Trump Chipping Away At Clinton Base

I'm shocked to hear she even has a base who knew.

Her base only had a .6% lead over trump......the one that is so far ahead of all the other right wingers......on Dec.3, but since his latest episode of mouth diarrhea, her lead has increased to 3.3% If anyone should be worried about their base, it should be Trump. It has remained steady all the way through, and shows no sign of much increase. Anybody that might support him already does, and that just isn't enough for him to win.
trump wants to dismantle the constitution....who is the enemy...ignorance is the enemy....ignorance is the only thing trump supporters have going for them....ignorance and paranoia

No Bones, Trump supporters are not the enemy.

Muslim nut jobs are the enemy. Muslim nut jobs attacked the WTC on 9/11. Muslim nut jobs are beheading people and posting videos on the internet, Muslim nut jobs just killed 14 innocent people in San Bernadino and 130 in Paris.

Doesn't it make common sense to suspend Muslim immigration until we have a better system in place for vetting Muslims who want to immigrate here?

No one has a constitutional right to immigrate to the United States. Under US Law, the POTUS has the right to suspend immigration for national security reasons.

Yes and if they are US citizens return home then it would be unconstitutional to ban them.

Applying a travel ban to returning U.S. citizens who are Muslims would clearly be unconstitutional, he says, and Trump’s idea likely would require an act of Congress.

Top Scholars Say Trump Muslim Immigrant Ban May Be Constitutional

But they are referring to citizens, not every damned Muslim who wants to come here. Big difference and simple common sense to ban Muslims that aren't citizens from being able to come here.

Common Sense 101.
Seems there IS a subject that might be a problem for Hillary. Enough of a problem that about 18% of registered democrats are going to bail on her. That IS a chunk of people ANYTIME you strip 1/5th of a base,

So what is the subject? Her terrorist position. Even though she is holding strong with MOST terrorist loving/supporting democrats the FEW sane have said NO in a NEW poll.

The "among likely voters" is interesting. Those are your NON party voters NOT PRE-committed. 37% favor and 50% oppose. That remaining 13% are your fence sitters. The favor numbers went UP after France and went UP again following California.

The odds of another attack somewhere in the world BEFORE Iowa are HIGH, damn high. And she is LOSING her democrat base because of it. Islamic State COULD cost Clinton the election. Strange world we live in as Donald Trump rises by saying what American thinks and Hillary Clinton may well sink based on what her party does.

And the wild card is a group NOBODY has control over. Democrats have a REAL nightmare here folks. Islamic state now in control of the future of the democrat party. Now THAT'S a damn nightmare!


Trump is the greatest man on earth.
i have come to the conclusion that those who will vote for Hillary "No Matter What" dont care if we get another 9/11, so long as their towns dont get the hit.

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