Truckers are starting a working-class revolution — and the left hates it

Equal pay is only for equal work, and all employees work at different levels. Unions guarantee equal pay regardless how much work one does. That's one of the reasons unions failed in this country.

Our federal government was designed by our founders to govern, not make sure CEO's only make X amount of money. That's a business decision as it should be, not a governments decision.

Increased minimum wage would only create a domino effect and as we are seeing today, an inflation problem. While there has been no federal minimum wage hike, employers have to offer more pay to attract workers. Those costs get transferred to the products and services we use, and when things cost more, that's the definition of inflation which is today at a 40 year high.

By lowering taxes on businesses, and beefing up our security at the border, that's what Trump did for the working class. Before covid we had nearly a million more jobs than Americans who could work them. That's a plus for the American worker.
See, I told you the cartoon was a lie.
Coming to America. Working class truckers going to show the Liberal elite who gives them their power.

Stuart Varney loves it...

Well, I'm definitely not the 'liberal elite' crew, but I too am quite sick of this right wing faux bullshit. Truckers are important, understood. However, it's a job where resources are easily replaced.
Reports are the woman trampled by a Canadian horse patrol just died at the hospital ... #Trudeau #FreedomConvoyCanada
By Sara Carter

The woman trampled by the RCMP was in a wheelchair.
Only in Fascist and Marxist countries have we seen this before.
Trudeau is turning the Convoy Protest into Canada's Tiananmen Square massacre.
The next question is, has Trudeau initiated his tyrannical Emergency Powers move against the truckers as a precursor that may happen in America under Pres. Joey Xi Bia Dung.
What we have happening now in Canada is another Ashli Babbitt

Reports are the woman trampled by a Canadian horse patrol just died at the hospital ... #Trudeau #FreedomConvoyCanada
By Sara Carter

The woman trampled by the RCMP was in a wheelchair.
Only in Fascist and Marxist countries have we seen this before.
Trudeau is turning the Convoy Protest into Canada's Tiananmen Square massacre.
The next question is, has Trudeau initiated his tyrannical Emergency Powers move against the truckers as a precursor that may happen in America under Pres. Joey Xi Bia Dung.
What we have happening now in Canada is another Ashli Babbitt

Leftists are fascists. They keep proving it. They want you subdued and compliant and not questioning their authority.

Damn them to hell.
I think so
There is no revolution. A few thousand intellectually challenged fat arse truckies vented their spleens until their money ran out. Hardly something that would put the earth off it's axis.

Every day you nuts post lies and hypocrisy. Consistently as if it's all you have. You hate like nothing on earth. That's not the sign of intelligence.
Ever tried posting something that doesn't have a slant of hatred towards dems or something factual?
You fools take a bit of convincing.
Oh look everyone,another sock puppet shill from Langley thst does not believe in human rights.
Scary, right? Last weekend we were driving across town and listening to "Abra-Abra-cadabra. Just want to reach out and grab ya". I mis-quoted the artist of that song BIG TIME. Drew a blank and blurted out "Billey Joel". Wow didn't my 13-year-old daughter light into me. Of course, we ALL know that was ...

[name that band]
There is no revolution. A few thousand intellectually challenged fat arse truckies vented their spleens until their money ran out. Hardly something that would put the earth off it's axis.

Every day you nuts post lies and hypocrisy. Consistently as if it's all you have. You hate like nothing on earth. That's not the sign of intelligence.
Ever tried posting something that doesn't have a slant of hatred towards dems or something factual?
You fools take a bit of convincing.
Yep, here's one of the retards who hates the working class.
There is no revolution. A few thousand intellectually challenged fat arse truckies vented their spleens until their money ran out. Hardly something that would put the earth off it's axis.

Every day you nuts post lies and hypocrisy. Consistently as if it's all you have. You hate like nothing on earth. That's not the sign of intelligence.
Ever tried posting something that doesn't have a slant of hatred towards dems or something factual?
You fools take a bit of convincing.
Intellectually challenged?

they are smart enough to lnow that the mandates are useless and a threat to democracy

and you arent
Intellectually challenged?

they are smart enough to lnow that the mandates are useless and a threat to democracy

and you arent
I remind you Canada is a democracy nor has anything been submitted to change that.
The emergency powers are available to any pm including a potus.

The fact remains he wasn't buffed by those idiots or nuts like you screaming fascism . Trudeau won and he will not face repercussions because that lot vote Republican anyway. They cannot vote him out.
Reports are the woman trampled by a Canadian horse patrol just died at the hospital ... #Trudeau #FreedomConvoyCanada
By Sara Carter

The woman trampled by the RCMP was in a wheelchair.
Only in Fascist and Marxist countries have we seen this before.
Trudeau is turning the Convoy Protest into Canada's Tiananmen Square massacre.
The next question is, has Trudeau initiated his tyrannical Emergency Powers move against the truckers as a precursor that may happen in America under Pres. Joey Xi Bia Dung.
What we have happening now in Canada is another Ashli Babbitt

I doubt Dementia would try anything like this. We have a Constitution with a court that would uphold it. As long as the protests remain peaceful, the federal government has no authority to stop it. Canada? They are on the final step to Communism unless their people wake up and get rid of authoritarians like Trudeau.

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