Trump counterterrorism adviser blames Russia for election hacks


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Trump counterterrorism adviser blames Russia for election hacks
Source: Politico

In a break with his boss, Thomas Bossert said Russian entities clearly tried to meddle in the 2016 race.

By ALI WATKINS 07/20/2017 12:49 PM EDT

ASPEN — President Donald Trump’s chief counterterrorism adviser said Thursday that the Russian government clearly tried to manipulate the 2016 election, and declared that the Obama administration’s retaliatory sanctions didn’t go far enough.

“There’s a pretty clear and easy answer to this and it’s 'yes,'” Thomas Bossert said when asked whether the Russians worked to manipulate the U.S. election — a widely held conclusion that his boss in the Oval Office has repeatedly questioned.

The Obama White House’s response — kicking out 35 diplomats and closing two Russian diplomatic facilities in December — “wasn’t adequate in my mind,” Bossert, a top national security aide under former President George W. Bush, added during a wide-ranging discussion at the National Security Forum in Aspen.

Trump has repeatedly questioned the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that Moscow meddled in the 2016 election with the intent of helping Trump win. Trump said he pressed Russian President Vladimir Putin on the issue during their recent meeting at the G-20 in Germany, but the two sides offered different accounts, with Russia saying Trump accepted Putin’s denials.

Read more: Trump counterterrorism adviser blames Russia for election hacks

Wow, so he's admitting that Russia fucking Hacked our election and yet you conservatives are ok with that.
i'm still not clear what you think the hacks are. podesta's emails ? why didn't he just burn his email like hillary.

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