True COVID Mortality Rate Now Looking Like .2% from Initial 2.0-4.0%, It Really is Just a Dang Flu

COVID19‘s 84,000 plus death toll in just a few months, easily exceeds the Hong Kong Flu, Asian Flu and the Spanish Flu death totals within the same length of time. Those three epidemics had been the greatest killers of American citizens.

80,000 last flu season. World was not plunged into worst depression in history, and police state. Your papers, please.

We're at 88,550 deaths in the US and the end is not in sight. That's 88,550 having TAKEN radical steps to slow the spread. Initial estimates were up to 2 MILLION fatalities. So, if we had done nothing, where would the death toll be today?

Yea radical steps like shipping COVID patients to nursing homes so they can blow up the death count even more? By committing murder? For $2 trillion you could have properly sheltered the vulnerable and given a million dollars to every nurse working overtime and staying in a Hilton and let everyone else work in a healthy economy. And reach herd immunity. All the shutdowns guaranteed was a second wave, next time so they can push through their deadly mandatory vaccine and depopulation program. Nursing Homes Balk at COVID Patient Transfers from Hospitals
Yea radical steps like shipping COVID patients to nursing homes so they can blow up the death count even more? By committing murder? For $2 trillion you could have properly sheltered the vulnerable and given a million dollars to every nurse working overtime and staying in a Hilton and let everyone else work in a healthy economy. And reach herd immunity. All the shutdowns guaranteed was a second wave, next time so they can push through their deadly mandatory vaccine and depopulation program. Nursing Homes Balk at COVID Patient Transfers from Hospitals

Down to 1.5% of current cases being serious critical
17 states reporting no deaths for last 2/3 days.
Yeah, let’s tighten the grip lib loons.
Down to 1.5% of current cases being serious critical
17 states reporting no deaths for last 2/3 days.
Yeah, let’s tighten the grip lib loons.

States threatening further lockdowns if spike in cases, which is guaranteed because that's what a fun does until herd immunity is attained. Spread. it is good and natural as long as vulnerable are sheltered and people are allowed to acquire immunities. The national shutdown was like bulldozing a town to the ground because two houses were on fire.

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