several other tourist officials have made like statements.

The Travel Press is Reporting the 'Trump Slump,' a Devastating Drop in Tourism to the United States | Frommer's

Nothing like what EUROPE has done to itself.
OMG, how the hell will we ever live without all those dollars coming from Somalia?

I am supposed to be visiting America again this year, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, somewhere in Florida and Highland Park, Dallas, Texas.

Even though I have very many great talents, I am unable to fly, God hasn't given me my wings yet as I'm not dead already, so to get to America I must travel on a plane and I have no fears, I am fearless :smoke:
I'm getting tired from all this winning ....

Though they may differ as to the wisdom of the move, the travel press and most travel experts are of one mind: They are currently drawing attention to an unintended consequence of the Trump-led efforts to stop many Muslims from coming to the U.S., pointing to a sharp drop in foreign tourism to our nation that imperils jobs and touristic income.

It’s known as the “Trump Slump.” And I know of no reputable travel publication to deny it.

Thus, the prestigious Travel Weekly magazine (as close to an “official” travel publication as they come) has set the decline in foreign tourism at 6.8%.

On the web, flight searches for trips heading to the U.S. out of all international locations was recently down by 17%.

A drop of that magnitude, if continued, would reduce the value of foreign travel within the U.S. by billions of dollars. And the number of jobs supported by foreign tourists and their expenditures in the United States—and thus lost—would easily exceed hundreds of thousands of workers in hotels, restaurants, transportation, stores, tour operations, travel agencies, and the like.

According to the Global Business Travel Association, in only a single week following announcement of the ban against certain foreign tourists, the activity of business travel declined by nearly $185 million.

Other observers, including local tourist offices, have reached similar conclusions. In referring to New York City’s $60 billion tourist industry alone, the head of the city’s tourist effort complained that his agency’s effort to portray the United States as a welcoming destination to foreign citizens “was all in jeopardy.” Several other tourist officials have made like statements.

The Travel Press is Reporting the 'Trump Slump,' a Devastating Drop in Tourism to the United States | Frommer's

Nothing like what EUROPE has done to itself.

No we haven't done that to ourselves, it's been forced on us, none of us were asked was this okay.

Please do not mistake Europa and a majority of our peoples for the Traitors who have forced this and the Traitors in the minority of our peoples who have been brainwashed by some pathetic Guilt Complex to hate themselves, our history, our culture so much they want it destroyed as a misguided way to atone for things we DO NOT have to atone for.

Europa DOES NOT have to atone for ANYTHING, we are guilty of NOTHING.
I'm getting tired from all this winning ....

Though they may differ as to the wisdom of the move, the travel press and most travel experts are of one mind: They are currently drawing attention to an unintended consequence of the Trump-led efforts to stop many Muslims from coming to the U.S., pointing to a sharp drop in foreign tourism to our nation that imperils jobs and touristic income.

It’s known as the “Trump Slump.” And I know of no reputable travel publication to deny it.

Thus, the prestigious Travel Weekly magazine (as close to an “official” travel publication as they come) has set the decline in foreign tourism at 6.8%.

On the web, flight searches for trips heading to the U.S. out of all international locations was recently down by 17%.

A drop of that magnitude, if continued, would reduce the value of foreign travel within the U.S. by billions of dollars. And the number of jobs supported by foreign tourists and their expenditures in the United States—and thus lost—would easily exceed hundreds of thousands of workers in hotels, restaurants, transportation, stores, tour operations, travel agencies, and the like.

According to the Global Business Travel Association, in only a single week following announcement of the ban against certain foreign tourists, the activity of business travel declined by nearly $185 million.

Other observers, including local tourist offices, have reached similar conclusions. In referring to New York City’s $60 billion tourist industry alone, the head of the city’s tourist effort complained that his agency’s effort to portray the United States as a welcoming destination to foreign citizens “was all in jeopardy.” Several other tourist officials have made like statements.

The Travel Press is Reporting the 'Trump Slump,' a Devastating Drop in Tourism to the United States | Frommer's

So who do you believe? A source that includes a photo of all empty airplane seats which is absurd on the face of it that is typical of fake news?

Or Mother Jones who nobody on the planet would ever accuse of being a pro-conservative, pro Trump, propaganda publication who says this:

Trump's travel ban seems to have saved the tourism business

Hey, look!

Same author and everything!

Yesterday I griped about a story that wildly misrepresented the alleged effect of President Trump's travel ban on the tourism industry. However, it's worth pointing out that there does seem to be a milder version of the story that's actually true:

Trump immigration debacle may cost US tourism industry $3 billion
I'm getting tired from all this winning ....

Though they may differ as to the wisdom of the move, the travel press and most travel experts are of one mind: They are currently drawing attention to an unintended consequence of the Trump-led efforts to stop many Muslims from coming to the U.S., pointing to a sharp drop in foreign tourism to our nation that imperils jobs and touristic income.

It’s known as the “Trump Slump.” And I know of no reputable travel publication to deny it.

Thus, the prestigious Travel Weekly magazine (as close to an “official” travel publication as they come) has set the decline in foreign tourism at 6.8%.

