Trump asks Congress to investigate possible intel leaks to NBC News

Concentrated corporate wealth and power bought up your media machine once Clinton deregulated the FCC such that now 6 major multinational corporations own ~90% of what Americans see, hear, and read; down from 50 some odd companies back in the 1980’s. So I guess corporate america is liberal/dem. Odd that.
90% of what Americans see, hear and read is from the internet. Non traditional media is wiping out the traditional sources. That's a major reason Trump won. People now know the MSM lies to them.

And, yes, corporate media is liberal, just as a large number of major corporations support liberal causes.

Sure, the internet is totally disconnected from the media machine isn't it.

Whatever "the media machine" is supposed to mean. Do you think Mark Dice is part of the "media machine?" He is one of the most popular posters on youTube. He has close to one million subscribers. InfoWars has more subscribers than MSNBC and CNN put together have viewers.

I think Alex Jones is pefect for you. You're obviously a pack animal and require a good deal of external validation.
I don't like Alex Jones, but I do like some of the other people who work for him like Paul Joseph Watson. The "pack animals" are happily gulping down their feed as they consume vast quantities of MSM propaganda.

The MSM is dead. Just get used to it.
Concentrated corporate wealth and power bought up your media machine once Clinton deregulated the FCC such that now 6 major multinational corporations own ~90% of what Americans see, hear, and read; down from 50 some odd companies back in the 1980’s. So I guess corporate america is liberal/dem. Odd that.
90% of what Americans see, hear and read is from the internet. Non traditional media is wiping out the traditional sources. That's a major reason Trump won. People now know the MSM lies to them.

And, yes, corporate media is liberal, just as a large number of major corporations support liberal causes.

Sure, the internet is totally disconnected from the media machine isn't it.

Whatever "the media machine" is supposed to mean. Do you think Mark Dice is part of the "media machine?" He is one of the most popular posters on youTube. He has close to one million subscribers. InfoWars has more subscribers than MSNBC and CNN put together have viewers.

I think Alex Jones is pefect for you. You're obviously a pack animal and require a good deal of external validation.
I don't like Alex Jones, but I do like some of the other people who work for him like Paul Joseph Watson. The "pack animals" are happily gulping down their feed as they consume vast quantities of MSM propaganda.

The MSM is dead. Just get used to it.

Ha ha ha, I got divorced from tv at the time of the OJ trial; that was enough for me. Once the power structure saw the technology they knew it to be a wonderful instrument with which to shape the perceptual reality of the masses. You're able to see about half of it, but not the entire thing. And that's also why corporate america bought it up.
90% of what Americans see, hear and read is from the internet. Non traditional media is wiping out the traditional sources. That's a major reason Trump won. People now know the MSM lies to them.

And, yes, corporate media is liberal, just as a large number of major corporations support liberal causes.

Sure, the internet is totally disconnected from the media machine isn't it.

Whatever "the media machine" is supposed to mean. Do you think Mark Dice is part of the "media machine?" He is one of the most popular posters on youTube. He has close to one million subscribers. InfoWars has more subscribers than MSNBC and CNN put together have viewers.

I think Alex Jones is pefect for you. You're obviously a pack animal and require a good deal of external validation.
I don't like Alex Jones, but I do like some of the other people who work for him like Paul Joseph Watson. The "pack animals" are happily gulping down their feed as they consume vast quantities of MSM propaganda.

The MSM is dead. Just get used to it.

Ha ha ha, I got divorced from tv at the time of the OJ trial; that was enough for me. Once the power structure saw the technology they knew it to be a wonderful instrument with which to shape the perceptual reality of the masses. You're able to see about half of it, but not the entire thing. And that's also why corporate america bought it up.
If anything, the "power structure" promotes the Democrat party. It hates the internet. That's why they're calling it "fake news." Too bad for them their scheme backfired on them when it became obvious to everyone where the real fake news was coming from.

The "power structure" would like to take over the internet, but so far it hasn't succeeded. That's why douche bags like you denounce it so vociferously.
I am fine with whatever sanctions the USA puts on Russia.

