Trump/Cruz for >> President/Vice-President


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
That's what the ticket should be. Trump is the most popular of all the GOP candidates. Bush is a joke, who will fade out of the race, and has been losing popularity already, while Trump has been steadily gaining. Trump and Cruz would make a good ticket. Trump is 69 years old, has lots of business and foreign policy experience. Cruz is 45 and a rookie senator but with 8 years of being vice-president, he'd be fin to run for president in 2024.

Also, Trump while denouncing Bush and Rubio as the immigrationists that they are, he has praised Cruz for his tough stance against illegal immigration, and Cruz is worthy of the praise. Both would be tough against China, Mexico, Iran, ISIS, Saudi Arabia, and other enemies of the USA. That's what America needs right now. Tough leaders in the White House who can command respect - not more weakness.
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Sounds like a 3rd party run to me.

Neither has a chance
Yeah.................a Chump/Rubio ticket would be just the thing to shatter the GOP and ensure yet another Democratic President.

Not to mention all the material they would provide the late nite comedians.
That's what the ticket should be. Trump is the most popular of all the GOP candidates. Bush is a joke, who will fade out of the race, and has been losing popularity already, while Trump has been steadily gaining. Trump and Cruz would make a good ticket. Trump is 69 years old, has lots of business and foreign policy experience. Cruz is 45 and a rookie senator but with 8 years of being vice-president, he'd be fin to run for president in 2024.

Also, Trump while denouncing Bush and Rubio as the immigrationists that they are, he has praised Cruz for his tough stance against illegal immigration, and Cruz is worthy of the praise. Both would be tough against China, Mexico, Iran, ISIS, Saudi Arabia, and other enemies of the USA. That's what America needs right now. Tough leaders in the White House who can command respect - not more weakness.

I am all for it!

As a liberal and a Democrat, I can think of no better ticket for the Republicans.

Trump- to promote the anti-Mexican base of the party.
Cruz- to reassure the Cuban Americans that Trump wasn't talking about them.

A winning ticket- please-pretty please make it so.
Not a chance. But I would like to see Trump appointed as our chief trade negotiator!
Yeah.................a Chump/Rubio ticket would be just the thing to shatter the GOP and ensure yet another Democratic President. Not to mention all the material they would provide the late nite comedians.

Upon what do you base this rhetoric ?
the GOP will not win without at least Rubio on the ticket.
Why ? Rubio was one of the Gang of 8 calling for amnesty for illegal aliens. That should disqualify him right there. I'm surprised, after that, he had the nerve to even show up.
the GOP will not win without at least Rubio on the ticket.
Why ? Rubio was one of the Gang of 8 calling for amnesty for illegal aliens. That should disqualify him right there. I'm surprised, after that, he had the nerve to even show up.
conservatives dont care, they are going to vote for who ever can win Florida/Ohio and the west. thats why a Rubio/Kasich ticket is in the works.
I am all for it! As a liberal and a Democrat, I can think of no better ticket for the Republicans. Trump- to promote the anti-Mexican base of the party. Cruz- to reassure the Cuban Americans that Trump wasn't talking about them.
A winning ticket- please-pretty please make it so.

I completely agree, although the Cuban Americans already know Trump wasn't talking about them. Why bring them up ? Trumps said "Mexicans". Plain English.
Trump has outed the GOP. His popularity grows every time he makes one of his racist comments.
I love seeing them squirm.
Not a chance. But I would like to see Trump appointed as our chief trade negotiator!
"Not a chance" ? Upon WHAT do you base that statement ? Lot of thought being thrown about around here. Not much foundation.
conservatives dont care, they are going to vote for who ever can win Florida/Ohio and the west. thats why a Rubio/Kasich ticket is in the works.
I've got news for you. I live in Florida. Rubio isn't that popular here. Sure he got elected, but so did Rick Scott, and he had 18% approval rate 6 months later.

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