Trump advisor says waiting until June to reopen the economy will be a disaster


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Reopen now, more will die of the virus.
Reopen later, more will die of despair, suicide.
Pick your poison.

Trump adviser Stephen Moore: It's time to reopen the economy because we are seeing real devastation

Stephen Moore, an economic adviser to President Donald Trump, thinks the U.S. economy needs to be opened back up immediately, despite the very real ongoing health threat from the coronavirus.

If the administration waits any longer, it could get even uglier for the economy, Moore said.

“Summer is going to be a disaster under any scenario. This disaster will be really brutal. But I think you could start to see by late August, early September, the signs of a recovery where people feel better about things,” Moore said on Yahoo Finance’s The First Trade, on how the economy would react to a May 1 reopening.

Moore added, “If we wait until June or July, you can write off not just 2020, but the first half of 2021. You’re talking about real devastation. So that’s why I have been such a bull on getting the economy open quickly. Really it’s just heartbreaking, and you see what’s happening with the food lines, with people at the Salvation Army where trucks in some cities are a mile long. We are facing real devastation here, and the human toll is growing with each passing day.”

I'd like to see their analysis. I totally agree that we have to get things moving, but would still like to see the data and projections.
Lowlife POS Democrats are tying their hardest to do one of two things:

1. Make President Trump's second term a real chore.

2. Make Trump lose, in which case, the whole enchilada gets dumped squarely in Joe Biden's lap. Then they can crow for the next four years "What a turrible President Trump was", while the whole economy circles the shitter for the last time.

Even a blind Stevie Wonder could see this coming.
MSM ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS generalizes and puts things out of context in order to create their opposition narrative.
The viewers are being hoodwinked to think States actions are gonna be back to before the stay at home or that the States are still hot zones.
Fact is States needed to open to let safe regions slowly go back while still maintaining strict Restrictions for higher populated or hot zone potential cities. The allowing for common sense activities for low to no risk regions is because it's unfair to group every county by it's state and thus giving back those towns rights to impliment by their councils to do what their areas need and require not what a blanket state needs.
This is common sense which MSM has not shown to have in their arguments against States being fair to their less at risk citizens /regions.
Should you trust a network who lies about a State being a hot spot when their only cases were less then 20 in one business?
Should you trust a network who's virus map places big red infected circles over every area includong low to no infection regions to make it look scarey to scare viewers and markets?
The new talking point by the resistance is coming back (to economy- because they need to keep it restrained to even remotely have a chance win the election)
The other portion of the return argument is TESTING TESTS TESTING TESTING TESTING, LIKE PARROTS ON SPEED, they repeat the same syncronized claim on there being no real testings.
THE SAME PEOPLE SAY there is no toilet paper thatcs because someone is hoarding it all complaining they need more to hoard more while they ship it for mulla to some foreign country.
Go over the list of usual suspects known for their pay to play schemes and swamp critters and there you'll find the warehouse full of tests, masks, ventillators, and toilet paper going out the backdoor & into shipping containers.
Who do we know in NY besides Hillary and Soros?
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Reopen now, more will die of the virus.
Reopen later, more will die of despair, suicide.
Pick your poison.
That sums it up. We have already severely damaged ourselves in ways that will deepen and worsen and unfold for many months to come. And all to save some people most of which were likely to die of something pretty soon anyway so that now EVERYONE and EVERYTHING is fucked up! We are already damaged far worse than we imagine. A delay until June, you might as well throw in the towel and plant a flower on our graves.
The worst of the pandemic has passed already, just weeks ago, when trillions of dollars were loaned to the government.

Nothing worst can happen... even if a meteorite crash on earth and earthquakes and tsunamis remove the planet...
Like the Lieutenant Governor of Texas says:

"There are more important things than living."
And lets all be honest, the completely insane and illogical hatred of Trump by the American left and their political party, has them doing everything thing they can including wishing for the economy to stay completely shutdown in order to beat one man.

I can see why Mark wants the economy to stay closed.
The only thing we know for sure is that this all magically ends on Nov. 4 - one way or the other. There's certainly no reason to keep up this charade after that.

Granted the ecomony will be in shambles, but the marxist shitstains don't care about that..... 2% of them are filthy rich and the other 98% live in squalor.
Like the Lieutenant Governor of Texas says:

"There are more important things than living."
.....Living in utter poverty and hopeless despair, I think he means.

Yes, and he was looking at the big picture, as he put it later: "saving this country for my children and my grandchildren and saving this country for all of us,"
Exactly. We are consigning millions to no future or hope in exchange for the highly speculative and theoretical
saving of a handful of lives today.

We cleared out all of our hospitals thinking they would be overwhelmed by all the Covid 19 cases that would
flood our health system and guess what? Those hospitals are all near empty, like the hospital ship docked off New York to handle the tens of thousands of Covid patients expected to overwhelm N.Y.
And guess what? Navy hospital ship sent to NYC for outbreak no longer needed, says Cuomo

Cuomo says the ship is no longer needed! We are blindly and stupidly destroying ourselves for fear of what might
happen if we return to normal. And the fear of what might happen is causing 100X the misery and trouble
that the reality of Covid 19 is causing!
Wake up leftist lemmings.
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