Maybe the sanctions should be the same as Germany levied on the USA for spying on Obama's pal Merkel.
Remember NBC is a proud member of the Democrat Media Complex.

The "intelligence" community feels threatened by someone determined to DRAIN THE SWAMP. They want business as usual to continue

The name of the game is to assassinate the character of, and disenfranchise the, Trump administration by any means necessary.

But Contumacious says

Not gonna happen, it wouldn't be prudent.


It's pretty much a given that you can't believe anything the MSM says about Trump. It's all fake news from here on out.

And that is how it should be approached. Punish the MSM and their supporters. Anything from the MSM is persona-non-grata as far as credible evidence from here forward. When they demand why, you link the COLLUSION leaks between them and the DNC. That is it, all she wrote, and do not give in!

Exactly, govt censorship. Perfect solution.

Sorry, MSM in bed with DNC, their links are no longer accepted. Get a financial site or something credible or your proof is SOL!

You're going to wind up there regardless love, and you know it, that's what partisanshit does to you. And that's why the power structure pushes partisanshit so fiercely.

Let me tell you something my Hoosier neighbor........I think 95% of politicians are crooks, disgusting, Nazi like, drunk with power, etc. The only reason I am Conservative is------>that is the only group that works to give you less of them. The more government there is or the bigger it is, the more politicians you have. They don't work, they don't do anything but spin for a living, and very few ever earn their money as they fight to TAKE more of our money, so they can BUY other people to vote for them. It is disgusting!

Do YOU actually believe that any more than maybe 7% of the politicians are actually working for us? The only reason they put through programs is to buy votes. "The Repubs want to take this from you....the Dems want to steal that from you." Know what, nobody could be stealing ANYTHING, if the politicians didn't 1st steal it from us to give it to everyone else.

So the point is, I am NOT partisan, I am anti over populating our country with useless POLITICIANS! I am also NOT pro Trump, but I am anti Hillary; which is why I voted for Trump! Trump is promising to give me MORE of my money. I do not give 2 shits, the government is almost at 50% of our income through this tax, that tax, state tax, medicare tax, and every other tax you can think of. Enough is enough! They need do with what they have as 50% is plenty, and leave us all alone unless war happens, or something like that. I do not care if 20 million, 50 million, or 100 million do not have healthcare. 50% is enough, let the politicians cut something we don't need to fund it, not tax, or make me pay more. Not to mention.......every freakin time they do their damn QE this, and QE that, the money that WE SAVED out of the paltry 50% they left us with, loses FREAKIN VALUE!

So those of you who want more cash from us......forget about it, not gonna happen if we can help it at all. We are tired of funding your schemes and dreams that never work. We will never stop YOU from INVESTING YOUR money into your schemes and dreams, but don't expect us to. Between 40 and 50% is plenty, if you can't do with that, then tough luck!
So it turns out Putin screwed Hillary?

That's only the 2nd time in her life she was screwed by a man.
Concentrated corporate wealth and power bought up your media machine once Clinton deregulated the FCC such that now 6 major multinational corporations own ~90% of what Americans see, hear, and read; down from 50 some odd companies back in the 1980’s. So I guess corporate america is liberal/dem. Odd that.
90% of what Americans see, hear and read is from the internet. Non traditional media is wiping out the traditional sources. That's a major reason Trump won. People now know the MSM lies to them.

And, yes, corporate media is liberal, just as a large number of major corporations support liberal causes.

Sure, the internet is totally disconnected from the media machine isn't it.
First, you would have define what "media machine" is supposed to mean. Do corporations control what Mark Dice posts on youTube?
Concentrated corporate wealth and power bought up your media machine once Clinton deregulated the FCC such that now 6 major multinational corporations own ~90% of what Americans see, hear, and read; down from 50 some odd companies back in the 1980’s. So I guess corporate america is liberal/dem. Odd that.
90% of what Americans see, hear and read is from the internet. Non traditional media is wiping out the traditional sources. That's a major reason Trump won. People now know the MSM lies to them.

And, yes, corporate media is liberal, just as a large number of major corporations support liberal causes.

