Trump Backs The Postal Service Than Fake Amazon

It's brilliant why Trump backs the postal service.

You are a typical idiotic Trump supporter. It is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. The fact is that it would be Amazon customers who pay the extra money not Amazon. You do not set postal rates on the basis of a enemies list. You are aware of the fact that a plurality believe that Fox is the biggest purveyor of fake news.
It's brilliant why Trump backs the postal service.

You are a typical idiotic Trump supporter. It is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. The fact is that it would be Amazon customers who pay the extra money not Amazon. You do not set postal rates on the basis of a enemies list. You are aware of the fact that a plurality believe that Fox is the biggest purveyor of fake news.
Wow! So you don't back the postal service? Unless you aren't in America?
It's brilliant why Trump backs the postal service.

You are a typical idiotic Trump supporter. It is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. The fact is that it would be Amazon customers who pay the extra money not Amazon. You do not set postal rates on the basis of a enemies list. You are aware of the fact that a plurality believe that Fox is the biggest purveyor of fake news.

Gee what a shock that you wouldn't back the postal service slowly going out of business! The post office has been setting rates below what it costs for decades and subsidizing the losses with higher mailing fees to its other customers for years in order to compete with the likes of Fed Ex and UPS for years. If any higher shipping went to Amazon customers, it would only be what they SHOULD be paying, kept artificially low for a long time to giving Amazon the edge in putting a lot of its competition out of business. Or like me, if their shipping got too high, then I'd start looking to shop elsewhere like a lot of people should before Amazon becomes the monster monopoly it already is! Take your stupid "Trump Supporter" bullshit you always fall back on and shove it where the sun doesn't shine!
It's brilliant why Trump backs the postal service.

You are a typical idiotic Trump supporter. It is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. The fact is that it would be Amazon customers who pay the extra money not Amazon. You do not set postal rates on the basis of a enemies list. You are aware of the fact that a plurality believe that Fox is the biggest purveyor of fake news.

Gee what a shock that you wouldn't back the postal service slowly going out of business! The post office has been setting rates below what it costs for decades and subsidizing the losses with higher mailing fees to its other customers for years in order to compete with the likes of Fed Ex and UPS for years. If any higher shipping went to Amazon customers, it would only be what they SHOULD be paying, kept artificially low for a long time to giving Amazon the edge in putting a lot of its competition out of business. Or like me, if their shipping got too high, then I'd start looking to shop elsewhere like a lot of people should before Amazon becomes the monster monopoly it already is! Take your stupid "Trump Supporter" bullshit you always fall back on and shove it where the sun doesn't shine!

It’s competition being brick and mortar stores that pay normal shipping rates to ship their goods in bulk.
It's brilliant why Trump backs the postal service.

You are a typical idiotic Trump supporter. It is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. The fact is that it would be Amazon customers who pay the extra money not Amazon. You do not set postal rates on the basis of a enemies list. You are aware of the fact that a plurality believe that Fox is the biggest purveyor of fake news.
Wow! So you don't back the postal service? Unless you aren't in America?
The postal service is outdated and generally serves no purpose at this point imo. Waste of money. They fucked themselves into a corner because of union bullshit so let em burn
I guess since Trump wants to side with the big union postal service that I should ignore my conservative principles and embrace an entity that has been driven to near bankruptcy just because he does?

Is this really where conservatives are in 2018? FUCK decades of principles just to side with Trump on some asinine tweet?

Fucking laughable. Go buy some principles ffs
Broke US Postal Service Paid To Cover Employees Campaigning For Hillary Clinton

Just ONE of the many nails in the mismanagement of the postal service.


LOL !!! You're talking $90,000

The USPS lost $5.5 billion in fiscal year 2014, $5.1 billion in 2015, and $5.6 billion in 2016 and its revenue was $67.8 billion in 2014 and $68.9 billion in 2015.

Trump complains about a mere $90,000
The post office meanwhile lost $5,500,000,000
Analyst Claims the U.S. Postal Service Is Giving Amazon a Huge Subsidy

Sandbulte cites an April analysis by Citigroup that put a price tag on the resulting distortion. If package delivery bore its fair share of Postal Service system costs, each box would cost $1.46 more to deliver.

But Sandbulte’s investment firm holds FedEx stock, meaning he has a direct interest in critiquing the USPS, and his analysis is debatable on several points. He disingenuously describes the pricing situation as “a gift card from Uncle Sam,” which implies there’s tax money involved. But the USPS doesn’t receive tax revenues.

Additionally, USPS’s legal duty to provide universal service means that even at a discount, shipping boxes for Amazon helps it generate revenue from potentially unused capacity. Fixed costs aside, USPS package delivery is profitable, helping subsidize rural service and letter delivery.

The Postal Regulatory Commission has consistently found that Amazon’s contracts with the USPS are profitable.

Either way, Amazon is hardly alone in getting a boost from the USPS’s complex pricing. Thanks to international agreements through the United Nations, international shippers—especially those sending small packages from China—often get services at substantially below cost. That puts U.S. stores and domestic online sellers alike at a persistent disadvantage.
It's brilliant why Trump backs the postal service.

You are a typical idiotic Trump supporter. It is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. The fact is that it would be Amazon customers who pay the extra money not Amazon. You do not set postal rates on the basis of a enemies list. You are aware of the fact that a plurality believe that Fox is the biggest purveyor of fake news.
Kinda like how all Corporate taxes are paid by the customer and not the Business..
It's brilliant why Trump backs the postal service.

You are a typical idiotic Trump supporter. It is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. The fact is that it would be Amazon customers who pay the extra money not Amazon. You do not set postal rates on the basis of a enemies list. You are aware of the fact that a plurality believe that Fox is the biggest purveyor of fake news.
Kinda like how all Corporate taxes are paid by the customer and not the Business..

With the corporate tax cut, are prices going to go down 30%?
It's brilliant why Trump backs the postal service.

You are a typical idiotic Trump supporter. It is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. The fact is that it would be Amazon customers who pay the extra money not Amazon. You do not set postal rates on the basis of a enemies list. You are aware of the fact that a plurality believe that Fox is the biggest purveyor of fake news.
Kinda like how all Corporate taxes are paid by the customer and not the Business..

With the corporate tax cut, are prices going to go down 30%?
Of course not.
Trump wants to fuck the little guy and the poor once again. He is always going after those who can least afford the extra money.
It's brilliant why Trump backs the postal service.

What a crazy idea that a president should want a major government agency to actually turn a profit rather than losing massive amounts of tax dollars in order to subsidize the huge profits of a giant liberal monopoly!
It's an independent govt agency...I operates from funds generated by the postal service..
U.S. Postal Inspectors are federal agents, mandated to safeguard the nation's mail — including the people who move it and the customers who use it. ... The Postal service receives NO tax dollars for operating expenses and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations.
It's brilliant why Trump backs the postal service.

You are a typical idiotic Trump supporter. It is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. The fact is that it would be Amazon customers who pay the extra money not Amazon. You do not set postal rates on the basis of a enemies list. You are aware of the fact that a plurality believe that Fox is the biggest purveyor of fake news.
Kinda like how all Corporate taxes are paid by the customer and not the Business..

With the corporate tax cut, are prices going to go down 30%?
I expect these kinds of dumbass questions from a teenager. How old are you?

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