Trump administration working on new transgender bathroom directive


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The Trump administration is working to undo an Obama-era directive that allows students to use school restrooms that correspond with their gender identity, the White House said Tuesday. White House spokesman Sean Spicer did not go into specifics on the new set of guidelines being prepared by the Justice Department, but said Trump has long held that such
Trump administration working on new transgender bathroom directive

Oh here we go again when it comes to making the kids safe the uproar begins. Leftist freaks don't care about thier kids they'd rather make things fair for the one percent.
Their mentality can't seem to figure out the Transgenders aren't the problem it is the heterosexual idiots who will dress up like a woman so they can rape, molest, video tape little girls and or women while in the bathroom ......
The Trump administration is working to undo an Obama-era directive that allows students to use school restrooms that correspond with their gender identity, the White House said Tuesday. White House spokesman Sean Spicer did not go into specifics on the new set of guidelines being prepared by the Justice Department, but said Trump has long held that such
Trump administration working on new transgender bathroom directive

Oh here we go again when it comes to making the kids safe the uproar begins. Leftist freaks don't care about thier kids they'd rather make things fair for the one percent.
Their mentality can't seem to figure out the Transgenders aren't the problem it is the heterosexual idiots who will dress up like a woman so they can rape, molest, video tape little girls and or women while in the bathroom ......
Asked whether Caitlyn Jenner would be free to use any bathroom she wanted if she walked into Trump Tower, he said, “That is correct.”

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