Sure, the internet is totally disconnected from the media machine isn't it.
First, you would have define what "media machine" is supposed to mean. Do corporations control what Mark Dice posts on youTube?

That's been our problem for some time, I'd have to explain everything to you.
Concentrated corporate wealth and power bought up your media machine once Clinton deregulated the FCC such that now 6 major multinational corporations own ~90% of what Americans see, hear, and read; down from 50 some odd companies back in the 1980’s. So I guess corporate america is liberal/dem. Odd that.
90% of what Americans see, hear and read is from the internet. Non traditional media is wiping out the traditional sources. That's a major reason Trump won. People now know the MSM lies to them.

And, yes, corporate media is liberal, just as a large number of major corporations support liberal causes.

Sure, the internet is totally disconnected from the media machine isn't it.
First, you would have define what "media machine" is supposed to mean. Do corporations control what Mark Dice posts on youTube?

That's been our problem for some time, I'd have to explain everything to you.
You have to explain it to the lurkers. I know what you mean, but they don't. You think the "media machine" is anyone who broadcasts anything that contradicts your leftwing agenda.

"Our problem" is that you're a douche bag who lies all the time.
Concentrated corporate wealth and power bought up your media machine once Clinton deregulated the FCC such that now 6 major multinational corporations own ~90% of what Americans see, hear, and read; down from 50 some odd companies back in the 1980’s. So I guess corporate america is liberal/dem. Odd that.
90% of what Americans see, hear and read is from the internet. Non traditional media is wiping out the traditional sources. That's a major reason Trump won. People now know the MSM lies to them.

And, yes, corporate media is liberal, just as a large number of major corporations support liberal causes.

Sure, the internet is totally disconnected from the media machine isn't it.
First, you would have define what "media machine" is supposed to mean. Do corporations control what Mark Dice posts on youTube?

That's been our problem for some time, I'd have to explain everything to you.
You have to explain it to the lurkers. I know what you mean, but they don't. You think the "media machine" is anyone who broadcasts anything that contradicts your leftwing agenda.

When someone's such a die hard partisanshithead it's almost impossible for them to look at the world sans their partisanshit.
90% of what Americans see, hear and read is from the internet. Non traditional media is wiping out the traditional sources. That's a major reason Trump won. People now know the MSM lies to them.

And, yes, corporate media is liberal, just as a large number of major corporations support liberal causes.

Sure, the internet is totally disconnected from the media machine isn't it.
First, you would have define what "media machine" is supposed to mean. Do corporations control what Mark Dice posts on youTube?

That's been our problem for some time, I'd have to explain everything to you.
You have to explain it to the lurkers. I know what you mean, but they don't. You think the "media machine" is anyone who broadcasts anything that contradicts your leftwing agenda.

When someone's such a die hard partisanshithead it's almost impossible for them to look at the world sans their partisanshit.
Obviously you know that from personal experience.
Watch the same douche bags who accuse anyone who disputes the Obama/Hillary "Russia election hack" narrative defend NBC News leaking secret government reports.

President-elect Trump has asked Congress to investigate whether classified intelligence regarding Russia's hack-and-release operations during the 2016 election was shared with NBC News this week. "I am asking the chairs of the House and Senate committees to investigate top secret intelligence shared with NBC prior to me seeing it," the incoming Republican president tweeted Friday morning, just before receiving a briefing from top intelligence officials about a report on Moscow's cyber activity that was delivered to President Obama earlier this week.

Now he wants an investigation.

What a tool.
Watch the same douche bags who accuse anyone who disputes the Obama/Hillary "Russia election hack" narrative defend NBC News leaking secret government reports.

President-elect Trump has asked Congress to investigate whether classified intelligence regarding Russia's hack-and-release operations during the 2016 election was shared with NBC News this week. "I am asking the chairs of the House and Senate committees to investigate top secret intelligence shared with NBC prior to me seeing it," the incoming Republican president tweeted Friday morning, just before receiving a briefing from top intelligence officials about a report on Moscow's cyber activity that was delivered to President Obama earlier this week.

Now he wants an investigation.

What a tool.
Why not? Are you some kind of traitor who believes national security leaks shouldn't be investigated?

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