Trump Angry with Fox News Polling


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Midwest - Trumplandia

Poor dear doesn't like it when Pravda/Fox News goes off the reservation.

Trump lashes out at Fox News for new poll showing him losing to all the Democratic candidates
I'm not questioning the results in those polls. I just don't know how useful they really are when it comes down to the electoral college anyway.

Maybe we should just poll people in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and maybe 2 or 3 other states. Everyone else's opinion is meaningless regarding the outcome of this upcoming election.
I'm not questioning the results in those polls. I just don't know how useful they really are when it comes down to the electoral college anyway.

Maybe we should just poll people in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and maybe 2 or 3 other states. Everyone else's opinion is meaningless regarding the outcome of this upcoming election.
Not really. Illegal votes obfuscated actual citizen votes who favored Donald Trump in 2016.
I'm not questioning the results in those polls. I just don't know how useful they really are when it comes down to the electoral college anyway.

Maybe we should just poll people in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and maybe 2 or 3 other states. Everyone else's opinion is meaningless regarding the outcome of this upcoming election.
Not really. Illegal votes obfuscated actual citizen votes who favored Donald Trump in 2016.

Dumb and unrelated.
The issue is FOX has the best broadcaster Tucker, the second best Hannity and the broad on after Hannity. Tucker in particular puts his life on the line telling the truth. Meanwhile, FOX "News" has bizarre fake news douchebags like Cavuto and Chris Wallace.
The "poll" that matters before the election is where people are putting their money in Vegas.
Trump is a 4:1 prohibitive favorite over Bernie. The others are toast.

Donald Trump -180
Bernie Sanders +275
Mike Bloomberg +800
Joe Biden +2000
Pete Buttigieg +2500
You know we're not a good shape when we have a President who is angry and disappointed when a "media" outlet doesn't fall in line.

This has been a slow process, but where we are right now is pretty dangerous.

And the scary part is four more years of this douche, someone with absolutely no love for this country, only concerned with his own fame and personal enrichment and causing pain to those who oppose him. Someone who idolizes dictators (even said he "fell in love" with the worlds most despotic and murderous dictator!) and who welcomes interference in our elections, as long as it will help him retain power.

I understand why GOP Senators and Congressman are on board, they are as unpatriotic as Trump, and merely interested in their own enrichment as well. What I'll never understand is how so many mouth breathers and droolers cannot see the real Donald Trump. It's not like he is hiding anything.
The issue is FOX has the best broadcaster Tucker, the second best Hannity and the broad on after Hannity. Tucker in particular puts his life on the line telling the truth. Meanwhile, FOX "News" has bizarre fake news douchebags like Cavuto and Chris Wallace.

Ah yes, those who actually don't bow down and lick the boots (or in the case of Hannity, lick the anus) of Trump are "fake news".

The Dumbing Down of America rolls on….
What I'll never understand is how so many mouth breathers and droolers cannot see the real Donald Trump. It's not like he is hiding anything.
I think they see it.

He is a symptom, a living expression of the frustration and rage and paranoia that talk radio has instilled in them over the years. Their primal scream. A big "fuck you" to everyone they don't like. So the more he annoys people the happier they are about it.

Counter-intuitive, I know, but I'm pretty sure that's close.
The "poll" that matters before the election is where people are putting their money in Vegas.
Trump is a 4:1 prohibitive favorite over Bernie. The others are toast.

Donald Trump -180
Bernie Sanders +275
Mike Bloomberg +800
Joe Biden +2000
Pete Buttigieg +2500

What was the betting line this time 4 years ago?
The "poll" that matters before the election is where people are putting their money in Vegas.
Trump is a 4:1 prohibitive favorite over Bernie. The others are toast.

Donald Trump -180
Bernie Sanders +275
Mike Bloomberg +800
Joe Biden +2000
Pete Buttigieg +2500

What was the betting line this time 4 years ago?
Hillary -700 Trump +475 on election night. Trump had no chance, no way to 270. The GOP establishment was against him, the MSM and Hollywood hated him, the Obama agencies illegally spied on him and investigated him. Hillary had her "blue wall" that was impregnable. There was just no fucking way that Trump had any way to win....

Do you have a democrat "Trump" running for president that I don't see?? Didn't think so.
What I'll never understand is how so many mouth breathers and droolers cannot see the real Donald Trump. It's not like he is hiding anything.
I think they see it.

He is a symptom, a living expression of the frustration and rage and paranoia that talk radio has instilled in them over the years. Their primal scream. A big "fuck you" to everyone they don't like. So the more he annoys people the happier they are about it.

Counter-intuitive, I know, but I'm pretty sure that's close.

Couldn't have said it any better than this.
The "poll" that matters before the election is where people are putting their money in Vegas.
Trump is a 4:1 prohibitive favorite over Bernie. The others are toast.

Donald Trump -180
Bernie Sanders +275
Mike Bloomberg +800
Joe Biden +2000
Pete Buttigieg +2500

That's a little disingenuous as every Democrat's odds are going to be lower than the president since they all have to win the Democratic party nomination first.

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