Trump admits.....I got nothin


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Trump: I'll Release My Tax Returns When Obama Releases His Birth Certificate - George Stephanopoulos' Bottom Line

Stephanopoulos: You said that you sent investigators to Hawaii and you said quote, "They cannot believe what they’re finding."

Trump: We’re going to see what happens, George.

Stephanopoulos: What have they found?

Trump: We’re going to see what-- that’s none of your business right now. We’re going to see what happens.

So, after announcing his topnotch investigators "can't believe what they are finding", Trump clams up and says "thats none of your business" when asked what they found

Knowing that admitting that his birther claims are a hoax....Trump is trying to kick the can down the road promising some secret surprise
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Trump is nothing more than early election cylce fodder. Some other sacrifical lamb will be foisted up as the republican nominee. The only thing that would bring a Christie or a Jeb Bush into the race would be some cosmic uber fuckup by Obama, and I dont see that happening. Again, unseating a sitting president is hard, it requires usually some outside force to make happen.

Look to 2016 for a far better crop of republican candidates, when they will basically be fighting for an open office.
Trump: I'll Release My Tax Returns When Obama Releases His Birth Certificate - George Stephanopoulos' Bottom Line

Stephanopoulos: You said that you sent investigators to Hawaii and you said quote, "They cannot believe what they’re finding."

Trump: We’re going to see what happens, George.

Stephanopoulos: What have they found?

Trump: We’re going to see what-- that’s none of your business right now. We’re going to see what happens.

So, after announcing his topnotch investigators "can't believe what they are finding", Trump clams up and says "thats none of your business" when asked what they found

Knowing that admitting that his birther claims are a hoax....Trump is trying to kick the can down the road promising some secret surprise

Someone else on the forum who knows I like Herman Cain a lot asked my why I like Cain but not Trump and this is what I told him:

Donald Trump is a phoney to me. I dont think he shares my values or ideals and don't really think he would be a good president.

Herman Cain, for the most part, has values and ideals that line up closely with my own. Because of this I feel that when pressed with important decisions he would be the most likely to respond in a way that I would want. Cain's not perfect, he has made some comments about muslims that I dont like, but out of everyone who i've heard that is running he comes closest to my personal values so i will support him for now.

I mean Trump is running around on TV calling for obama's B.C. and crap like that, plus if you payed any attention to Trump in the past you would see that he is a Trojan Horse of a canidate for republicans.
is anyone taking trump seriously? really?

that is on par with wondering about the sexual orientation of cartoon characters if you ask me

damn it pp....i have been quiet long enough.....i thought at first this was merely an experimental period for you ...this damned tea party bullmal....but it looks like you have hit the tar baby and all

honey it is all about making money....that is all the tea party is...all the democrats are...all the republicans are....dont be sucked in by any of the pretty words....
Trump: I'll Release My Tax Returns When Obama Releases His Birth Certificate - George Stephanopoulos' Bottom Line

Stephanopoulos: You said that you sent investigators to Hawaii and you said quote, "They cannot believe what they’re finding."

Trump: We’re going to see what happens, George.

Stephanopoulos: What have they found?

Trump: We’re going to see what-- that’s none of your business right now. We’re going to see what happens.

So, after announcing his topnotch investigators "can't believe what they are finding", Trump clams up and says "thats none of your business" when asked what they found

Knowing that admitting that his birther claims are a hoax....Trump is trying to kick the can down the road promising some secret surprise

wishful thinking as usual from the rw press.
Trump is nothing more than early election cylce fodder. Some other sacrifical lamb will be foisted up as the republican nominee. The only thing that would bring a Christie or a Jeb Bush into the race would be some cosmic uber fuckup by Obama, and I dont see that happening. Again, unseating a sitting president is hard, it requires usually some outside force to make happen.

Look to 2016 for a far better crop of republican candidates, when they will basically be fighting for an open office.

That outside force would be a sucking wind economy.
is anyone taking trump seriously? really?

that is on par with wondering about the sexual orientation of cartoon characters if you ask me

damn it pp....i have been quiet long enough.....i thought at first this was merely an experimental period for you ...this damned tea party bullmal....but it looks like you have hit the tar baby and all

honey it is all about making money....that is all the tea party is...all the democrats are...all the republicans are....dont be sucked in by any of the pretty words....


