Trump attacks US Businesses

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Gold Member
Sep 28, 2016
Trump attacks Amazon., His latest attack on US businesses. The President is not supposed to do this.
Certainly if the President or White House is not permitted to hawk products for private companies, certainly he can't pick out US companies to slur & attack in public.

Trump hates the Washington Post is not slurring Bezos & Amazon.

This is not the first time.

When will the Republicans say enough?
Trump attacks Amazon., His latest attack on US businesses. The President is not supposed to do this.
Certainly if the President or White House is not permitted to hawk products for private companies, certainly he can't pick out US companies to slur & attack in public.

Trump hates the Washington Post is not slurring Bezos & Amazon.

This is not the first time.

When will the Republicans say enough?

Conservatism is what Trump says it is.

Who has ever claimed that Trump is conservative?
I love it how you conservatives elect one & then claim he isn't one.


The conservatives rejected all those running in 2016 w& went with a non conservative.

Yes, we rejected all the conservatives, and "conservatives" running and went with the pragmatic nationalist, instead.

What part of this is confusing to you?
Conservatism is what Trump says it is.

Who has ever claimed that Trump is conservative?
He leads the conservatives who defend his every move no matter what. If Trump is not a conservative then neither are people who call themselves conservatives.

He leads the Republican party, of which conservatives are a major portion of the base.

But we are not the whole of the Party.

We also do not defend his every move. If just seems that way to you, because the vast majority of crap you say, is bat shit crazy.

Your confusion about this, is not a problem with conservatives, but a problem with your understanding of the situation.

I can explain it very easily if you want. But you have to be ready.
Conservatism is what Trump says it is.

Who has ever claimed that Trump is conservative?
I love it how you conservatives elect one & then claim he isn't one.


The conservatives rejected all those running in 2016 w& went with a non conservative.

Yes, we rejected all the conservatives, and "conservatives" running and went with the pragmatic nationalist, instead.

What part of this is confusing to you?

Don't you mean the racist, misogynist, white nationalist? Because that's who you elected.

Republicans complained that Obama wasn't properly "vetted", well Trump had numerous federal charges, law suits, fines, 7 bankruptcies, such that US banks refused to lend to him, and a long record of exaggerating the truth, lying bullying, stiffing subtrades, and generally behaving like a jackass. All of which we've seen in spades since the election.

So why wasn't Trump vetted?
He leads the conservatives who defend his every move no matter what.

Just to see that look on your face...

Conservatism is what Trump says it is.

Who has ever claimed that Trump is conservative?
I love it how you conservatives elect one & then claim he isn't one.


The conservatives rejected all those running in 2016 w& went with a non conservative.

Yes, we rejected all the conservatives, and "conservatives" running and went with the pragmatic nationalist, instead.

What part of this is confusing to you?

Don't you mean the racist, misogynist, white nationalist? Because that's who you elected.

Please shove your race baiting up your ass.

Republicans complained that Obama wasn't properly "vetted", well Trump had numerous federal charges, law suits, fines, 7 bankruptcies, such that US banks refused to lend to him, and a long record of exaggerating the truth, lying bullying, stiffing subtrades, and generally behaving like a jackass. All of which we've seen in spades since the election.

So why wasn't Trump vetted?

The need for a leader that would put American interest FUCKING FIRST, to coin a term, TRUMPED all of that, even the parts that are true.
Conservatism is what Trump says it is.

Who has ever claimed that Trump is conservative?
He leads the conservatives who defend his every move no matter what. If Trump is not a conservative then neither are people who call themselves conservatives.

He leads the Republican party, of which conservatives are a major portion of the base.

But we are not the whole of the Party.

We also do not defend his every move. If just seems that way to you, because the vast majority of crap you say, is bat shit crazy.

Your confusion about this, is not a problem with conservatives, but a problem with your understanding of the situation.

I can explain it very easily if you want. But you have to be ready.
Save it, if he crashes and burns you can blame it on something other than yourself, other conservatives and your "treasured" beliefs that always go in the closet when a republican is in the Whitehouse.
Conservatism is what Trump says it is.

Who has ever claimed that Trump is conservative?
I love it how you conservatives elect one & then claim he isn't one.


The conservatives rejected all those running in 2016 w& went with a non conservative.
The conservatives are all RINO's right now. In a couple years, Trump will be the RINO, and people like Corell will pretend supporting the dotard was just their wild, lustful teenager days. Some will say it never happened. Maybe most.
Conservatism is what Trump says it is.

Who has ever claimed that Trump is conservative?
He leads the conservatives who defend his every move no matter what. If Trump is not a conservative then neither are people who call themselves conservatives.

He leads the Republican party, of which conservatives are a major portion of the base.

But we are not the whole of the Party.

We also do not defend his every move. If just seems that way to you, because the vast majority of crap you say, is bat shit crazy.

Your confusion about this, is not a problem with conservatives, but a problem with your understanding of the situation.

I can explain it very easily if you want. But you have to be ready.
Save it, if he crashes and burns you can blame it on something other than yourself, other conservatives and your "treasured" beliefs that always go in the closet when a republican is in the Whitehouse.

This is not about in group bias. If that was all it was, Trump would not have won in the Primaries, when his opponents were also "in group".

I can easily explain this, but you have to be ready.
Conservatism is what Trump says it is.

Who has ever claimed that Trump is conservative?
I love it how you conservatives elect one & then claim he isn't one.


The conservatives rejected all those running in 2016 w& went with a non conservative.
The conservatives are all RINO's right now. In a couple years, Trump will be the RINO, and people like Corell will pretend supporting the dotard was just their wild, lustful teenager days. Some will say it never happened. Maybe most.

Please stop projecting your vileness onto US.
It was New York state that ran Amazon off. It's as much Trump's fault as Virginia democrats blackface is.

Democrat lies and outrageous stories are just about running their course.
Conservatism is what Trump says it is.

Who has ever claimed that Trump is conservative?
He leads the conservatives who defend his every move no matter what. If Trump is not a conservative then neither are people who call themselves conservatives.

He leads the Republican party, of which conservatives are a major portion of the base.

But we are not the whole of the Party.

We also do not defend his every move. If just seems that way to you, because the vast majority of crap you say, is bat shit crazy.

Your confusion about this, is not a problem with conservatives, but a problem with your understanding of the situation.

I can explain it very easily if you want. But you have to be ready.
Save it, if he crashes and burns you can blame it on something other than yourself, other conservatives and your "treasured" beliefs that always go in the closet when a republican is in the Whitehouse.

This is not about in group bias. If that was all it was, Trump would not have won in the Primaries, when his opponents were also "in group".

I can easily explain this, but you have to be ready.
WTF are you talking about? Post some bullshit or don't.
Conservatism is what Trump says it is.

Who has ever claimed that Trump is conservative?
I love it how you conservatives elect one & then claim he isn't one.


The conservatives rejected all those running in 2016 w& went with a non conservative.
The conservatives are all RINO's right now. In a couple years, Trump will be the RINO, and people like Corell will pretend supporting the dotard was just their wild, lustful teenager days. Some will say it never happened. Maybe most.

Please stop projecting your vileness onto US.
Your type responded that way under Dubya, back when you labelled anybody who wasn't worshipping the ground he walked on as a RINO. The cycle will continue with the next Conservative flavor of the week. I wonder who will be next and how they'll grab hold of your black little hearts? An oil tycoon who wants to nuke China? A black conservative who wants to rid the country of black people (lol JK that still wouldn't get him your votes)? Gene Simmons? Pam Gellar?
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