On the web, flight searches for trips heading to the U.S. out of all international locations was recently down by 17%.

A drop of that magnitude, if continued, would reduce the value of foreign travel within the U.S. by billions of dollars. And the number of jobs supported by foreign tourists and their expenditures in the United States—and thus lost—would easily exceed hundreds of thousands of workers in hotels, restaurants, transportation, stores, tour operations, travel agencies, and the like.

According to the Global Business Travel Association, in only a single week following announcement of the ban against certain foreign tourists, the activity of business travel declined by nearly $185 million.

Other observers, including local tourist offices, have reached similar conclusions. In referring to New York City’s $60 billion tourist industry alone, the head of the city’s tourist effort complained that his agency’s effort to portray the United States as a welcoming destination to foreign citizens “was all in jeopardy.” Several other tourist officials have made like statements.

The Travel Press is Reporting the 'Trump Slump,' a Devastating Drop in Tourism to the United States | Frommer's

So who do you believe? A source that includes a photo of all empty airplane seats which is absurd on the face of it that is typical of fake news?

Or Mother Jones who nobody on the planet would ever accuse of being a pro-conservative, pro Trump, propaganda publication who says this:

Trump's travel ban seems to have saved the tourism business

Hey, look!

Same author and everything!

Yesterday I griped about a story that wildly misrepresented the alleged effect of President Trump's travel ban on the tourism industry. However, it's worth pointing out that there does seem to be a milder version of the story that's actually true:

Trump immigration debacle may cost US tourism industry $3 billion

You will probably still have millions of people with small children turning up during the Summer to visit Disneyworld and that other one they visit that I can't remember the name of, it's got some mega water rides or something and Dolphins.
Should we shutoff Old Faithful? This is going to cut back on the number of selfie sticks at the bottom of the Grand Canyon.
I'm getting tired from all this winning ....

Though they may differ as to the wisdom of the move, the travel press and most travel experts are of one mind: They are currently drawing attention to an unintended consequence of the Trump-led efforts to stop many Muslims from coming to the U.S., pointing to a sharp drop in foreign tourism to our nation that imperils jobs and touristic income.

It’s known as the “Trump Slump.” And I know of no reputable travel publication to deny it.

Thus, the prestigious Travel Weekly magazine (as close to an “official” travel publication as they come) has set the decline in foreign tourism at 6.8%.

On the web, flight searches for trips heading to the U.S. out of all international locations was recently down by 17%.

A drop of that magnitude, if continued, would reduce the value of foreign travel within the U.S. by billions of dollars. And the number of jobs supported by foreign tourists and their expenditures in the United States—and thus lost—would easily exceed hundreds of thousands of workers in hotels, restaurants, transportation, stores, tour operations, travel agencies, and the like.

According to the Global Business Travel Association, in only a single week following announcement of the ban against certain foreign tourists, the activity of business travel declined by nearly $185 million.

Other observers, including local tourist offices, have reached similar conclusions. In referring to New York City’s $60 billion tourist industry alone, the head of the city’s tourist effort complained that his agency’s effort to portray the United States as a welcoming destination to foreign citizens “was all in jeopardy.” Several other tourist officials have made like statements.

The Travel Press is Reporting the 'Trump Slump,' a Devastating Drop in Tourism to the United States | Frommer's

So who do you believe? A source that includes a photo of all empty airplane seats which is absurd on the face of it that is typical of fake news?

Or Mother Jones who nobody on the planet would ever accuse of being a pro-conservative, pro Trump, propaganda publication who says this:

Trump's travel ban seems to have saved the tourism business

Hey, look!

Same author and everything!

Yesterday I griped about a story that wildly misrepresented the alleged effect of President Trump's travel ban on the tourism industry. However, it's worth pointing out that there does seem to be a milder version of the story that's actually true:

Trump immigration debacle may cost US tourism industry $3 billion

Wow. He must have REALLY been jumped on by his colleagues. :) So bogus story is now revised to a 'possible $3 billion loss' that has not yet materialized. I'm willing to wait and see. How about you?
well there goes all these fantastic jobs, jobs like you've never seen before (because they're gone)....

Experts across the travel industry are warning that masses of tourists are being scared away from visiting the United States, and the loss of tourism jobs could be devastating.

Though they may differ as to the wisdom of the move, the travel press and most travel experts are of one mind: They are currently drawing attention to an unintended consequence of the Trump-led efforts to stop many Muslims from coming to the U.S., pointing to a sharp drop in foreign tourism to our nation that imperils jobs and touristic income.

It’s known as the “Trump Slump.” And I know of no reputable travel publication to deny it.

Thus, the prestigious Travel Weekly magazine (as close to an “official” travel publication as they come) has set the decline in foreign tourism at 6.8%. And the fall-off is not limited to Muslim travelers, but also extends to all incoming foreign tourists. Apparently, an attack on one group of tourists is regarded as an assault on all.

The Travel Press is Reporting the 'Trump Slump,' a Devastating Drop in Tourism to the United States | Frommer's
As more businesses are hurt by Trump, the greater the pressure will grow.

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