Im talking a guy not the tea party. Yes he is a tea party member but out of all the republican canidates he is the most "real" for me. there is no way im voting for obama again.
i wont vote for obama....but i wont vote gop or tea party.....i will sit it out this round....for the first time in my life...i simply cannot vote for any of them.....we all keep wishing for a dark horse ...well we are only getting jackasses
i wont vote for obama....but i wont vote gop or tea party.....i will sit it out this round....for the first time in my life...i simply cannot vote for any of them.....we all keep wishing for a dark horse ...well we are only getting jackasses

Go and vote 3rd party then!

if the 3rd party gets enough votes they can qualify for federal campaign money next time around and we might have a vialble 3rd choice for once.

just saying, you can still vote and not be wasting your vote ;).
is anyone taking trump seriously? really?

that is on par with wondering about the sexual orientation of cartoon characters if you ask me

damn it pp....i have been quiet long enough.....i thought at first this was merely an experimental period for you ...this damned tea party bullmal....but it looks like you have hit the tar baby and all

honey it is all about making money....that is all the tea party is...all the democrats are...all the republicans are....dont be sucked in by any of the pretty words....

haven't you seen the polls zipperlips ?? the polls are all that matter and they are always right, just like right wingy, always right, and wingy.
i'm sure people will forget about seeing the president's real birth certificate as we morph from hope and change to "magic and miracles" i'm going forward with my rallies, just for fun. we'll run that up the flagpole and see who salutes. all i have to to is sustain doubt in the minds of likely voters. obama's corrupt, we all know it, now we just have to find the truth without his help. freedom of information might be an avenue.
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I suspect that the Clintons already checked on Obama's birth status during the 2008 Democratic Primaries and found nothing!
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i wont vote for obama....but i wont vote gop or tea party.....i will sit it out this round....for the first time in my life...i simply cannot vote for any of them.....we all keep wishing for a dark horse ...well we are only getting jackasses

Go and vote 3rd party then!

if the 3rd party gets enough votes they can qualify for federal campaign money next time around and we might have a vialble 3rd choice for once.

just saying, you can still vote and not be wasting your vote ;).

Yeah, because Bob Barr was such a strong 3rd party candidate in 2008...:cuckoo:
Trump: I'll Release My Tax Returns When Obama Releases His Birth Certificate - George Stephanopoulos' Bottom Line

Stephanopoulos: You said that you sent investigators to Hawaii and you said quote, "They cannot believe what they’re finding."

Trump: We’re going to see what happens, George.

Stephanopoulos: What have they found?

Trump: We’re going to see what-- that’s none of your business right now. We’re going to see what happens.

So, after announcing his topnotch investigators "can't believe what they are finding", Trump clams up and says "thats none of your business" when asked what they found

Knowing that admitting that his birther claims are a hoax....Trump is trying to kick the can down the road promising some secret surprise


A character assassination technique made MOST FAMOUS by that drunken, son of a bitch, lying piece of shit named JOE MCCATHY.

Doesn't suprise me one bit that TRUMP is employing it, either.
where is some proof in this stunning headline, i couldn't read where trump said "i've got nothin", perhaps you could provide a link to support your claim. otherwise it's the same as saying, "a couple of us have seen the original and everything's fine"... move along... nothing to see here... i'm waiting to hear from dan rather on the subject, he's pretty good with mystery documents. maybe the issue will just fade away before the election.

looks like you got nothin right wiggy... your argument of "let's wait and see" is the same as "i got nothin" is tantamount to birth certificate and certificate of live birth are the same.
the problem is that there is a secret birth certifcate that we can't see, only i want to see it, and i'm not the only one. even if our grandchildren get to see it, someday it will come out, or it will be declared "somehow misplaced, lost, or accidentally destroyed, they all mean the same thing, cover up corruption. that this mystery doc is evident, that's the problem with cover ups, when you lie, you have to remember twice as much. i know you are desparate to cling to your obama and his hope and change, but this is bigger than you or me. your man is going down one way or another. like the new york times you run headlines without substance, but we're all used to that.
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where is some proof in this stunning headline, i couldn't read where trump said i've got nothin, perhaps you could provide a link to support your claim. otherwise it's the same as saying, "a couple of us have seen the original and everything's fine"... move along... nothing to see here... i'm waiting to hear from dan rather on the subject, he's pretty good with mystery documents. maybe the issue will just fade away before the election.

He did just say that he doesn't see what privacy has to do with abortion.....

Do you hear that? The crickets are laughing at him!!! :lol:

He also felt he did good at college. :confused:
It reminds me of Bush's decision to invade Iraq on the assumption that he would be able to find something to pin on Saddam

Trump has been shooting his mouth off on the assumption that his crack team of investigators would be able to dig something up

In the end, he just replies...."None of your business" while he waits for it to go away
i wont vote for obama....but i wont vote gop or tea party.....i will sit it out this round....for the first time in my life...i simply cannot vote for any of them.....we all keep wishing for a dark horse ...well we are only getting jackasses

I agree with what you say but sitting it out is like quitting, get in the fight and help with a solution. that is the problem with the post I am seeing, everyone, both sides, complain about the other but no one offers a solution.

Let elect a new government from the phone book at random, we couldn't possibly do worse.

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